After the golden light shined, the characters on the stone gate became deeper and deeper. After the golden light, Chen Ming only took a step, and it felt like he had stepped a long distance. The whole person turned into a thunder and lightning, and he rushed towards him in a blink of an eye. To the Shimen.

At this moment, the tyrannical power of his body turned into a strong hurricane, and a sharp sword light was directly drawn out, with an immortal momentum, and it fell on the stone gate with a frosted touch.

A few seconds later, a totem appeared in the center of the Shimen rune. Chen Ming added vigor into the sword, only hearing a "bang", the totem was pushed down.

Then Chen Ming's entire body began to redden rapidly, like hot red iron, and he could feel an extremely hot breath without touching it.

Chen Ming first suppressed it with his own Spirit Power, and then began to use the Snow Shadow Knife to dissolve the heat on his body with the ice and snow Lotus flower. After this swelling force subsided, Chen Ming found that his own strength had reached its apex in an instant.

He began to use his full strength to press down on the totem piece, and his whole body was violent, and the stone gate that originally seemed to be connected to the rock wall suddenly seemed to move a little. Then he moved a little more.

A few seconds later, the sound of "click...creak..." was like the sound of gears turning into the ears, as if a switch was being unscrewed from the inside of a stone gate.

Vigilant and nervous emotions spread in Chen Ming's heart. On the one hand, there is some expectation that the world behind Shimen will be opened, and on the other hand, he is also afraid of touching a crisis mechanism that shouldn't be touched, and inviting murder.

With the twisting sound slowly disappearing, Chen Ming also pulled out the Nine Tribulations Sword in his hand from the stone wall. The silver-white blade was shining with golden light, showing a majestic aura, also cold and cold. Light.

After a few seconds, the ground on which Chen Ming was standing began to sink slowly, and the black square holes were gradually exposed in front of him.

After it dropped to a certain level, the moving earth began to transport Chen Ming forward again.

"Ah...I...I don't want to go in anymore...Stop! Stop, let me out...!"

With the sound of "Go", Chen Ming's whole person has been sent into the new world behind Shimen.

Well, the new world is endless darkness. Except for taking advantage of the sky light just now, knowing that there is a staircase on the right front, I really don't know anything.

It seems that the cave secret room here must be dangerous.

Chen Ming used a lot of mood to calm his own mood, and then prepared to take a tentative step forward.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~" Although the temptation step was very, very small, it still made Chen Ming feel that there was a cliff in front of him. Even if he only moved half a step, he would be buried.

Chen Ming straightened his eyes and saw a glowing fluorescent green, and more than one point, it was a green dot hanging on a line, like a leaf.

He slowly moved in that direction, and when he approached the fluorescent green object, he used the Nine Tribulations Sword to make a hook. It was so long... it turned out to be a vine.

And it can be clearly felt that some places of this vine have been broken, and some places have some marks of scratches, which shows that someone has used it to get through this section of the road.

For a tall person like Chen Ming, this kind of journey doesn't take any advantage at all. He had to move slowly to the edge of the cliff with small steps, then he grabbed the vine and leaned down, slowly and carefully, without making a sound.

There seems to be a river below, and because the water is shining, it can faintly shine to the road below.

After a few ups and downs, Chen Ming slowly landed to a corner next to the river. During the whole process, he dared not make any sound, for fear that a sound would disturb the switch after falling.

Chen Ming only took a deep breath when he felt that his whole body was only about three meters away from the ground, and suddenly let go and jumped down, falling firmly on the ground.

The distance between the bank and the river is also very close, but it is only an arm's length away. The cliff next to him was chilly, and Chen Ming frowned, feeling that the road ahead was difficult and dangerous.

The most urgent task now is to find the source of the fire. Or if nothing can be seen in this dark cave, wouldn't the danger be doubled?

Suddenly the four words of drilling wood to make fire appeared in Chen Ming's mind.

This is still seen in the second brother's own scripture, a supreme way of making fire.

There happened to be some dead wood beside the river bank. I don’t know if this kind of wood is not in compliance. Try it first. Chen Ming also tore off all the leaves on the vine.

Although my heart is full of doubts, there is no one anyway, so it doesn't hurt to try.

So Chen Ming began to spread out all the leaves in that corner, and then began to drill the wood.

"One click... two clicks..." After many clicks, there was no raging fire that I had imagined. There was not even a small flame or even a single smoke? This is too Giving face.

Or does it mean that firepower is not allowed in this space? Chen Ming doesn't believe in this evil! Why not let people use flames?

An anger in his stomach prompted Chen Ming to start drilling harder. After an hour...

Chen Ming found that at this moment his own hands and feet began to feel a little sore and fatigued, and in some places he was already a little sore and numb.

"Fuck... come out for me... come out for me..." Chen Ming's heart was roaring frantically at this moment, becoming stronger and stronger.

Can you imagine this god-tier in the Transcends Tribulation period, in a corner less than this square meter, squatting on the ground trivially, madly competing with a few firewood?

This heaven-defying force finally broke out after reaching its peak. With a few loud noises, the entire space began to vibrate. The extremely calm water surface just now was turbulent.

It is enough to see how powerful Chen Ming's strength is.

After a second, as Chen Ming's mind moved, a new law of fire began to be born before his eyes, and the flame appeared in the wooden stick in his hand.

Maybe it was stimulated, and Chen Ming was still shaking frantically.

Hahahaha, the skills of drilling wood and making fire, get it! Chen Ming's face was finally filled with a smile.

Seeing all the leaves started to smoke and the fire was getting bigger and bigger, Chen Ming slowly stopped. If he rubbed it down again, he might jump into the river to put out the fire.

The flame illuminates the entire cave where it can be seen.

Those gloomy stone walls are not empty. It turns out that there is a pattern on each stone wall.

As if he had seen it somewhere, Chen Ming was lost in thought...

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