"Brothers, where have you all gone?" Chen Ming asked.

"Where are the disciples of the Green Mountain Sect?"

Duan Muxiong was a little slow, looking at Chen Ming, dumbfounded.

"Brother?" Chen Ming was puzzled.

"Cang... Cang Xuan?" Duan Muxiong spoke slowly.

Chen Ming still looked confused.

"You are... what's going on?" Duan Muxiong was curious.

"Brother, I have broken through Nascent Soul." Chen Ming looked at Duan Muxiong with a full smile.

"Nascent Soul?" Duan Muxiong scratched his head.

"Nascent Soul!?"

"Yes." Chen Ming nodded.

"What's wrong, brother?"

"No... No." Duan Muxiong smiled reluctantly.

Why suddenly Nascent Soul.

Little Junior Brother is too abnormal.

"Where did everyone go?" Chen Ming said.

"Everyone is looking for you, the master has something to find you, but I can't find you..." Duan Muxiong then reacted and told Chen Ming all the things.

"How long has it been since the master left?" Chen Ming wanted to confirm the time he left.

"Yes... It's been a while." Duan Muxiong answered truthfully.

"What, I'm already..." Chen Ming couldn't hide the surprise on his face.

I have been away for half a year.

Now, what happened to Ye Luoxi's parents.

"Where is the master now?" Chen Ming was a little anxious.

"The master hasn't come back since he went to Zhuge's house." Duanmu Xiong said.

"I see." Chen Ming nodded.

Out of the stone house, the sword rose up and flew towards the distance.

"Little brother, where are you going, little brother." Duan Muxiong chased it out.

"I'm going to find the master, tell them when the brothers come back!" Chen Ming's voice echoed in the air.

On the other side, Elder and others from Wenren's family came to the sky above Azure Dragon Immortal Mansion.

Here, there are still a lot of people from various Sects gathered.

More than a dozen Elders who heard about others hid in the distance, and then jointly started the spell.

It seems to be undergoing a kind of formation.

After a while, everyone sighed in surprise and looked up at the sky.

Above the Azure Dragon fairy house, a purple crack appeared.

In the purple cracks, many strangely dressed characters appeared.

These people, holding scimitars, gathered together and arranged them neatly.

The people in each Sect below stopped complaining and looked at the above, very puzzled.

"what happened?"

"Who are these people?"


The person above, looking down, threw out the scimitar in his hand, and the heads of the repairers in front were instantly beheaded.

The people below reacted instantly, very frightened, and quickly began to resist.

The two sides fought into a group and went hand in hand.

Spirit Power erupted continuously, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the battle broke out in an all-round way.

Visitors from the outside world are very strong, and many cultivators will be killed in a short while.

The cultivators also quickly stopped spontaneously and resisted together.

Yu Jian looked for Chen Ming of the masters, sensed the shock, and hurried towards here.

In the distance, I saw this scene.

"Purple crack, what's the matter?" Chen Ming was a little surprised and rushed over.

After approaching, I saw a lot of strangely dressed people are killing.

"A visitor from the outside world?"

Chen Ming was very puzzled, because this was a little different from the alien visitors in his own impression.

"What the hell did the masters do."

"Am I late?"

Chen Ming, who was very guilty in his heart, rushed over to join the battle.

Without knowing what the circumstances were, Chen Ming beheaded a lot of "visitors from the outside world." only to find out.

These days, foreign visitors are different from the past. After being killed, they did not disappear in place, but fell.

After a long time, it disappeared on the ground, and after it disappeared, there would still be traces on the ground.

Elders of Azure Dragon Fairy House, disciples were a little surprised to see Chen Ming.

Nascent Soul?

What kind of abnormal thing is this Cang Xuan, how long has it been since then?

Just Nascent Soul?

"What's the matter, how about my Masters?" Chen Ming walked over and asked.

"Master, who are these people, what is going on?" The people at Azure Dragon Fairy House are also very puzzled, what is going on in the end?

"Why did you start killing people for no reason?"

After listening to them, Chen Ming was also very puzzled, this is not a guest from the outside world, not the masters?

What's going on then?

How could any forces dare to do such a thing in this place?

On the other side, Zhuge's family, Gong Shu, Qingshan Daoist and others also received the news.

Because an Elder from Wenren's family ran in anxiously and told them.

"It's not good, it's not good!"

"Invaded, invaded!"

Qingshan Daoist was confused, how did it invade, what did it invade?

Uncle Gong looked serious, looking at Elder of Wenren's house, there were some differences in his eyes.

After hearing that Elder was uncomfortable, he quickly talked to a few people about the situation.

Some foreigners have begun to invade, and they are now killing them in Azure Dragon Immortal Mansion.

After listening to Uncle Gong, he knew what was going on, so he didn't panic and didn't say much.

The group hurriedly boarded the spirit boat and prepared to support the Azure Dragon Fairy House.

At the Azure Dragon fairy house, as the cultivators gathered their strength, it was obvious that the "from outsiders" was a little struggling.

But in the cracks, there are still people appearing constantly, as if they can't be killed.

Just when everyone is strange.

Wen Renlei and a group of Elders appeared.

I saw Ren Lei flying in the air, holding the Spirit Power like a purple thunder, and hitting the crack.

The purple thunder exploded and spread.

The shocked "foreign visitors" slumped in an instant, and then disappeared.

The Elders of Wen Ren Lei also hurriedly helped Wen Ren Lei to work together.

Seeing this scene, more and more people joined Wen Renlei's counterattack.

Spirit Power erupted, shaking the earth.

One by one "from outsiders" fell soft.

Soon, Qingshan Daoist, Gong Shu and others rushed to Azure Dragon Immortal Mansion, but now the battle is coming to an end.

With the help of Elder and repairmen from all walks of life, Wen Renlei was about to repair the purple crack.

At the same time, the alien from the outside world was about to be killed.

"Cang Xuan!" Qing Shan Daoist saw Chen Ming in the crowd.

I was very worried.

I am afraid that this matter has something to do with Chen Ming.

I was afraid that Chen Ming had opened up this big purple array.

Chen Ming saw Lingzhou, saw the master, and quickly Yu Jian flew away.

"Go and help." Uncle Gong said to the people around him, and finished.

The people on the spirit boat came to help.

Only Qingshan Daoist, Gong Shu and Ye Luoxi remained on the spirit boat.

"This... won't it be Cang Xuan." Qing Shan Daoist looked at Uncle Gong without confidence and asked.

"No." Uncle Gong had already seen the scene clearly.

"Unsurprisingly, this has nothing to do with what we are studying."

"It's a long-lost spell, a control technique!" As he said, with a wave of his hand, he arrested an "external visitor" and shattered it on the spot.

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