Junior Brother Please Don’T Cultivate

Chapter 882 The Mystery of Rune

Chen Ming inhaled the power of the infinite soul bone in the avenue, and then there was a warm feeling in his body ascending, and there was a dim light around his body.

"Huh~hu~" Enough! enough! Chen Ming finally exhaled a few breaths and recovered his strength, leaving a trace of Qilin's blood in his body.

After the battle with Qilin, although Qilin did not take it seriously, he did feel that he had a lot of Ascension in the mainland. Especially when dealing with fire attribute attacks, Chen Ming felt a better level of law and morality.

Moreover, after the soul bone was replenished in the body, I felt that the vitality of the whole person had almost reached an overwhelming state. With the soul bone, the speed of absorbing any Cultivation Technique is ascension a hundred times faster.

The aura in his body is more restrained and tolerant, but in fact its power is even more terrifying.

After staying on this floor long enough, Chen Ming and Su Mu finally set off to the upper floor again.

The next seventh and eighth levels are two very high-level spaces, with countless small levels inside. Along the way, demonic beasts of different levels have emerged in endlessly, some are particularly large, and some cubs. Around those Demonic Beasts, there are always piles of dead bones.

Some of them are human cultivators, and there are also some skeletons of other Demonic Beasts.

Chen Ming also picked up a lot of valuable bones along the way, and constantly took actions to absorb the essences that have an effect on cultivation into the storage ring one by one.

Among them, the most rewarding thing is to count the giant teeth of a wild elephant with fangs. The morality and justice deposited by the years contained in the giant teeth can be made into a very sharp weapon of Spirit Power.

Before reaching the ninth level of space, a dry and cracked rock wall suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, blocking their progress.

Chen Ming wanted to pass through the suppression of Spirit Power in his body, but was quickly ejected a few meters away.

"I can't go up anymore!?"

Chen Ming immediately realized that although this rock wall was a space of phantom, it was obviously not that easy to pass through. After some attempts, it was discovered that the originally dry and cracked rock wall was touched by Spirit Power, and a burst of text began to flash out.


Obviously, it is not the rock wall that actually blocks Own, but this golden rune. It seems that this step is not far away, but in fact, due to the existence of these runes, it seems to be separated by two worlds.

The rune of golden light, as bright as a star, is suspended on the dry and cracked rock wall, surrounded by a halo.

The two stood still, turning their own heads constantly, trying to understand the meaning of this line of running symbols.

"Um...this...this...probably a...poem?" Su Mu came to such a conclusion after thinking about it.

It is true that each line has a special neatness to the battle, but it does not look like a poem, let alone what effect can a poem have?

Chen Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes swept across these lines of rune.

Second Ao, the coercion emanating here is too strong. The coercion that permeated the entire space was simply unparalleled, and Chen Ming was slightly surprised.

At this time, the aura from the rune just merged with Chen Ming's soul, and even resonated. The morality contained in this law may be difficult to resist with the current spirit bone power. No wonder I was shocked just now.

A few meters away.

What's more, the power of the soul bone is also a new force absorbed into the body. Chen Ming has not yet completed the mastery of the laws, so he will be fettered by his own Cultivation Base, unable to fully display the power of the soul bone.

It seems that the Restrictions and power of this rock wall refuse the cultivator to enter. Facts have proved that even if the soul bone is obtained, it cannot be done once and for all.

Suddenly, Chen Ming’s Divine Sense appeared for a while, and a series of rune symbols related to the elements began to condense in Own’s brain, continuously generating a beam of light that impacted Own Divine Sense, and then there was an energy-stable auxiliary rune. .

"Perfect!" Chen Ming exclaimed, making Su Mu next to him stunned: How can idols always have such weird points?

A few seconds later, following Chen Ming's thoughts, the energy crystals on his body quietly changed.

"Fire" rune began to wander around his whole body, and then exploded. In a moment, Chen Ming ignited a raging flame from head to toe.

However, the rune with the "fire" attribute is only the beginning of this law, and each line of the rune actually emphasizes the attribute of an element.

After a while, Chen Ming's fire attribute slowly weakened, and then there was a "wind" rune, "huhu~" Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up all over his body, and a gust of wind intended to hold up the bodies of both people.

Because Su Mu hadn't made any preparations, he was just a melon eater. When the storm was surging, before he had time to react, he was caught in the gust of wind, blowing from one corner to another.

Chen Ming was heavy and mobilized various abilities in his body to protect him, so the wind couldn't support him.

This makes Su Mu even more depressed: what's the situation with this horse riding? The pot that Brother Chen provokes, how can I be the one who eats melons?

Su Mu's body and mind, who was madly blew by hurricanes, felt that he could not bear it several times. He was about to fall, and was pushed up by the new wind.

Chen Ming can only apologize on the sidelines, after all, in order to pass the test of this level, someone may have to make a little sacrifice.

Next, according to the elements provided on rune, Chen Ming began to convert several other rune elements, and found that they all have their own advantages and characteristics.

After several days and nights of research, Chen Ming finally felt that he had initially grasped the power of this rune. Then on this basis, Chen Ming began to inject some strength and vitality. Let the energy crystals on one's body reach the point of a kind of riot, in order to strengthen the attack power.

After a period of instillation of the will, that energy crystal finally quickly formed a combined force of elements consistent with Dao Fa rune on top of his head.

This joint force condenses the power of various elements of wind, fire, gold and wood thunder, and finally forms an energy group.

Suddenly, a force that destroyed the sky and the earth began to unleash wildly, and began to strike at the rune on the rock wall.

The entire space was like being bombarded by artillery fire, and the energy crystals were copied in every ball of artillery fire at this moment, fully exerting the power of the elements.

Slumped to the ground, Su Mu, who was stunned by the operation just now, had not been relieved from the last wave, and was completely frightened by this wave of bombardment. The whole person was dumbfounded: rune is okay. Play like this?

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