Junior Sister’s Cultivation Method is Unscientific

Chapter 533: All living beings have mercy on me, I have mercy on all living beings

 Luoyun Mountain.

Yun Jin fell to the top of the mountain.

Sensing her breath, the awake vegetation spirits began to cheer.

"Benefactor. Is the benefactor you?"

"Have you come to see us?"

"I have produced new fruit. Come and taste it, my benefactor."

The originally quiet Luoyun Mountain suddenly became lively.

Yun Jin responded with a smile.

She held the fruit in one hand and gnawed on it, while on the other side, a plant carefully handed over carefully stored dew.

As Yun Jin ate and drank, he asked, "Did the old tree never wake up after falling asleep?"

"My benefactor, are you talking about Boss Shu? He usually sleeps for a hundred or two hundred years. If he doesn't sense any crisis, he usually won't wake up."

"My benefactor, you can use your spiritual power. If I sense your spiritual power, Boss Shu will definitely wake up."

"However, Boss Shu may be a little angry when he first wakes up. My benefactor, please don't argue with Boss."

The spirits of these plants and trees started chattering.

Yun Jin nodded, feeling amazed in his heart.

Human practitioners have the strongest potential and understanding among all living beings, but their starting point is low and their initial life span is short.

This kind of plant life has low understanding, but only one thing: its life span is really long.

A mortal tree may live for thousands of years.

Plants and trees at the level of an old tree have a lifespan of tens of thousands.

To him, one hundred years in the mortal world was really just the time to take a nap.

Then I have to wake him up in less than half a month...

Is this equivalent to him shouting out just after he closed his eyes?

Yun Jin blinked.

You can't blame her, right?

This was what Lao Shu asked her to do!

Yun Jin coughed lightly and released all his spiritual power towards the old tree.

Her spiritual power contains rich spiritual energy of vegetation.

All the vegetation and creatures in Luoyun Mountain burst into joy.

The sleeping old tree was stimulated by this familiar spiritual power and slowly opened his eyes.

The spiritual power continued to stimulate his brain, and he felt that the whole tree was extremely anxious!

what happened!

What happened again!

Didn't he just close his eyes?

Called him up so soon?

Don’t you know the elderly need sleep?

As soon as the old tree opened its eyes, the branches began to sway crazily, and the leaves began to fall rustlingly.

"It's over. Boss Shu's anger has indeed returned."

"Quick, quick, put your head back!"

"Benefactor, you should also hide for a while!"

Yun Jin blinked. She had no intention of avoiding him at all. Instead, she walked to the old tree step by step.

Seeing that it was Yun Jin, Laoshu managed to regain some sense.

He held back and said, "Little girl, is something wrong?"

Yun Jin looked innocent: "Senior Shu, didn't you ask me to come see you?"

The old tree took a deep breath: "What I said is, wait until you control the avenue of wood before you come to see me! You may not know that we, Cao Shu, are different from you humans. We don't pay attention to interpersonal relationships. If there is nothing important next time, Things, you still don’t want to…”

The old tree had not yet finished speaking.

Yun Jin waved his hand slightly, and the wood attribute spiritual power surged crazily, and the spiritual power was swayed. The creatures in Luoyun Mountain were bathed in the spiritual power, and they all showed comfortable expressions.

The old tree was also bathed in spiritual power, and his expression suddenly changed.


His branches stretched out and he sensed it further.

next moment.

He looked at Yun Jin with some disbelief: "Girl, you... you... you..." Yun Jin nodded, very modestly: "When I was practicing a few days ago, if I had a feeling, I somehow made a breakthrough."

Laoshu was still a little shocked: "So, you have..."

Yun Jin continued to nod: "I have controlled an entire wood-attribute avenue. That's why I came to see senior as promised. Now it seems that senior doesn't seem to welcome me, so I'd better leave first. Wait a couple of days In three hundred years, I will come to visit my senior again.”

Yun Jin turned around and left.

The old tree was anxious: "Wait!"

Yun Jin stopped and pretended to be puzzled: "What's wrong? You are old, and it is the time when you need sleep the most. It is indeed my fault to disturb your sleep. I will leave now and wait until you are full. Come again!”

The old tree was so anxious that he hurriedly said: "I have slept well. I am very awake now. Girl, please tell me how you broke through the wood attribute avenue."

Yun Jin blinked: "Is it true that it won't disturb senior?"

"No, no." Laoshu nodded repeatedly.

Emotion value +500.

Emotion value +500.

In this wave, Laoshu has provided 500 twenty-hit combos.

It's really different when the cultivation level is high. This old tree's emotions obviously still have a lot of wool to be harvested. I wonder if I can sprint for a hundred hits.

Yun Jin sat down cross-legged and vividly explained what happened in Mingxintang.

Demonic siege.

Zhai Ge betrayed.

Laoshu's expression changed continuously after hearing this, and his emotional value reached fifty hits.

From Yunjin fighting the demons alone, to the back, there were people fighting alongside her.

Later, Zhai Ge was so despicable that he even threatened the lives of Mingxintang disciples.

Then these disciples were willing to end their own lives in order not to implicate Yun Jin.

Muddy tears flowed down from the old tree's eyes. While wiping his tears, he asked: "Then what?"

Yun Jin paused and suddenly said: "I'm a little tired today. How about we continue the next part tomorrow?"

Laoshu: "????"

One day, with the knife in hand, I will slaughter all the broken dogs in the world!

He directly cut a small opening in his tree, took out a small bowl of transparent sap, and handed it to Yun Jin.

"After drinking this, you should not be tired anymore." The old tree said.

Yun Jin looked a little embarrassed: "How can this be so embarrassing? I am not such a shameless person at all. I still..."

"Drink!!" Old Shu's voice suddenly became manic.

Yun Jin was startled and drank it quickly.

As soon as the juice entered his stomach, an extremely refreshing feeling spread from the inside out. Yun Jin suddenly felt energetic and energetic.

"Can we continue now?" Laoshu looked at her eagerly.

Yun Jin coughed lightly: "Since I suddenly wasn't tired anymore, let's continue. At that critical moment, I suddenly realized the final super law and my life reappeared. Then I returned my life and saved these disciples. By the way, I crushed those evil spirits."

Yun Jin finished speaking in a few words.

Laoshu was confused: "That's it?"

Yun Jin nodded: "What else?"

Laoshu thought for a moment and asked directly: "What was the true meaning you realized when you made a breakthrough?"

He lived too long.

Of course I know.

Even if it is the same avenue, different people can understand different true meanings.

Yun Jin thought for a while and said slowly: "It's probably symbiosis."

"Symbiosis? What is symbiosis?" Laoshu looked at her.

Yun Jin said calmly: "That day in Luoyun Mountain, thanks to the help of many plants and trees, I was able to defeat the powerful enemy. At that time, I had already determined the direction of my avenue."

The old tree thought of something and said in a daze: "Already aware of the vastness of the universe, do you still pity the depth of grass and trees?"

He had heard Yun Jin muttering to himself.

Yun Jin nodded: "There was still one last glimmer of understanding that day. It wasn't until these disciples would rather die than drag me down that I understood. The grass and trees pity me, I pity the grass and trees, all living beings have pity on me, I pity all living beings. My way , it is not one-sided protection and compassion, my way is to live in symbiosis and help each other. The people give me strength, and I will give my strength back to the people. This is symbiosis."

Yun Jin said it calmly. (End of chapter)

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