After a period of time, Chen Ming finally had a round with Lin Wentian and Zhuge Xing.

Moreover, unexpectedly, the second brother Jiang Haoran also appeared together, which really surprised Chen Ming.

"Second brother, aren't you staying at Sect? Why are you here?"

"Uh... this..." Lin Wentian looked at Jiang Haoran with a look of the excitement, as if to say, it depends on how you make it up!

"Little brother, the main reason to be a brother is to worry about your safety." Playing the emotional card, there is always nothing wrong.

"You know that the Mozu is cruel and merciless. It's the first time you have gone out with such a big task. Since the big brother started to ask for support in each Sect, Qingshan Sect has received news. I always stay in this Sect. I was fidgeting and panicked."

Jiang Haoran was so sophisticated, and he never stopped boasting.

"In Sect, I also begged Master for a long time. You know, the safety of Sect is also very important. The Master has always hoped that I stay in the Qingshan Sect to guard Sect. However, I am really worried about your safety and knelt all day and night. I begged the Master to let his old man let him go."

After that, Brother Haoran didn't forget to sigh softly and put a hand behind him, leaving everyone with a tough back. Of course, he didn't want to face the contempt of Lin Wentian and Zhuge Xing.

Except for Chen Ming's slightly red eyes and a mess of being moved, those who were present at the scene almost spit at him with nausea in the other two days.

I'm going... on the skill of not wanting face. In this world, if Jiang Haoran dares to recognize the second, no one would recognize the first.

At that time, the request for support spread. The Master's old man was worried about Chen Ming's safety, but he hurried to ask Jiang Haoran to come and assist the younger brother. He knelt in front of the Master for a day and night, begging for another person to go to the battlefield. One cried, two troubles and three hanged. Master, his old man used formation to drive him down the mountain.

Up to this point, he could even compose such a story of not wanting face, which is absolutely amazing!

After a moment of silence, Chen Ming cleared up his mood and changed the subject.

"Two brothers, this trip is going well? Have you encountered the ambush of the demons?" As they said, a few people set up the grill and prepared to have a big meal.

"We didn't..." Before Zhuge Xing had spoken, Lin Wentian took it: "We are fine, although we encountered some demon tribes on the road, they were all resolved by us without any effort." Lin asked Tian said lightly.

Me... when did this happen? Zhuge Xing's eyes were about to stare off, and he looked at the big brother with a question mark on his face.

Such a good and risk-free opportunity to pretend to be forced must be seized. Is it possible that when you meet the demons, you have the opportunity to directly defeat them?

Moreover, I can't lose to Jiang Haoran by pretending to be forced, or else I can reflect my tall and mighty image in front of the younger brother.

Lin Wentian raised an eyebrow, as if suggesting something.

Zhuge Xing also had an instant enlightenment: "Yes, those demon juniors are not worth mentioning. Big brother and I can solve it easily."

The appearance of the two seniors who didn't care about them looked so fresh and refined, and they deserved to be the masters of the hidden world Sect.

At this moment, Jiang Haoran, who was left behind and independent, was finally shocked by the conscience-stricken dialogue between the two goods, so she flew up and turned her head unbearably.

He looked at Lin Wentian with knowing but frivolous and provocative eyes.

Is the threshold for pretending to be so low now? Bragging is all based on a mouth. Even Zhuge Xing can come out to fool people.

Lin Wentian's playful eyes replied, "It's not that the second brother and younger brother brought us into the world of pretending to be forced by their own efforts. I feel that if we don't pretend to be forced, we won't be able to speak anymore."

Chen Ming didn't understand the dialogue between the eyes of the two seniors, and focused on the matter of fighting against demons.

"How many sects have entered the battlefield now? Are there enough people at the barrier exit?" A bite of chicken, cool!

"Basically, we have notified everything from the best Sect to the 9th grade Sect. They have sent some Nascent Soul, Gold Core level masters, so there is no need to worry about the personnel for the time being."

Chen Ming nibbled the chicken and nodded silently.

"Little Junior Brother, you weren't on the battlefield, how could you appear in this mountain forest?" Lin Wentian and his party were also passing by the lake today and saw the sleeping teenager next to them, and they knew it was Junior Brother.

"Also, this knife..." Jiang Haoran only glanced at it, knowing that this knife is definitely not an ordinary vulgar thing, and there must be huge energy hidden in it.

Chen Ming told his fellow brothers about his experience, although in his heart countless times...f*ck...I stepped on a horse...rely...I took it...and so on, the sound effects frequently sounded. . But several people still tried their best to maintain the surface peace and indifference.

Is this riding a horse an encounter that ordinary people can experience? Did the younger brother save the Jade Emperor in his last life? In exchange for so many opportunities in this life, the most damn it is that he still has an indifferent expression on his face.

"Is this Xueying Knife really so powerful?" Jiang Haoran seemed to believe it.

Chen Ming's backhand is to lift the knife and spin it in his hand for a while.

Afterwards, with an extremely violent thrust, it swung towards the distant water.

In less than a few seconds, the slight cold air entrained in the cold knife had already shocked Lin Wentian and the others.

In an instant, a big knife nearly ten meters long swung a super long silver knife light, shining to the lake surface, and there seemed to be a gap between ice and broken glass on the knife light, and then there was a "huh!" Cut it off! Extremely fierce.

After a few "kakaka" sounds, the water on the lake surface almost solidified into ice crystals, and the entire lake surface was full of chills. Jiang Haoran suddenly felt extremely cold.

"Cough cough cough!" Perhaps he was really shocked by the chill, Zhuge Xing coughed unconsciously several times.

"Ah... cut~~" The air-conditioning seemed to be contagious, and Jiang Haoran also began to tremble. I was too embarrassed to behave well, so I had to point to the ice on the lake and said: "Chandao, it's really good! There are still many hidden meanings worth studying."

As soon as this remark came out, Chen Ming couldn't wait to hug the second brother and kiss him fiercely. Brother simply understands! How about saying that these two brothers are the face of our Green Mountain Sect. At this glance, I can see the profound meaning in this cold knife.

And for the power of Han Dao, he is calm and composed, like a world-famous master's mentality of watching Xiaomin in the market, hey! The clown is myself!

Chen Ming probably couldn't think of it. These senior senior brothers were all too cold because they were so cold that they couldn't speak much, so they could only "watch them coldly."

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