At this time, I saw that the flame flower grew bigger and better under the familiar living environment. The buds also slowly opened up as the temperature decreased.

After the flowers bloomed, I could see more clearly, I saw a fiery red light flashing above the flowers, and the light was more obvious and dazzling in the frozen environment.

Inside the ice crystal, seven petals are formed by a ball of flames, and the color of each petal is quite different, forming a red-orange-yellow-green-blue-violet body surface.

And the green-green rhizome of each petal has not yet reached the ground, and looks very slender, fragile as if a gust of wind can break it. But in fact the energy inside is very powerful.

When Chen Ming wanted to use the Snow Shadow Knife to pick it down, he found that there were two evolutionary beasts surrounding the flame flower, like two guard soldiers, guarding the door to prevent anyone from attacking the flame. flower.

These two evolutionary beasts are more than ten meters long, and they are filled with molten iron to form a lightning wolf. Its speed is more than ten times faster than the average wolf pack. The whole body exudes a dangerous murderous aura

The other is an ice spider. Once this spider spins, it will wrap people with ice sticks until they suffocate to death. Although the speed is slower than that of Snow Wolf, its power is hundreds of times greater.

This one is fast and one slow, one mile and one within. The combination is quite good and can complement each other.

Because these two creatures are both cold creatures, they generally do not appear in the flames, otherwise they will be robbed of a lot of their Spirit Power.

Of course, these two evolutionary beasts are also undoubtedly very powerful. After all, they can stand out among the many Demonic Beasts. With their powerful power, they suppressed all the other evolutionary beasts.

Only in this way can we get such a position closest to the flame flower.

Of course, they are not completely unwilling to covet this flower, they just fail many attempts, but consume their own physical strength and may even hurt their own Cultivation Base.

So later, I simply stopped trying. It's just such a good thing, even if I can't get it, I won't let others get it.

So the two goods became the patron saint of this flame flower, and they really fell in love and killed each other.

Before, they had all encountered many similar people who wanted to come over to snatch the flame flower, but they were all solved by the two of them.

But I have never encountered such a situation before, after all, I had been sluggish under the flame before, and my own advantage was not much.

Now that Chen Ming came down with a knife, the entire deep gully was like ice and snow. This happened to be an environment where they were very easy to survive, so all of them popped out.

But having said that, they are generally very unlikely to appear, because in these flame-contiguous areas, generally few people are able to deter the fire like this.

For the person in front of me, the two Demonic Beasts have no concept at all. I think this product should be the same as the reckless Demonic Beasts I met before.

At this moment, the snow wolf and the snow spider did not put Chen Ming too much, and they were still lying on the ground, motionless, as if they were falling asleep.

The flames on the petals seemed to fluctuate a little at this moment, and the ripples in circles, if seemingly, would expand outward. This is exactly the time when the flame flower evolves, and it is also the best time to pick it.

Chen Ming didn't want to miss this opportunity. A few seconds later, a high and long parabola was suddenly drawn in the sky, and it instantly fell to a place tens of meters away from the flame.

As the energy of the whole body entered this extremely cold space, the entire deep gully was shocked, and even the beasts far away seemed to be able to feel a strange force from afar.

Chen Ming resisted the sword body in front of own, and the two evolution beasts began to roar as if they had been lit with gunpowder.

In fact, Chen Ming had no intention of conflicting with the two evolutionary beasts. His goal was only the flame flower. Who knew that the snow wolf suddenly raised his nose, and let out a roar that shocked the world.

It seemed to be waiting for an opportunity to move, and the power that was frightened by the bitterness in its eyes was a bit unbearable.

At this time, the flame flower seemed to be deterred by the roar, and the seven petals began to beat violently. At the moment when the petals were shaking, some blooming sparks could be seen.

The ice spider beside the snow wolf still breathed in and out calmly, but the murderous aura hidden in the breath made people shudder.

In its long breath, it exudes infinite chill.

A dog that really bites doesn't bark! It's probably this kind of feeling.

"Roar~" Chen Ming thought, raising the sword, and a chill swept across, the eyes of the snow wolf and the spider seemed to be covered by a layer of mist.

"Hiss~" The cold snow spider twirled silk, picking up a chill, and the silver spider web swept out of its huge body and began to fill the entire deep moat.

The spinneret at the top of the cold snow spider’s glands has thousands of small holes in it, and the sprayed liquid condenses into highly viscous, high-tension spider silk when it encounters air.

And in the colder places, the more powerful the spider silk.

It is said that after a thousand spider silks are combined, they are one-tenth thinner than a human hair, which is basically invisible to your naked eyes. So there are many hidden threats.

Although spider silk is very thin, its tensile strength is greater than steel. No matter how powerful a sword is, it can't be cut easily.

Chen Ming is fearless, but he has raised a lot of vigilance towards this snow spider.

In a small space, the spider has a favorable position, it can move from one position very quickly, and then move to another one in an instant.

As a result, its silk is wrapped at every angle. Once the snow spider squirts out the silk liquid, the expanded filament will immediately form an airtight web in the next second.

After the formation of that net, the opponent may not be too optimistic. Moreover, the net has now begun to be distributed in every corner. From another perspective, it is quite worthy of Chen Ming's opponent.

"Boy, I advise you to leave as soon as possible. For a while, my cold snow spider web is not something ordinary people can tolerate."

The spider remained motionless, lazily reminding Chen Ming, as if he were a hidden master in the Demonic Beasts world.

Heh, if you want to learn from our Green Mountain Sect, you have to see if Chen Ming agrees or not?

At this time, the snow wolf has recovered consciousness from a cloud of white mist...

A pair of evolutionary beasts that combined movement and static waited for Chen Ming to fall into the trap.

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