Junior Brother Please Don’T Cultivate

Chapter 879 Divine Sense was broken

This layer of space is much wider than the fifth layer just now, but the magic is that I haven't felt the huge pressure for the time being.

At this time, in front of the two people, there was nothing but a piece of dark scorched earth, and there was no grass growing. This is really weird. After all, logically speaking, this level is getting higher and higher, and Spirit Power should be more refined and exuberant.

At the same time, the power of Restrictions should also be greater, and Chen Ming should not be so easy to mobilize various powers in his body. But at present, it seems that it has not been affected much.

Chen Ming fixed his eyes on this scorched land. Vaguely, it seemed that he could still see ghosts drifting across the land. This hideous face revealed a lot of unwillingness.

"This level of the Xuanlong Tower is so weird!" Su Mu couldn't help sighing, and his body trembled.

Chen Ming continued to move forward and found that thin smoke began to gradually obscure Own's vision. Suddenly stopped, his eyes narrowed and looked forward.

The strong breath in the body gushed out, quickly pushing away the layers of clouds and mist, and suddenly, a majestic figure of him stopped in front of his eyes. This figure is facing them at the moment.

It stands like a statue, motionless. Even just a figure from behind can feel the magnificent momentum and powerful aura.

"I don't know what kind of statue this is?" Su Mu watched the behemoth from the side, and wanted to try to check it out.

Without taking two steps, he was "banged" by a cyclone and shook out more than ten meters away.

Fuck...this breath is too powerful, and it can be hidden silently, so that people are not aware of it at all. As long as it is touched, it will be directly overturned.

Chen Ming did not consciously retreated a few steps. This statue was equivalent to saying that it should be surrounded by a protective cover now, and they definitely can't directly enter this protective cover for the time being.

Then if you want to see the front of this sculpture, you must turn it around.

Chen Ming walked two steps beside him, and some couldn't help but stretched out his trembling palm, trying to touch the back lightly. But the result was almost the same as Su Mu, a force of strength instantly hit Chen Ming's palm, causing him to quickly withdraw his hand.

This stone statue is so unusual that the front is not visible, and it is still impossible to get close.

Inside that protective cover, it was also vaguely visible that there were evil spirits floating back and forth.

"What a powerful evil spirit!" After Chen Ming used Divine Sense to perceive for a while, he felt that this place, this statue may have inherited the evil yellow mystery Cangqiong ring.

If you can get this ring, this level will probably be a breakthrough.

But this thing was the best in the world before his death! A combination of resentment, evil thoughts, and evil thoughts has already formed in its spiritual sea, which is definitely not something ordinary people can contend with.

"Indeed, this evil spirit felt completely suppressed our breath." Su Mu's tone was a little helpless.

Chen Ming took a deep breath and said, "The power of mind is the strongest in this, so the evil spirits are naturally powerful."

At this time, the sculpture began to exude a lacquer black breath from the inside out, and the green plants around it also instantly began to spray out a faint green object resembling a poisonous gas.

The whole sculpture is surrounded by gray and dead spirits. This sculpture should have been a long time ago. The trees and vines have fallen to the ground, and some of the vines are still stained with blood that has never dried up.

This should be left by the previous War Practitioner.

At this moment, a section of golden rune spread out on the back of the sculpture, with some fragmented pictures on it.

Chen Ming quickly turned his mind, and in a trance, he perceives a broken picture of the ancient eight wilderness battles at this time. Although the front of the sculpture is not visible, he can perceive that the sculpture is a fire Qilin, which he holds in his hand. It was the halberd that was exactly the same as in the picture.

This fire Qilin, once evolved from an overwhelming god and demon, killed countless enemies on that ancient battlefield.

However, due to too many enemies, he was eventually hunted down here. The gods and demons fought the fire dragon for several days in this Xuanlong Tower to no avail. They were eventually swallowed by the power of flames and sealed for eternity, forming a sculpture of Qilin.

Seeing the evolution of the fire Qilin in front of him, Chen Ming's Shenhai suddenly buzzed, and he subconsciously hugged own head.

"Damn... the induction didn't make it so painful to pass, what's the situation?" Chen Ming was very puzzled by the intense pain, and couldn't help groaning several times.

Could it be that the Qilin statue ran into my deep sea and caused trouble?

A few seconds later, Chen Ming felt that own mentality and memory were even more confused, as if the war and reality perceived in Divine Sense were a bit unclear, and he kept flashing in front of him.

"Brother Chen...Brother Chen... are you okay?" Su Mu backed away from Chen Ming several times, feeling that his expression at the moment seemed a bit wrong.

"Kill" Chen Ming suddenly roared, and suddenly pulled out the Xueying Knife with his right hand. After sweeping wildly in the void for a while, several layers of ripples were set off.

Then he held it tightly in his hand like a halberd. Then he will attack Qilin.

"I've seen a ghost, isn't Brother Chen possessing some demon?" Su Mu watched Chen Ming's state at this time is completely different from before, and his whole person was full of grudge. And as if he had lost his mind, his eyes were blood red and full of murderous aura.

"Not good~" Su Mu yelled. It must have been when Chen Ming was using Divine Sense to perceive. The dark green poisonous gas emerging from the plants invaded Chen Ming's mind and made his mind now extremely high. Instability.

He probably cut himself back to the ancient battlefield, ready to fight at any time.

The next second I saw Chen Ming kneeling on the ground with a bang, his expression even more painful, and his face pale. This is probably the throes of human Divine Sense in the alternation.

Seeing Chen Ming become a little crazy, the road ahead is worrying, and he feels that he is in danger of being buried here at any time. Su Mu can only watch the changes first.

A few seconds later, Chen Ming's Xueying Knife was once again domineering, and a purple-blue arc traversed the entire space, causing the circle of protective talisman to tremble several times in vain.

Then the runes suppressed there, began to ascending slowly in the void with the smoke, and finally disappeared into the black space.

"Hahahaha, you Qilin, let me unblock it." Chen Ming's arrogant voice hung in the void for a long time.

With this huge tremor, the protective circle with deep heritage has disappeared, and Qilin's true face is about to appear.

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