Junior Brother Please Don’T Cultivate

Chapter 462 Sword Sect's Conspiracy

Since we want to find out the truth, we must find out the Elder who has entered the secret realm before. Only they can figure out what happened.

Without further ado, Chen Ming immediately left for other Sects.

Because of Chen Ming's excellent performance before, those Sects were very happy to come to him, but Elder, who entered the secret realm, seemed reluctant to mention what happened before.

Their attitude made Chen Ming even more suspicious. If the fifth Elder of Heavenly Pill Sect was accidentally contaminated with poison as they said, then these people can tell the truth.

But they were very taboo to talk about the situation at the time, and they were also vague under Chen Ming's swine fever.

The appearance of these people is too weird, as if they are deliberately concealing something.

Chen Ming went to all Sects, but the situation described by Elder was completely out of line, and it could even be said to be full of loopholes.

In order not to arouse other people's suspicion, he also went to Sword Sect. Surprisingly, Sword Sect's Elder did not evade, but rather generously told Chen Ming about what happened that day.

"The incident happened suddenly. We were all busy with other things at the time. It is inevitable that we didn't notice that Elder was also inevitable, but I can see clearly that he did accidentally touch the poison himself."

Sword Sect Elder said naturally.

Chen Ming took a look at him and didn't say a word. Things that no one else could be sure of, the Sword Sect Elder said so surely, it aroused people's suspicion.

"Thanks for letting me know."

Chen Ming got up and said goodbye.

He walked in as soon as he left the head of Jianzong, and asked in a cold voice, "How is it?"

Elder said respectfully: "Don't worry, the head, everything has been arranged, even if the Dao Cangxuan does an investigation, he can't find out anything."

"I heard that he visited a lot of Sect in the past few days."

The Sword Master said in a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter, I have already dealt with those people, they dare not say anything."

The head nodded and said: "It's always right to be careful. If he finds out, we will fall short."

When he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Chen Ming is now more and more certain that the top nine first-rank Sect people poisoned the fifth Elder. According to their description, the fifth Elder had no discomfort when he left the secret realm with everyone.

But as soon as I went out, the poison went viral, and suddenly my mouth spit out and blue veins violently.

The reason given by Jianzong was perfect. The excuse was that Five Elder had been infected with poison. After all, his symptoms were indeed poisoning.

Presumably the people who did it secretly also spotted them and were not easy to verify. Five before Elder himself awakened, it was difficult for them to determine whether he was poisoned by himself or murdered by someone else.

Everything depends on other people's talk, but now those Sect people are unwilling to tell the truth.

If Chen Ming wants to know the truth, he can only find a way by himself.

Since he couldn't ask a result, he could only start from the poison.

That poison is so weird. How could it be such a coincidence that it takes the badger wolf essence to detoxify it.

It's not easy to get the Badger Wolf Essence Yuan, and presumably the poison is also not easy, and Chen Ming suddenly became enlightened.

Chen Ming asked the head of the Heavenly Pill Sect, what kind of poison is that?

The head told Chen Ming that the poison is called wolf sand, which is extremely difficult to make, because the poisonous weeds are not easy to grow.

But they haven't entered the secret realm. It's not surprising that there is such a poisonous weed in the secret realm. This is also the reason why the head of the Tiandanzong has been silent.

It's not that he doesn't want to seek justice for his Sect people, it's really hard to verify by the magnet.

"Dare to ask the head, Black Tortoise, is there anyone who can control this kind of poison?"

When Chen Ming asked the head, he suddenly thought of a person, but that person hadn't shown up for a long time before, so he didn't expect it at all.

The head told Chen Ming the origin of that person, and sent someone to find him with Chen Ming.

The man's name was Li Yan, and he was good at making all kinds of poisons. Perhaps others could not make a poison like wolf sand, but he could.

Chen Ming found Li Yan in an alley. He happened to be out shopping at the time. When he saw Chen Ming, he felt bad.

Li Yan threw what was in his hand, pulled out his leg and started running.


Chen Ming scolded and chased after him immediately.

It's just that the man ran extremely fast, Chen Ming only had to use Spirit Power to knock him down from behind.

Li Yan only felt that he hadn't been hit by an overbearing force, and he couldn't move when he was lying on the ground.

Although he is good at making drugs, Cultivation Base is not high, and it is impossible to be Chen Ming's opponent.

"I, I don't know you, let me go!"

Li Yan pleaded in a low voice.

Chen Ming looked at him coldly and said in a low voice: "Since you don't know each other, what are you running for?"

"I ask you, in the past few days, have you ever made wolf sand."

There was a touch of tension in Li Yan's eyes, just a moment of effort, and Chen Ming could almost conclude that his own guess was correct.

Li Yan didn't dare to compete with this person, knowing that it would be a dead end for him to stay, and immediately wanted to rush out, but Chen Ming quickly stopped his movements with eyesight and hands.

"You better tell me honestly what happened? Otherwise, I will make you worse off than life."

As soon as Chen Ming used his hand, Li Yan felt that he was forced to breathe out by a surge of Spirit Power, and his internal organs were painful.

Li Yan couldn't bear Chen Ming's severe torture to extract a confession, and soon said the matter.

It turned out that the people of Jianzong had taken this kind of poison from him.

"Sure enough, it's them!"

Chen Ming said angrily.

At this time, he already wanted to understand what had happened. In order to force him to join, Jianzong deliberately used this despicable method.

As long as Chen Ming wants to save the Heavenly Pill Sect's people, he will definitely go to Jianzong. At this time, they can take the opportunity to threaten and lure.

Chen Ming didn't have a good impression of Jianzong before, and even sneered at them after learning the truth.

The dignified Sect can actually do such a thing that is not on the stage. In order to satisfy his own selfish desires, he does not hesitate to mutilate the Elder of Sect, which is simply too much.

This is not something that practitioners should do at all.

Chen Ming became more angry the more he thought about it, and went straight to Jianzong.

Since they want to join themselves so much, why not just do it.

Jianzong Elder was still a little surprised when he heard Chen Ming's words. He didn't seem to expect him to change his mind so soon.

"You really want to join."

"As long as you are willing to give me the Badger Wolf Essence Yuan, I can agree to join the Sword Sect."

Chen Ming said indifferently, Sword Sect Elder was really excited, and after so much effort, he finally reached this point.

But Jianzong Elder still had some doubts, forcing Chen Ming to promise.

Chen Ming had no choice but to pretend to swear to show his own determination.

Anyway, he is just to get the essence, and when the things are in hand, he won't care about Jianzong?

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