Jun Jiuling

Chapter 363 Ask me for my name

This auspicious word came true very quickly.

When another night passed and morning came, Miss Jun, who was half-sitting by the bed and dozed off tiredly, was pushed on the shoulder.

Subconsciously, she grabbed the hand that touched her shoulder.

"Miss Jun."

A soft female voice rang in my ears at the same time.

elder sister.

Miss Jun stood up by grabbing Princess Jiuli's hand and melted the bracelet that was about to be opened.

Because I started too violently, I felt a little dizzy for a moment.

Princess Jiuli's hand supported her again.

Miss Jun stood firm and reached out to press her forehead.

"Princess, I'm sorry, I fell asleep." She said with a little apology and anxiety.

"You have been guarding for a day and a night." Princess Jiuli said.

It means not to blame her for falling asleep.

Like all princesses and noble daughters, she only speaks half of the words.

It is very unmannered to express your forgiveness or resentment towards the other party in person.

In the past, she always couldn't understand this, and she would fight against her sister whenever she found a chance.

Listening to it now makes me feel very kind.

Miss Jun smiled and turned to look at King Huai.

Princess Jiuli would not wake her up for no reason, let alone blame her, a doctor, for being lazy and falling asleep, it must be the fault of King Huai.

King Huai fell asleep as usual, but he seemed to be sleeping soundly than usual.

Miss Jun hurriedly stretched out her hand to touch King Huai's forehead.

"I don't think it's so hot anymore." Princess Jiuli said from the side.

It's more than just like, obviously it is.

Miss Jun stretched out her hand to check her pulse, the smile on her face disappeared, she couldn't help but leaned over and pressed her face to King Huai's.

Little guy, you finally got through a level.


Lu Yunqi's voice sounded at the back, probably after a long time, his voice was a little hoarse.

Miss Jun got up and stood up straight. Princess Jiuli looked away from her and looked at King Huai.

"Yes, the fever is gone," Miss Jun said.

"Is that all right?" Lu Yunqi asked.

Miss Jun did not speak, but took the medicine box aside and opened it.

Lu Yunqi looked at her medicine box. It was not the kind that doctors usually use, but filled with delicate grids. When Miss Jun pressed and touched it, a grid opened in one place, and there was a porcelain bottle inside.

This medicine box is so exquisitely crafted and has a hidden mechanism that outsiders may not be able to open it for a while.

Miss Jun didn't mind Lu Yunqi's inspection of her medicine box. He poured out a pill from the porcelain bottle and broke it open.

"Sure enough, it's much better. I can swallow the pills by myself." She said, even though she said so, she didn't look very excited. She seemed to be used to indifference, and she didn't even know how to be excited.

"It's not healed yet, it's just that my life is safe." Miss Jun said, "It will take a while to wake up."

After all, he picked up the medicine box.

"I'll go get some medicine."


The news that King Huai had recovered from his fever quickly spread.

The imperial doctors looked not very good-looking.

"Fever is not necessarily cured." They said.

But three days later, the news that King Huai woke up made them completely speechless.

Is it really cured? It's only seven or eight days.

"Your Highness?"

Miss Jun stretched out her hand and waved it in front of King Huai.

"Can you see clearly?"

King Huai turned his eyes, he didn't look at her hand, but looked at her.

"Who are you?" he asked.

Because I woke up, the voice was weak and weak, almost inaudible.

Miss Jun looked at him both happy and sad, and couldn't help but want to reach out and touch his face.

"This is the doctor who cured you, Miss Jun." Jiu Li said from the side, sitting down and stroking King Huai's forehead.

Miss Jun straightened her expression. Yes, she was a doctor, so she could only show the relief that belonged to a doctor, not the affectionate sister and brother like Princess Jiuli.

King Huai didn't look at her again, but turned his head to look at Jiuli.

"Sister," he called, as if about to cry, "I dreamed of you and...you were with me."

He said that you and... you seemed to be children stumbling, but Miss Jun's heart skipped a beat.

Or he wanted to talk about you and the second sister.

Jiu Li didn't seem to notice, just stroking his face.

"Not afraid, not afraid." She said, "My sister is here."

There was no joyful cry or lost smile, the siblings snuggled together as if nothing had happened, King Huai was just a child who had woken up from a nightmare and was being comforted by his sister.

Knowing that King Huai was awake, the people in the palace immediately came to visit. After Miss Jun asked them to express the concerns of the emperor, queen, queen and others to King Huai, she suggested that the nobles should not come to visit.

"Your Highness is just awake, it's still not good, it will be bad if you infect the nobles." She said.

These words made the eunuchs hurriedly leave and leave Prince Huai's mansion.

King Huai's spirit is getting better and better, because it is more convenient to take medicine after waking up.

When it was the twelfth lunar month, King Huai could get out of bed and walk a few steps. Princess Jiuli sat by the bed, looked at King Huai who turned back after walking a few steps, with a smile on her face.

"Sister, I'm hungry." Huai Wang said, holding Princess Jiuli's hand.

Princess Jiuli smiled and pulled him slowly to the bed on the other side, where a kang table was already set up.

"Pass the meal." She ordered the maids and sat down.

Regardless of whether it is a meal or not, Princess Jiuli eats and lives with King Huai these days.

Looking at the food delivered, Princess Jiuli picked up the bowls and chopsticks first, and King Huai was also ready to eat happily. Miss Jun who came in with the medicine bowl hurriedly stopped after seeing this scene.

"Your Highness, let me see if this meal can be used first." She said.

The maids on the side looked sideways.

Since King Huai was able to eat, this Miss Jun must see and taste every meal.

What does this mean? Are you afraid that someone will poison you?

"His Highness is taking medicine, so as not to be taboo," Miss Jun said.

"Miss Jun, can you tell us the taboo? We can avoid it too." A court lady couldn't help but say.

Miss Jun was concentrating on tasting the food with chopsticks one by one, when she heard this and glanced at the maid.

"Too many," she said. "It changes every day, so it's hard to say."

She is a doctor and she has the final say, the maid had no choice but to keep silent.

"Okay, you can take it." Miss Jun said with a smile after checking, and put the medicine bowl on the table, "You can take the medicine after eating."

Princess Jiuli smiled. She didn't stop or praise Miss Jun's behavior, as if it was a matter of course or indifferent.

After eating and taking medicine, King Huai fell into a drowsy sleep, while Princess Jiuli sat by the bed and picked up her needle and thread as usual.

Still the same as before, I do needlework every day, and I haven't seen her make anything after doing it for a year.

Miss Jun stood aside and watched Princess Jiuli slightly lost in thought.

However, for my sister, what else can she do besides sewing.

"What's your name?" Princess Jiuli asked suddenly.

Miss Jun was stunned by the question, and met Princess Jiuli's gaze.

Princess Jiuli just glanced at her and then continued to do her sewing with her head down, like a casual chat.

These days they seldom chat. Princess Jiuli is not someone who likes to talk, especially to ask others, but she can keep silent. After all, this place is under the eyes of the emperor and Lu Yunqi, and she is facing her own ** **I want to miss my loved ones every day.

Hatred can be concealed, but warmth and longing are really difficult to conceal.

I didn't expect to ask this question when I chatted with Princess Jiuli.

Why did she ask her own name? Are you also aware of something and want to prove something?

What about her? Is there something to hide?


After all, she used this name just for today, to let those who want to forget and those who don't want to forget themselves, remember this name again.

Miss Jun looked at Princess Jiuli.

"My name is Jiu Ling." She said.

Princess Jiuli raised her hand holding the needle and looked up at Miss Jun.

"Jun Jiuling." Miss Jun continued.

Princess Jiuli looked at her with a slight smile, lowered her head again and continued to thread the needle.

"What a coincidence," she said, "I have a younger sister, also named Jiu Ling."

"Really, what a coincidence." Miss Jun said, lowering her gaze.

Princess Jiuli's voice paused.

"However." She said, and sighed again, "She is not as obedient as you, but she is a very troublesome child."

Nonsense, that's not it, and said bad things about her.

Miss Jun lowered her eyes and flattened her mouth, but there was water in her eyes.


Thanks to Bing Yi in the south for rewarding Xianhuayuan

Thank you Feng Yu for rewarding the lord, thank you? The last shot? Reward the ally.

Thanks to md12 for rewarding He Choi.

Thanks to ll660906 for rewarding the God of Wealth Jar.

Thank you all for your love and have a great weekend.

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