Junior Brother Please Don’T Cultivate

Chapter 584: Natural restraint

The stone house is not big, it seems that it can only accommodate two people, but there is a cave inside.

I only saw the entry of the demons, but did not see any demons coming out.

"Where did this arrive again?"

Chen Ming thought about it. There seemed to be an unusually large number of enchantments in the Demon Realm. However, there was not much time for him to think about it at this moment. There were just a group of people gathered outside. There are not many at this moment, and it will be Chen Ming's turn to enter soon. .

After entering the stone house, the space instantly became larger, and suddenly from a dark place into the day, Chen Ming adapted to it for a while.

I opened my eyes again. At this moment in front, there were twenty tables on a clearing. Each table was filled with enchantment. If you pass the enchantment, you will pass the first level. If you are ejected, you will fail.

Chen Ming was in the demons, and he also tended to follow the team.

When it was Chen Ming's turn, Chen Ming stepped in, and the barrier suddenly shook like a water wave.

It was only a moment, no other accidents occurred, and little attention was drawn.

"pass through!"

Passed smoothly.

Chen Ming squeezed a sweat in his heart. Fortunately, he had just tried his best to suppress Spirit Power again, otherwise the barrier could be directly broken by him.

"It's dangerous, why is this barrier so weak!"

Chen Ming suddenly felt that while being squeezed out by Devil Dao, he was also faintly threatening Devil Dao.

Being and evil are innately restrained?

If you are weak, he is stronger, and if you are strong, he is weaker.

The next trials are all unilateral.

Chen Ming walked all the way, experiencing endurance, physical strength and stress resistance.

If he hadn't been in the Demon Realm, he would have thought he was doing track and field.

"Strange, how come it is a unilateral test of physical strength, and there is no fight with the opposite side of combat power?"

Chen Ming was puzzled, thinking of the conversation between the two demons he had overheard, maybe things were not as simple as the surface.

Chen Ming secretly observed that all the demons Cultivation Base that came were around the Nascent Soul stage.

What is the devil's plan?

A human passage, if you just check it, you don't need so many demons at all.

On the contrary, it seems to be gathering an army of demons, even if it is not an army, it is very likely to be a strong team, as if to prepare for some kind of confrontation.

"Perhaps... the channel must be the channel, and the assembled Magical Beasts team is used to test, to test the position and strength of the other side of the channel?"

"Hurt, we don't understand, we don't dare to ask."

Chen Ming guessed wildly, but didn't know that he had guessed the Devil King's plan seven or eighty eight.

After the passage demon king discovered it, he sent someone to confirm it, but the passage was unstable, and the conditions on the other side of the passage could not be determined.

At the same time, the devil has been isolated from the world for too long, and it is not certain what level the current cultivators in the world have reached.

Selection is still going on.

After the initial selection, it enters the competition stage.

A total of 800 junior demons were selected.

The demon king is also upright. First there is a big chaos, divided into eighty groups, one group of ten people choose one, life and death only choose one.

"Good guy, it's a death fight from the start, simple and rude!"

At this stage, the devil had already come out, he wanted to see the result in person, and he was standing on a high platform in the distance, looking at the scene here.

When Chen Ming came to the stage and started the competition, he noticed the existence of the demon king.

"Transcends Tribulation period!?"

"Unexpectedly, the devil is just a Cultivation Base during the Transcends Tribulation period. Isn't this a dish? I have already replied to Spirit Power now, or just flip them directly!"

After Chen Ming saw the Demon King's Cultivation Base, he couldn't help his own ideas, and soon stopped!

"No, no, I still don't know where the entrance of the passage is. Now that the Demon King will know about it, he can't kill it yet, so hold it back!"

Chen Ming calmed down, but within a minute, the blue-faced fangs head looked at the other seven demons who were on stage, clenched his fists, and the blue-faced fangs grinned.

"You guys go together, daddy will fight seven!"

When the other demons heard this, they were stunned for a moment, and looked at Chen Ming, a little demons who were not at the Nascent Soul early stage.

Isn't this demons a fool? Hit seven?

The Mozu laughed immediately!

"Hahahaha..., overwhelming! Although you like this arrogant daddy, you still want to die!"

"Fight seven? Okay, daddy satisfies you!"

Another Demon Race said that the rest of the Demon Race also acquiesced in taking their seats to surround Chen Ming.


Chen Ming yelled, clenched his fists, and the Canglong Tyrant Body Art pierced through his body, because after the Spirit Power was suppressed, no Canglong appeared, and Long Yin also turned into a roar.

But this punch is not weak, it is also the peak strength of Nascent Soul.

Although the seven of them are both Nascent Soul, the others ignore that Chen Ming is a tycoon.

The face was a punch, directly hitting the face of the first demon who rushed up until it deformed and collapsed. Then, when he fell to the ground, Chen Ming added another punch, directly punching that person into the geography, and his brain was directly deformed and belched on the spot.

"Boom!" One punch to solve one.

There are also subtle ingredients.

The rest of the demons who rushed up all had a meal, and there was a moment of timidity in their hearts, but only life and death were on the court, and there was no saying that they would abstain.

It's not uncommon to see scenes like Demon Race, but at this moment, the Nascent Soul Demon Race's ability exudes makes people feel fear.

The demons who had just laughed at Chen Ming's self-defense were instantly unable to speak, and even took a careful step toward retreated.

"Brothers, there is no way to retreat when you get on stage, let's go on together, fuck him!"

"Fuck him!"

The remaining six, no longer dare to be careless, all resorted to killing moves and attacked Chen Ming.

For a while, inside the eggshell enchantment here, it shook like a light wave of air current, which immediately attracted the attention of the demon king.

After seeing the situation clearly, the eyes of the demon king began to become hot, and it has been a long time since I saw a warrior who can pick seven! The focus of his eyes was on Chen Ming.

"This one is pretty good!"

Several demons went up together and surrounded all the vital parts of Chen Ming's body.

Chen Ming was not empty, clenched his fists with both hands and sank, and poured his whole body into his fists, facing the first fist that arrived.

"Crack--!" There was an obvious sound of fracture, but Chen Ming didn't care. He hit the back with a punch, and then turned around and punched the uppercut. It was all mixed with the sound of breaking wind and hit the man's jaw. , The demon clan's jaw collapsed immediately, but Chen Ming didn't let it go, and hit the demon clan's neck with another punch.

The world martial arts, only fast is not broken.

Chen Ming's speed was so fast that he didn't give the Mozu a little time to react. The Mozu punched again, and his neck was punched into a U-shape.

He died on the spot.


Although Chen Ming is dressed in the skin of a demon, the inside is a pure cultivator.

And the weaker is stronger, the weaker the stronger!


Chen Ming threw a fist even more vigorously. At this moment, there was a sense of epiphany, and his limbs were in sympathy.

"Grass! Now breakthrough is okay!?"

"No way, no way!"

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