The footsteps were getting closer and Martial Dao didn't have time to think more, and he wouldn't be able to leave unless he left.

Chen Ming raised his eyebrows and glanced at him, his eyes seemed to say that you don't want to run quickly.

Martial Dao turned his head and flashed.

"There, Elder, I saw it!"

A loud shout suddenly came from behind, and the sound of footsteps suddenly became confused, and he hurriedly approached them.

When Chen Ming watched Martial Dao being chased by someone, his back curled his lips and slowly stood up from the ground. The person who cast the spell was gone, and the weakening talisman power on his body was slowly weakening.

Those cultivators tracked them one by one, and the big Elder was obsessed with tracking Martial Dao Kong. He didn't even notice the Daoist Cangxuan on the side, and took the person away.

It means being at the end. Elder spotted Chen Ming's trail, looked at him in a little surprise and asked, "Master Cangxuan, why are you here?"

Chen Ming is not good at revealing his own purpose, only that he has a mission.

Fortunately, Elder didn't ask too much, and nodded slightly and said: "Then, Master Cangxuan Dao will go to Longxiangzong as soon as possible after he is busy! Our head has been waiting for a long time."

Chen Ming nodded and agreed, and the man stopped staying, and immediately chased after him.

Seeing that everyone was gone, Chen Ming began to cross-legged to adjust his breath. He suffered a palace injury just now, and the talisman on his body also needs to be removed.

I deliberately found a hidden place for a month. Someone from Closed Door Training came to disturb him. Chen Ming sat cross-legged and folded his hands together. Using Spirit Power, he took Zhang Fulu floodedly, and finally separated it from own.

Without Fulu's power suppression, his Spirit Power and injuries recovered very quickly.

The body was almost recovered, and Chen Ming continued to walk towards the secret room. He did not forget that his purpose this time was to get the Medicine Pill prescription.

In the dark room, I couldn't see anything clearly. Chen Ming used the Spirit Power to find out that there were candlesticks on both sides, so he lit the candlesticks quickly.

Now I can see a little bit clearly, and there is a very long stone ladder not far in front of him, and the ladder leads all the way down.

The structure of this secret room is somewhat close to a mausoleum. It seems that Qin Yan didn't lie to himself. The Medicine Pill house is really important, otherwise it would not be so hidden.

Chen Ming went down from the top of the stone ladder, and the lighter got darker as he got to the bottom. He seemed to walk away for a long time, knowing that the light gradually became brighter, and the surrounding vision gradually widened.

The basement was built extravagantly and the ground was made of marble. Chen Ming walked very cautiously, worrying about the establishment of institutions in this place. After all, according to past experience, there are almost all institutions in this place.

On the other side, Big Elder led the nine first rank Sect people to chase Martial Dao Kong.

Martial Dao ran fast in the air, and there was no time to look back. Seeing that those people were about to catch up, he could only quickly release the monster puppet to delay some time for himself.


Elder's path was suddenly blocked by someone, and some phantom-like monsters appeared and rammed them directly.

"Everyone pay attention to defense!"

In an emergency, Elder hurriedly yelled but couldn't take care of any more, but quickly manipulated Spirit Power to fight those things.

Martial Dao sneered at the corners of his lips. These people are really overwhelming and don't really think they are their own opponents!

The current Martial Dao Kong can be said to be different today. His magic power has been cultivated very powerfully. It is no effort for him to make these monster puppets, but it is obviously a lot of trouble for those people to resist.

He deliberately put medicine on the puppets, as long as the cultivator accidentally gets infected during the fight, it will be weakened.

Martial Dao Sora's current Cultivation Base has already played the Nascent Soul late stage, and few will be his opponents at all, but the endless pursuit of these nine first rank Sects makes him upset.

"Unexpectedly this demon is so powerful!"

The cultivators said angrily while resisting.

"He is cultivating magic power. How strong is this kind of shameless trick? Righteous Dao will not tolerate their survival."

Elder couldn't help but cursed. He hated these evil spirits the most in his life, so he was so angry when he saw Martial Dao's weird Cultivation Technique.

Martial Dao smiled disdainfully, and said coldly: "Then I will let you see what the real stigma is!"

He immediately summoned more puppets to besiege those cultivators.

These so-called decent people always claim to be righteous, and have never considered whether it would be unfair to siege one of them with so many songs. Martial Dao is too lazy to reason with these people, anyway, they are different and don't conspire!

"It seems that your top nine first-rank Sects are nothing good? It's so easy to hit my formation!" Martial Dao smiled evilly.


Only then did the big Elder realize that they had just been patronizing to deal with the puppets, and didn't even notice that they had been introduced into the formation unknowingly.

"You are so despicable and shameless!"

The little cultivator blushed with anger, and they couldn't get out of the formation when they were trapped in the formation.

Martial Dao ignored these people. It was really annoying to directly activate himself. Those people suddenly felt a powerful force suppressed, they didn't resist properly, and they would be sucked away by those monsters in Cultivation Base if they didn't pay attention.


The big Elder snorted, and he resisted with all his strength, thinking that this demon is really extraordinary, and so many of them can't deal with it. If he doesn't get rid of him this morning, it will inevitably lead to catastrophe in time.

"Just because you want to break my formation?"

Martial Dao said sarcastically, even Cang Xuan was trapped last time? Not to mention these people, dealing with them is simply a breeze.

His goal this time was not originally theirs. Whoever allowed these people to come and die by themselves would not be to blame for him.

Big Elder saw Martial Dao's killing intent in his empty eyes. Knowing that he had already moved his murderous intent, he quickly increased his speed. It was really annoying to break his palm, and shouted, "Quick away!"

The cultivators of the nine first rank Sects retreated one after another, and they ran out for a long time before they stopped. Several of the disciples were seriously injured in the previous match. The Elder hurriedly asked them to take out the Medicine Pill and gave them the service. .

"It seems that we have to plan more carefully next time. When I go back to report to the head, I will use the net to catch this demon!"

This fact is too dangerous. The demon's strength has obviously exceeded their expectations and cannot continue to let it go, otherwise the situation will only become more serious.

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