Chen Mingchao walked to the ruined house where the beauty was, trying to take a place.

The beauty seemed to expect Chen Ming to come, put on a seductive look, trying to simplify the problem with beauty.

She saw a little red lips on her powdery face, and her expression was eager and ashamed. Wearing a pure white and elegant long dress, the ink hair side is draped like a waterfall, and the plain and elegant face smiles lightly.

Out of the dust like a fairy, standing proud of the world, it seems that Fairy descends to the earth, so that ordinary people dare not look at it.

But I, Chen Ming, a member of the Qingshan sect, is an ordinary person? Besides, on the mainland, have I seen few beauties? The Green Mountain Sect is a place where peerless beauties gather...

After Chen Ming walked in, he said unceremoniously, "Girl, you occupy a whole room by yourself. Is this a bit too domineering?"

The beauty doesn't look at Chen Ming and doesn't like beauty, and she is too lazy to behave: "I have a lot of people here, what can you do about me?"

When I heard this tone, I wanted to do something. Chen Ming looked at this woman, and her eyes suddenly became sharp.

In the dilapidated house, Spiritual Qi began to surge around, and the mutilated walls suddenly returned to their original appearance. It seems that this woman, Realm, should not be underestimated.

Chen Ming's Nine Tribulations Sword slammed out of her scabbard, but the beauty remained motionless.

I saw the ten entourages around him suddenly rushing towards Chen Ming from all around.

"Kill!" Chen Ming reprimanded loudly, with seven points of the transforming god's vitality, enough to knock down all the puppets.

After the entourages were dunked by the sword's air like puppets, they all stood up one after another in less than a second, one by one like a tumbler.

Second Olympics... this is a game with no end to riding a horse. You can kill them, but you can't kill them. Unless the woman is killed with a single blow.

At this moment, this beauty is sitting on a chair, drinking tea leisurely, as if everything is in her grasp. Chen Ming felt like he was being tricked, and suddenly became angry.

Lifting the sword, after waving a silver light in the void, he was about to stab this woman...

"Look, everyone, there is a way ahead, hurry up, hurry up!" A burst of cheers disrupted Chen Ming's plan.

He had to stop the sword and jump towards the crowded place.

Huh? Last night, there was still a crowd of people, one after another, and now it seems that the crowd has been reduced by at least half.

In the morning, half of the people have been cut off. It seems that the surviving group of people have some real abilities in them, and you can't underestimate the enemy!

This morning the silent Xiaowu still can't be pulled apart, and it won't be broken. Everything is confused and confused, as if it were true or false.

But when the crowd decreased, the thick haze also began to turbulent, and strands of weight flew elsewhere.

Now, the entire road ahead, like a piece of white ribbon, has been clearly reflected in front of him.

I saw that the road was winding and winding, very narrow. I'm afraid it can't accommodate so many people, right?

With a thought of Chen Ming, he put away the Nine Tribulations Sword. The road has been opened, and it doesn’t make any sense to stay here now. You have to squeeze into the road as soon as possible to find the treasure.

The beauty saw Chen Ming leave, so she immediately followed.

"Don't squeeze me, don't push!"

"Ciao, why are so many people, my shoes...who has stepped on my shoes."

"Oh, hey, whoever rides a horse doesn't have eyesight, so he fart to me~"

"Who rides a horse with eyes on his ass?"

"Hahaha hiccup~" There was chaos at the entrance of the road, and everyone was vying to be one step ahead of others, not wanting to lag behind. The scene was extremely chaotic.

When Chen Ming rushed to the entrance and exit, there happened to be two Practitioners of Practitioners. In order to fight for the position, Chen Ming picked up a bargain. Without any difficulties, he easily entered the road.

As soon as Chen Ming's feet were firmly established, he found that the beautiful woman was following him and also leaped in, and of course her ten followers.

"Hey, why did you bring so many people in?"

"Miss, don't talk about martial ethics~" The Practitioner, who was still struggling behind, refused to accept and wanted to challenge.

After turning her palm a few times in the void, the beautiful woman quickly released her palm, "Whoo!" With a cry, the skyrocketing vitality directly bombarded the man.

Looking around, Chen Ming realized that he could not be found.

As if nothing had happened, the beauty adjusted the Internal Energy and started to explore the way forward.

This woman is really not easy! Why didn't you deal with me just now? Is it also conquered by my handsome appearance?

Countless question marks in Chen Ming's heart floated over his head, but he didn't seem to say how to ask.

"Do you want to ask me why I didn't do it to you?" At this moment, the beauty turned her head and asked Chen Ming's voice.

Her expression was indifferent and careless, but the questions asked were straight-to-the-point.

Uh... there was silence. Chen Ming didn't know how to answer. After all, I really want to know.

But at the beginning, what was set up in front of her was the high-end cold-blooded persona. Now I ask, isn’t it very slap-up?

Chen Mingliang didn't say anything for a long time. Anyway, I can't expose my own ideas.

The moment the two people looked at each other, time and space seemed to freeze.

However, the beauty was only three seconds, and a strong force rushed to them from nowhere, breaking the tranquility at this time.

"Boom~Boom~Boom~" Although I can't see what the other party is, but Divine Sense can still perceive that the other party is not small in size and light, so it should be a giant.

At noon, when the sunshine in the endless forest is full, every inch of trees, flowers and grass seems to be affected by that force, some disappear instantly, some suddenly wither.

In the next second, the mysterious force seemed to be getting closer and closer to them. It has been floating nearby, and there is a breath of space surrounding it. Everyone thinks that it is the power of formation. Only Chen Ming has noticed that it is not the power of formation, it is clearly an aura of beast power. But this Demonic Beasts has perfectly integrated the traces of the avenue and the space.

Could it be the fifth-order elementary beast in the legend? As the breath got closer and closer to him, Chen Ming became more and more certain of his own conjecture.

The Nine Tribulations Sword was already clenched in the palm of the hand, because it was not yet certain which direction this divine beast would suddenly rush out. You will also have to be fully prepared.

"Puff, puff~" Chen Ming proactively gestured to the beauty, which made the woman feel strange.

Of course, when he did this, he also fully valued the beauty of that beautiful woman, so he could ask her puppets to protect himself later.

The beauty seemed to understand Chen Ming's meaning and made a gesture to her entourage.

The spirit of the beast has almost filled the entire road, and the ten followers quickly formed a circle to surround Chen Ming and the beautiful woman.

Although he could feel that the beast was already by his side, Chen Ming, who was surrounded, still felt full of security at the moment!

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