Jun Jiuling

Chapter 559: Good news

It was still dark at the beginning of the winter morning, the hall was brightly lit, and the earth dragon was burning hot, but everyone's heart was still cold.

The emperor sitting on the dragon chair was in a bad spirit, and he hadn't had a good night's sleep for a long time.

The officials of the Manchu Dynasty were noisy.

The topics surrounding it were naturally Duke Cheng's refusal to return and Duke Cheng's son's arrogance and arrogance to escape.

It got so loud that everyone got angry at the end.

"Master Huang, you are impeaching Duke Cheng at this time, isn't it public revenge?" An official shouted at Huang Cheng.

"That's right, you are playing tricks on your colleagues and deliberately harming Duke Cheng." Someone also shouted.

Ning Yunzhao, who was standing at the end, frowned.

You can't really say that.

"This is the wind." He whispered to the people beside him.

The officials next to him couldn't help it.

"Then it's a tie this time." He whispered, "Master Ning had the upper hand yesterday."

The officials in front were arguing and noisy, and An Sheng watched them as low-ranking officials did not have the turn to participate.

There are also low-level officials who are eager to try, and the great court competition is also an opportunity to leave an impression in front of the emperor and show off in front of the world.

"Impressions can be divided into good and bad, and the limelight can also be divided into high and low." Ning Yunzhao did not suggest, "It's not the time for us to talk, it's better to wait and see how it changes."

His uncle is Ning Yan, maybe this is what Lord Ning meant, so everyone just waited and watched the changes, watching those high-ranking courtiers argue endlessly.

Sure enough, as Ning Yunzhao said, after hearing these words, Huang Cheng did not refute, and the emperor took the dragon case first.

"Is every impeachment of the censor a personal revenge?" He shouted, "absurd."

Immediately, several censors stood up and refuted the two officials, but Huang Cheng didn't have to speak, and there was a sneer on his lips.

"Of course not every one of them." Ning Yan signaled the two officials to step back, stood up and said in a deep voice, "But Master Huang and Duke Cheng have always been at odds, and everyone knows that now that the battle ahead is tense, Master Huang is in Obstruction from the rear, is this going to hand over the Northland to the gold thief?"

Huang Cheng raised his eyebrows.

"It's not that I want to send the Northland to the gold thief. It's because Cheng Guogong is very happy to cause today's war in the Northland." He shouted in a high voice, and then sneered, "The current chaos in the Northland may be due to Cheng What the Duke wants to see, so as to show how important he is to the court."

This is really embarrassing!

The expressions of all the people in the court changed.

"Master Huang, don't talk nonsense." Ning Yan shouted.

"If not, why have you been unable to restrain the gold thieves for so long? Why did you let the Kaide mansion ignore you?" Huang Cheng also shouted, "The Kaide mansion, which is so close to the capital, is occupied by the gold men, threatening the capital, and people are panicking. Who are you trying to scare, who are you going to blackmail? So ten orders, in exchange for ten refusals, is it sure that no one can move him now?"

What a shame!

This is simply charging Cheng Guogong with treason, injustice and treason.

The emperor already taboos Cheng Guogong's military power, so if you say this again...

"Huang Cheng, your heart can be punished." Ning Yan shouted with a livid face.

"Who wants to be punished? If you don't want to be punished, take back the Kaide Mansion." Huang Cheng shouted, "Drive out the gold thief?"

The fall of Kaide Mansion was indeed an unavoidable event, and it was the best weapon to attack Duke Cheng.

Because this position is too important and too sensitive, unless the Kaide Mansion is recovered, there is no solution.

There was a silence in the hall.

Seeing this silence, a sneer appeared on Huang Cheng's face.

He was about to make persistent efforts to say something when an urgent call came from outside the door.

The emperor on the dragon chair immediately grasped the armrest.

Where did it fall again this time?

The officials also had different expressions, and their eyes all fell on the report held high by the servant who rushed in.

"Yes..." the emperor asked anxiously.

Before he could speak, the servant had already knelt down.

"Your Majesty's Kaide Mansion is a great victory." The servant shouted loudly.

Kaide Mansion.

There was silence in the hall, everyone was stunned, and the emperor was also in a daze, as if he didn't realize where the Kaide Mansion was for a while?

"Your Majesty, the Kaide Mansion has been recovered." The servant yelled again, and at the same time bent down on the ground, crying, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, the Kaide Mansion has been recovered."

Kaide Mansion has been recovered.

There was a moment of silence in the hall, and then there was a sudden crash.

The memorial was handed over to the emperor. The emperor looked at the memorial excitedly, and the courtiers stared at the emperor closely, wishing they could grab it to see if it was true.

"It really is a great victory." The emperor finally found the words Kaide Mansion Great Victory, confirmed that it was not a dream, and said loudly.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty." Ning Yan was the first to bow and bow.

The others hurriedly followed and knelt down. During this movement, Huang Cheng's movements were exceptionally stiff. He bent down to the ground, hiding his gloomy expression.

After several rounds of congratulations, everyone got up and asked about specific matters.

When it was heard that it was the garrisons of the five forts near Kaide Mansion, the court fell silent for a while, and then there was an uproar again.

"Even if there are five forts, there are only more than two thousand people, right?"

"Aren't there three or four thousand elite soldiers in Kaide Prefecture?"

"In the past, we used 50,000 to fight against the opponent's 30,000. There was a huge difference in the number of people. I didn't expect that there were also times when we had 2,000 against the opponent's 4,000."

Upon hearing the inquiry, the military officials who followed the eunuchs introduced the story to everyone. First, they described the various evil deeds that the Jin soldiers occupied Kaide Mansion, and made people lose their lives.

I didn't talk about these things in detail beforehand. After all, it's heartbreaking to say such facts when someone is occupying them, and the emperor didn't like to hear them.

Seeing the misery of the Jin soldiers domineering the common people, the guards could no longer bear it, so with the joint efforts of Ding Dashan, Wang Bao, Mao Shiqi and others, they decided to go to war with the Jin soldiers of Kaide Mansion.

They first used their familiarity with the local terrain to ambush a small group of Jin soldiers leaving the city, and threw their corpses in front of Kaidefu City to deter the Jin soldiers.

Then, using the secret passage of Kaide Fucheng, Heifeng first sent elites to sneak into the Fucheng in one month, burned down the barracks, and attacked the city gate guards to open the city gate in the chaos, allowing the Zhou soldiers who gathered and united to rush in.

Relying on his familiarity with Fucheng, he found the leader of the Jin soldiers, Zhan Tiemu, and killed them together. The Jin soldiers were in chaos, or were killed, or escaped from Kaide Fucheng.

The city of Kaidefu was recovered.

Having said that, the general presented a wooden box.

"This is the head of the golden thief Zhan Tiemu." He said loudly.

Hearing this story, the hearts of the people present were stirred up, as if they saw with their own eyes that the process was courageous and resourceful, and the battle was smooth and flowing.

Regardless of whether the battle was so exciting or not, the literary official who described the details is not ordinary, and the Ministry of War has such a powerful literary official? Can such a dissertation be written in such a short period of time?

The emperor was even more elated when he heard it, and ordered the eunuch to open the box, and let everyone watch the head of the gold thief.

"It can be seen that the gold thieves are strong on the outside, and we are heroes. We are waiting for the heroes to expel the gold thieves just around the corner." Ning Yan said loudly, saluting the emperor again, "Congratulations, Your Majesty."

Saying this this time sounded more confident and pleasing to the ear, the emperor nodded with a smile.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Huang Cheng suddenly stood up and said, "This is really gratifying, Your Majesty can feel at ease."

He even said that?

Ning Yan squinted at him.

The emperor was even more pleased when he heard his congratulations.

"There are only two thousand soldiers in the area, and the castle is strong, and the golden bandits have a large number of elite soldiers. Under such circumstances, they not only recovered the Kaide mansion, but also beheaded the leader of the golden bandits. What a great victory." Huang Cheng He said excitedly, and saluted the emperor again, "This is His Majesty's wisdom and the blessing of the common people."

Everyone hurriedly followed Gao to drink again.

"Your Majesty, such good generals and warriors will be rewarded heavily." Huang Cheng said.

The emperor smiled and raised his hand.

"Rewards, there are many rewards." He said.

"Your Majesty, there are such good generals and warriors." Huang Cheng continued, looking up at the emperor with a sincere expression, "Even if the Duke of the Kingdom returns to the defense, why should I be afraid of the arrogance of the gold thieves, and why should I be afraid of the 50,000 army of gold thieves oppressing the country. "


Ning Yan's complexion darkened, his heart skipped a beat, and he knew that Huang Cheng was uneasy and kind.

This is going to be bad.

The Kaide mansion fell, Cheng Guogong wanted to be transferred back, and the Kaide mansion was recovered, the emperor had even more reason to transfer Cheng Guogong back, what should we do?

"Your Majesty..." He was about to speak.

There was also a voice.

"Your Majesty, the great victory of Kaide Mansion was achieved under the guidance of Duke Cheng."


Does this have anything to do with Cheng Guogong?

Everyone was stunned again, looking at the military officer who spoke.

The officials of the Ministry of War also looked a little surprised, as if what they said was a matter of course, but the surprise of everyone was very strange.

"It's written in the report." He said, pointing to the report placed on the dragon case, "Ding Dashan and others set up a battle plan under the arrangement and guidance of Cheng Guogong, and they succeeded in one fell swoop."

Have you written it?

The emperor was only concerned with confirming those five words, but didn't read anything else in the memorial.

He stretched out his hand to pick up the newspaper and looked at it word by word, and sure enough, the name of Cheng Guogong appeared.

it turns out……

turn out to be…….


"This is the upper hand." Ning Yunzhao whispered to his colleagues around him, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I admire it."

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Thanks to md12 for rewarding Xianpayuan, (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

Thanks to 54554465, Bingyi from the south, shyn307, well-known rewards on page 11 and Choi, (づ ̄3 ̄)づ.

The bright moon is born on the sea, and the horizon is at this time. All the gentlemen from the south and the north, because of this book, we are fortunate to be here today.

In the vast sea of ​​people, it is fate to be able to get together this time. Xixing hereby wishes you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a happy family.

Thank you all for supporting me all the way, thank you, thank you, I am honored and grateful.

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