Gu Jinghong was stunned for a moment.

It seems that he has not told his master about practicing the formation method. How did the master know?

But this thought only passed by for a moment, and Gu Jinghong quickly calmed down.

His master was omnipotent, so it was strange to know this.


Gu Jinghong responded respectfully, then took out a jade slip and put it on the table: "Master, this is the encyclopedia of formations I received from Fangshi when I was out on a mission. It is said to be an encyclopedia, but it only contains the first-level to For the basic formations at level three, I mainly rely on this collection of formations to practice on my own.”

Gu Jinghong is actually self-taught?

Yun Jin couldn't help but look at him with some curiosity: "Among the ten peaks of Tianxing Sect, the master of Wan Formation Peak is proficient in formations and is a fifth-grade formation mage. Since you have ideas in this regard, why don't you ask him for advice?"

Gu Jinghong's voice was very calm: "My subordinate was not popular in the sect before."

Yun Jin understood now.

The previous Gu Jinghong was a complete pervert because of his blood energy skills.

If Zhao Wuji really valued him, that would be fine. However, Zhao Wuji was not very close to him.

This way.

The disciples of Tianxing Sect were afraid of him, and the elders did not like him.

As a result, Gu Jinghong, a sect leader, had to rely on self-study if he wanted to learn something.

Yun Jin thought about Cheng Guang.

As the peak master of Ten Thousand Formations Peak, Cheng Guang, like most peak masters, follows the path of protecting oneself wisely.

Yun Jin didn't know much about him, but in the future, she would bring the Tianxing Sect to the top. Then take the time to conduct an investigation on the people in the sect.

For those who are not strong-willed, it is best to eliminate them from the sect.

She wanted to ensure that the people in Tianxing Sect were worthy of her efforts.

Before that, Yunjin didn't plan to redeem too many good things from the system.

After the staff is streamlined, Yunjin will really take out the things that have been simplified by the system.

Within the Tianxing Sect, there are only a few people who have Yun Jin's trust now.

This light is not included in this list for the time being.

Yun Jin picked up the jade slip and examined it by himself.

This jade slip is a common commodity.

There are only five first-level formations, including the most basic Spirit Gathering Formation and the Mysterious Formation.

There are only three second-level formations and third-level formations.

This is completely unsatisfactory in front of a real formation master. It is completely the basis of the basics.

However, in the market, you can only buy this kind of popular goods.

Yun Jin knew some basic knowledge about the formation master.

for example.

Those who can deploy at least five first-level formations within the specified time are first-level formation masters.

Second-level formation masters and third-level formation masters are also required to master at least five formations.

Therefore, in Gu Jinghong's case, although he is proficient in several second- and third-level formations, but the number has not reached five, he can only be regarded as a first-level formation master at present.

In the method of formation, various tools can be used to attract the spiritual power of heaven and earth into the formation, and through guidance, different effects can be achieved.

Cultivating to the highest realm is also a matter of overcoming mountains and seas, which is very remarkable.

These are far from Yunjin.

She looked at the most basic spirit gathering array.

"The first-level spirit gathering array requires low-level spiritual crystals. The more low-level spiritual crystals, the better the effect."

This level of spirit gathering array has very detailed patterns. Among them, the most entry-level one is a formation composed of ten low-level spiritual crystals. Later, there are versions with hundreds and thousands of low-level spiritual crystals, but the later ones only affect the spirit gathering effect, and the difficulty of arrangement is almost the same as that of the most entry-level version.

Therefore, as long as you master the lowest version of ten low-level spiritual crystals, you have probably mastered this formation.

To arrange the low-level spiritual crystals according to their orientation, and then induce the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to enter the formation, the most difficult part is to control the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and all the spiritual crystals form a delicate balance.

Yun Jin thought for a while and took out ten low-level spiritual crystals.

This time, she didn't use the system and thought of trying it herself.

On the drawing, the position of each spiritual crystal is clear. The above requires that ten spiritual crystals need to be placed in the appropriate position at the same time. Even if there is an error, it must not exceed the number of one breath and one breath. Yun Jin's mental power was so powerful that with just one thought, ten low-level spiritual crystals were placed on the floor in the room according to the directions on the pattern.

As soon as the ten spiritual crystals were released, the spiritual power began to surge as they pulled each other.

At this time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth must be introduced immediately for balance, otherwise, there is only one way to explode.

Gu Jinghong couldn't help but feel a little nervous when he saw Yun Jin suddenly start experimenting.

He still remembered that when he first tried, he failed nearly a hundred times before barely succeeding once.

The balance between spiritual powers is not easy to grasp. It requires cultivators to find that delicate balance through countless failed experiences.

Fortunately, there are only ten low-level spiritual crystals, so even if they explode, there will be no problem.

Yunjin has begun to activate the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

As soon as the spiritual power of heaven and earth entered the formation, the spiritual force field became even more chaotic. Yun Jin was not in a hurry. She sorted out the lines of spiritual power and let the spiritual power of heaven and earth join it. Together with the spiritual power generated by the ten low-level spiritual crystals, it formed made a cycle.

This cycle was a little unstable at first, but soon it started to work harmoniously.

Gu Jinghong's mouth couldn't help but open slightly.

This is…


The master just asked himself to take the jade slips, and then took a look. This level of spirit gathering array was already arranged.

Yun Jin ignored Gu Jinghong's shock. She sensed that the concentration of spiritual power inside this small spirit gathering array was twice that of the outside world, which was exactly the effect that a first-level spirit gathering array could achieve.

But Yun Jin looked at the spiritual power circulation on the other side of the spirit gathering array, but she always felt uncomfortable somewhere.

This cycle looks quite harmonious, but I always feel that there are a lot of unnecessary complicated lines in the middle.

So, what kind of cycle is the most perfect?

In an instant.

Yun Jin thought of the trajectory of his golden elixir in his dantian.

This movement trajectory was derived from my own insights from Tai Chi!

The golden elixir operates in this way, and the efficiency of absorbing external spiritual energy is more than ten times higher than that of ordinary golden elixirs.

Since this rotation has such an effect on the golden elixir.

So, what if this rotation is applied to the spirit gathering array?

Try it if you think of it.

Yun Jin used her powerful mental power to forcibly interfere with the formation's operation. The Spirit Gathering Formation suddenly began to falter and was about to collapse.

Yun Jin raised his eyebrows and used his mental power to suppress it.

After she forcibly corrected the trajectory, the formation began to operate harmoniously again.

And this time.

The efficiency of the formation has also been improved.

The concentration of spiritual power inside is three times that of the outside.

"Look. The host has improved the spirit gathering array, and the first level spirit gathering array has reached a perfect level."

Different formations, in different sects, have different ways to set up the formation.

A Spirit Gathering Array, in different inheritances, the method of setting up the array will naturally be different.

The more powerful the formation inheritance is, the higher the quality of the formations that can be deployed.

The perfect level arranged by Yun Jin is the limit.

Triple spirit gathering is the limit of the first level spirit gathering array.

"It's okay." Yun Jin waved his hand and removed the formation.

Gu Jinghong watched stunned.

What just...happened...

It was not enough for the master to set up the spirit gathering array at once, but she also transformed the spirit gathering array casually?

That strength of gathering spirit just now!

I'm afraid this is already...

It’s a perfect level!

A perfect level formation, but a heritage that only super sects and even holy lands have!

At this point, the host just said: "Is it okay?"

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