The battle of the demons against The Mortal Realm is in urgency. Chen Ming is currently unable to form a formation. Naturally, he has to think of other ways to resist the attacks of the demons.

After all, there are only a few lovers in the entire Green Mountain Sect. Although it is a combination of beating and scolding on weekdays.

But after so many years of getting along with them, they have actually become relatives. These disciples are actually own children.

Where are adults willing to let their children suffer?

Now the Qingshan Sect does not have a defensive system. Once the Demon Sect enters, they will be unable to fight back.

Hey, I'm already very old. If he could save all his disciples with his own life, Daoist Aoyama would be willing. It's just that now it's not that he alone can save the entire Qingshan Sect.

The demons kill people without seeing blood, but don't care about your children's love.

No, you have to think of ways to help Sect get through this level.

Daoist asked Zhuge Xing to call the other brothers into the chamber together, and only asked Chen Ming to go back and continue to study formation.

"Master, everyone is here." Senior brother Lin Wentian felt that something was wrong, and put away his usual greasy tongue.

"You little brother, although you have developed a seal formation, but due to the influence of the Cultivation Base, he is still unable to form the formation, so the demon must attack the mountain, and we will not defend it."

As soon as Qingshan Daoist's voice fell, all the disciples opened their mouths in surprise.

On the one hand, I didn’t expect that there would be things in this world that his junior brother couldn’t do. On the other hand, I felt the danger was approaching. They were unarmed now.

"Master, what should I do?" Jiang Haoran asked anxiously. It is also the common aspiration of all other disciples of the same sect.

"I think for the teacher, relying on our own Sect's strength is definitely not enough to resist the demons. We can only help us share the burden by bringing in heroes from all walks of life."

"Bullshit~" Jiang Haoran blurted out the retort, and Qingshan Daoist glared fiercely, and immediately settled down.

"Master, it's not that I want to stand up against your old man. Now other Sect people can't wait to hide in their own homes. They also hope that they can use other Sect powers to counter the demons. Where else would anyone be willing to help us?"

Jiang Haoran obviously felt that the Master's method was not feasible, and even a few other colleagues agreed.

After all, it was a few of them to send the immortal invitation post, and Jiang Haoran also heard of the calculations of each Sect.

Now the whole state is panicked and overwhelmed.

Qingshan Daoist seemed to have guessed that Jiang Haoran would have this rebuttal, so he continued: "I thought about it. Borrowing from other Sects is definitely not feasible, so I didn't even intend to ask for help."

At this point, the eyes of all the disciples couldn't help looking at Daoist, Qingshan.

I want to know what medicine is sold in his old Calabash.

Only Lin Wentian's expression at this time was relatively calm, and he had probably guessed one or two.

Aoyama Daoist turned his hands behind him, and continued, "I am going to send out the magic stickers to all Sects."

"Magic Sticker?" everyone asked in unison.

"Yes, Demon Tie! It is mainly through the opening of the Demon Conference to select outstanding talents to find traces of the Demon Realm and guard the passage of the Demon Realm."

As soon as the words came out, there was a moment of silence in the house. Except for a bunch of people with a slouching expression on their faces, everything else is normal.

Although everyone's expressions have been constant and the level of shock has been constant, everyone's thoughts are not consistent.

Some are thinking about whether Qingshan Daoist's method is really feasible, some are thinking about whether they are already the best Sect person, and some are completely defeated by the master's fantastic ideas.

Master, is his old man addicted to the drama? Have you forgotten how many catties you are?

Jiang Haoran wondered, he is a hidden world Sect outside, hasn't he still scored a B in his heart?

How capable are we to convene this Suppression Conference? Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if the post was sent out at that time and no one came?

Aoyama Daoist had already understood the thoughts of several apprentices.

In fact, before telling this method, all the assumptions have been made by myself.

For example, many big Sects might not be able to watch the competitions held by our small family at all, and will not send people there.

The quality of the entire Summoning Assembly will be questioned. Chen Ming will certainly not be easy to explain by then.

Aoyama Daoist thought about it this way, but there is no other way, and it can't be taken back once the big talk is out.

I am afraid there is only one way to go right now.

"Master, you are here in the name of the Green Mountain Sect. Are you sure there will be someone from other Sects?"

"Then naturally, you still need to draw on some of your younger brother's reputation." Qingshan Daoist is still a little self-aware.

If it were to report the name of the Green Mountain Sect, how could Sect spoil himself? Only when Chen Ming's name is spoken can he have a certain degree of influence.

"So, Master has to be the magic sticker?"

"Yes! Chen Ming must come to send it. Only if he sends it, other Sects can attract some attention. Wen Tian, ​​you go and call me your junior brother, and you have to tell him something for the teacher."

After Lin Wentian went to call Chen Ming, there was a quarrel in the conference hall.

"I'm going to send posts with my younger brother, just to meet those superb Sects."

"Cut~ Third Junior Brother, it's up to you! It's better to wash and sleep early, even if you want to accompany Junior Brother to send posts, it must be me Jiang Haoran to escort. You guys stay cool, wherever you go!"

"Wow, if this Demon Squad is really formed, it must be an elite figure in each Sect. You can definitely kill the Demon Race in seconds, as if to join them!" Luo Hongxue looked yearning.

"Sister Si, don't lower the overall level of others." Zhuge Xing said.

"Cut~ you can't even think about it."

All the communication stopped abruptly after Chen Ming arrived in the conference hall.

Everyone put on a deep and sad look, and seemed to be in trouble for this Suppression Fair.

Along the way, Lin Wentian had already informed Chen Ming about the situation.

Chen Ming didn't expect that although he didn't attend this meeting, the Master had left the strongest stroke to himself. There was a burst of joy in my heart.

Qingshan Daoist handed the magical stickers just written into Chen Ming's hands, and exhorted: "Xiaoming, this matter is for the common people of Black Tortoise. It is a very serious and Sacred event. The Master entrusted the magical stickers to Chen Ming. You, you have to take care of this, don't leave the face of the teacher!"

"Yes, the disciple knows." Chen Ming solemnly settled the magic sticker in Daoist's hand.

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