Below the mainland, the demons are about to move at the moment, and different anomalies appear in various places around the mainland.

Some demons and horses have broken through the first few layers of space barriers, and now there is a dimly chaotic space in front of them. They can see vaguely that behind the thick walls of the transparent space, there is a wider world and the destination they are going to reach.

"Bang", some demons picked up a Spirit Stones that still looked like that chaotic and deep barrier, only to see that the entire barrier did not tremble, but a wave of ripples appeared, extending infinitely around the barrier.

After the ripples calmed down, the stone was actually bounced back.

Although the demons within the barrier did not notice any changes. But beyond that barrier, the direction where the Spirit Stones struck faintly revealed a tiny crack, and a wave of manic demonic energy was constantly pouring out from that crack.

Its power is so fierce that it almost destroys all the vital forces within a radius of thousands of miles in one fell swoop.

As a result, a large number of Spiritual herbs appeared on the land to Death, all the trees began to wither, and the birds and beasts in the forest had long since fled. There is a slight vibration from time to time in some places, everything seems to remind the human race that disaster is coming.

"Yesterday, I heard someone report again, saying that many small gaps in the barriers have begun to open gradually, and the breath of the demon can be felt from far away."

A well-dressed cultivator is chatting with a gray-robed Daoist next to him. Both Cultivation Bases are above Gold Core.

"Yes, someone heard the sound of'Rumbling'. Judging by such a strong breath, this time the Mozu sent

There are definitely not a few people and horses, and they vowed to rob us of our human race. "

Hearing someone talking about the Demon Race, people at the other tables nearby also watched. Everyone said something to me, but it seemed to be a post-dinner conversation, and I didn’t feel that I was already deep in the chat and laughter. In crisis.

"You said that the Qingshan Sect was engaged in such a big battle before, and the invasion of the demons was also passed on by their Sect disciples. Now everyone is gathering here, just to find a leader on the mountain to avoid everyone. They want to scurry around like headless flies, but they are still reluctant to open the door to meet the guests."

Obviously, at this time, a small number of people have been quite veiling towards the Green Mountain Sect to thank guests behind closed doors.

Once such signs emerged, the nature of these mobs would be exposed, so someone immediately added: "Yes, since the Suppression of Demons Assembly, there have been no other members of the Qingshan Sect. They have almost collected everything. The strongest disciples in Sect formed the Suppression Brigade, shouldn't it..." The speaker's voice was getting smaller and smaller at this time.

Chen Ming almost hooked his ears to the tea table next to him before he could barely hear: "Couldn't they be the people who colluded with the demons, and jointly attacked other Sects in the mainland, and finally unified the mainland of Kyushu?"

Although these words were only a very quiet guess, the young man in white robe at the table next to him was already angry!

I Chen Ming risked my life and escaped from the hands of the Demon Sect to bring this news back for everyone. For the safety of everyone in the Green Mountain Sect, everyone was brutally poisoned and the Cultivation Base was lowered.

This group of decent bastards is hiding behind the scenes and saying this kind of non-harmful, insulting bullshit! Labor and capital cut you today, and will fight the demons in the future.

"Pop!" A Flying Sword slapped on the table next to it, bursts of power, this powerful aura has already set off dozens of layers of ripples and spreading around, everyone was shocked and turned to look. The boy in white standing upright next to him.

With this breath, Transcends Tribulation masters are definitely not exaggerated. I did not expect that in this Black Tortoise State Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, drinking tea, you can meet the top masters of Transcends Tribulation period.

Seeing Chen Ming's aura, the compelling voice just stopped instantly, and the whole atmosphere dropped to freezing point.

Among the crowd who had been eliminated from the Qingshanzong to participate in the Suppression Demon Conference, Chen Ming’s operation at the time was too irritating, so it also left a deep influence on the contestants. After looking at it for a while, they immediately determined the one in front of them. The teenager in the Transcends Tribulation period is the younger brother of the Green Mountain Sect, and naturally he knows why he is so angry at this moment.

"Well, isn't this the little brother Chen Ming of the Green Mountain Sect? Your Cultivation Base has grown so much in such a short period of time. What a young talent!"

The voice that was still questioning in the last second turned into a compliment in this second, and it was really difficult for this group of licking dogs. Chen Ming looked at the group of chameleons with disgust and contempt in his heart.

When other people heard that this was the disciple of the Qingshan Sect who had long been admired and never seen, they turned around, cupped hands, and greeted Chen Ming.

They also have to do this now, think about the weakest disciple in this hidden sect, even the Transcends Tribulation early stage, so other people still have it? What kind of fairy Sect is this riding horse?

However, Chen Ming ignored these. For them, the scene just now may have already disappeared, but Chen Ming is a person who bears grudges and has grudges that must be avenged.

"I just heard you say that my Qingshan Sect is colluding with the demons to overthrow the entire land of Kyushu?" Chen Ming's language is contemptuous and sharp, and his expression is also a smile.

Suddenly, someone greeted him from behind. It was the person who was just talking gossip behind his back, and he quickly changed his words: "No, no such thing. Everyone heard from fellow disciples who came back and said that the Qingshan Sect was incomparable and unparalleled in the world, but I wanted to see the elegance of the Qingshan Sect. Just now. It's just a joke for a while, and I invite Master Shaoxia to have a lot of it."

A figure at the head level is now apologizing to a young man for pouring tea, but no one believes it.

Sure enough, my hidden sect like Qingshan Sect, even if only a little fur is exposed, it can make those so-called hidden Sects tremble three times. Chen Ming became more and more proud of his Sect powerhouse.

One after another, other Sect people came up to make a round, and this matter was considered past.

At this time, someone suggested: "Since Chen Fellow daoist is also going down the mountain for the anti-Magic formation, it is of course benefiting all of us. We are all able to provide assistance to meet Chen Fellow daoist's material requirements as much as possible. Please also Chen Fellow in the evening. Daoist came to the humble house to gather, which is considered as your substitute for Qingshan Sect to discuss anti-devil affairs with our other sects."

Chen Ming hesitated for a while, after all, he was the youngest generation, how could he replace the teacher?

"Brother Chen, don't hesitate. You must take the lead in the fight against the demons. Since your Master let you go down the mountain, naturally you will be sent as a representative to discuss the big plan with us."

As soon as this remark came out, it seemed that Chen Ming's doubts had been solved, so he readily agreed.

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