Junior Brother Please Don’T Cultivate

Chapter 657 The Dark Forest Disappears

Chen Ming picked up the soil.

There was a refreshing feeling, but the moment Chen Ming picked up the clod, the entire dark forest seemed to fade, and the black mist that enveloped it was more like an ebb tide, retreating extremely.

The black mist faded and disappeared, and the entire Dark Forest became the same color as the outside world.

Chen Ming looked around in amazement, the sky and the earth became a color.

"What is this?"

Chen Ming was about to explore, suddenly the system voice remembered.

"Ding, the host gains the Dark Forest Essence, rewards 200 perceptual points and +10 roots."

"Is this done?"

Chen Ming couldn't believe it, these are too simple.

In fact, for Chen Ming, it is really simple. In the face of absolute force, all tricks are little tricks.

Chen Ming can complete it so easily and simply, other demons may not even be able to enter the Dark Forest.

Not to mention dealing with giant sandstones.

It's just that in Chen Ming's opinion, it is so simple to complete. It's a bit unbelievable. It's not like a simple task that the system will release.

This is also wrong with the system.

The systems are all eradicated from Chenming's location for task search.

It's just that Chen Ming's strength is much greater than where he is, and that's something the system can't do.

After thinking about it, Chen Ming didn't think of a reason, but it was enough to complete the task, and he could go to the next task.

Chen Ming threw the soil directly into the ring.

No matter what kind of soil it is.

Anyway, when the time comes, take it back and show it to the Master, and the Master must know it.

"System, what tasks can you take next?"

"Ding, assassinating the Great Demon King of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, you can get 100 comprehension points."

"What? What?" Chen Ming was dumbfounded. Just now, he gave 200 points of understanding for a task like pushing a small tower, but why did he give 100 points for killing a big devil.

What the strength of the Great Demon King might look like.

When it comes to difficulty, it’s not like that!

The system did not give Chen Ming extra explanations, but Chen Ming suddenly thought that if it were to follow this arrangement.

The system will only schedule tasks with higher savvy points first, and then gradually lower tasks.


Chen Ming had no choice but to accept the task.

"Hey, wait, isn't the Great Demon King of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty the witch's father?"

"This is really interesting. It lied to other women and killed other people's daddy."

However, Chen Ming didn't entangle too much. Rensen was like this. In The Mortal Realm, it is still a life and death situation, let alone in the Demon Realm.

Originally, their positions were different, and Chen Ming would not shake any boring compassion.

Compassion is reserved for people who are pure in nature.

Chen Ming put away the Nine Tribulations Sword, at this time the entire Dark Forest had turned into a gray forest.

Chen Ming didn't care, and walked outside.

It didn't take long to see the witch waiting for him, she was shocked and looked around the forest.

Seeing Chen Ming coming out, he hurriedly came forward and asked.

"Why, what's going on, how the color of the Dark Forest has changed!" But his head didn't think about what Chen Ming did.

Chen Ming was too lazy to explain.

"I don't know. I just went inside and didn't see anything." He passed the sentence and continued to walk outside.

The witch followed, she didn't have the answer she wanted, and thought it was so, she didn't have any suspicious thoughts at all.

"This witch, I'm afraid it has never come out to contact other people?" Chen Ming thought, feeling that he stayed with the witch too much, and his brain became insufficient.

"Ciao, quickly kill the demon king, stay away from the witch, otherwise your mind will also be brought to the fore."

Chen Ming thought in his mind, turned around and pulled the witch and ran outside.

"Let's go out quickly and go to the Eastern Zhou Capital. I have a very important thing to meet with your Great Demon King."

"What did you see my father do, did you find anything?"

"Yeah, yeah, I have something very important to show him!"

"Oh? Really! Then let's go back quickly, and I will take you to see my father." The witch said with a serious face.

Originally, Chen Ming ran ahead, pulling the witch. At this moment, the witch accelerated as soon as she heard it, ran in front of Chen Ming, and led Chen Ming to run.

Chen Ming followed behind, suddenly a little unsure of what it was like.

He felt that he shouldn't have said that just now, even if he was originally going to assassinate the Great Devil, but using the witch to say that, when the witch finally knew about the assassination of the Great Devil, it would be a bit murderous.

But as soon as the words were spoken, the bow did not turn back.

They have different positions, and the ending is already doomed.

Chen Ming has never forgotten that he is a human being and will return to the human world sooner or later.

"Hurt, what do I sympathize with a witch here?" Chen Ming shook his head, no longer letting himself think about it.

I don't even think about it.

Although it is impossible for him to kill all the demons in the demon world, he must have dangerous consciousness and enlightenment when he is in some high positions.

It's the same with him.

"Well, let's go!" Chen Ming agreed with the witch, and walked in the direction of the Eastern Zhou Demon Capital.

The moment they stepped out of the Dark Forest, the color of the entire Dark Forest seemed to fade away, turning into pale.

The two found that something was wrong and turned around and looked back.

I saw that the place that was originally a dark forest shrouded in black mist had become a complete white jade sand belt.

"Wocao!" Chen Ming was stunned.

The witch's eyes widened in disbelief, and she looked towards the place that was originally in the direction of the Dark Forest.

"White...white jade sand? It's a big piece..."

Immediately, but in the blink of an eye, the white jade sofa shined brightly in the sky of the entire Eastern Zhou Demon Realm.

The demon earth trembled violently, as if it was a duel between Spirit Power and Demon Qi.

In this demons land, Bai Yusha is still not weak.

"Boom...!" The big earthquake trembled, and bursts of black mist air flow gathered in the sky of the Demon Race, gradually forming a cyclone, like a big pot lid, covering the main piece of white jade sand.

The two sides saw each other as if they were arguing about something.

Not long after, it seemed that Bai Yusha was even more cunning, pulling the devilish energy towards the ground, and was gradually swallowed by Bai Yusha.

In the end, a whirlpool hurricane formed, which was swallowed up by the white jade sand, and the entire Demon Realm sky became pale and pale as if it had lost its color.

And Bai Yusha, as if he was full, a burst of light shone, and disappeared instantly.

What remained on the surface of the original dark forest was just a barren next door, and even all the trees and grass in the original dark forest had disappeared.

Chen Ming and the witch are the closest, so they can see it most clearly.

After hearing the news, the demons and monsters who ran out saw the tug of war between Bai Yusha and the black mist, and then Bai Yusha disappeared.

But after the witch's explanation before, Chen Ming also understood.

The Forest of Darkness is basically a seal belt of gods and demons, and after tens of thousands of years of silence, it has just been activated!

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