Yunjin was speechless.

Why did I cooperate with him? I had spent my whole life acting skills, but this mirror man wasn't done yet!

Yun Jin directly put that strange wave into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Mr. Na Jing was a little happy.

This white-haired tribe is really weak. His mental power is so strong that he can go straight ahead without encountering any obstacles!

This was much smoother than he imagined.

Mr. Jing's mental power moved forward and quickly reached the core of the Yunjin Sea of ​​​​Consciousness.

Mr. Jing was about to release his mental power to control Yun Jin.


A hint of panic flashed in his eyes!

In front of him, an endless ocean appeared!

The waves on the ocean are rough, and in the sky above the ocean, there are faint shadows of countless mythical beasts!

As soon as his spiritual body entered here, it was like an ant entering the country of giants, and it seemed extremely small for a moment.


Is this the Sea of ​​Consciousness?

Is this a sea of ​​consciousness that normal people can have?

Mr. Jing turned around in fear and ran away.

A shadow of a divine beast smiled at him, and then bit it directly.

Mr. Jing's mental body had no room for resistance and was swallowed up in an instant.

The next moment.

inside the carriage.

Yun Jin opened his eyes.

She looked at the huge mirror in front of her with interest, and then gave the instruction: "Stand up."

The mirror stood up uncontrollably.

Until now.

Only then did Yun Jin see the true face of this person.

This is an unusually tall Stone Tribe man. Unlike other Stone Tribe people, his entire chest is replaced by a mirror.

This mirror is a rare magic weapon. At the same time, this stone tribesman also used a unique physical weapon refining method. His physical body was completely integrated with this mirror.

With the nourishment of flesh and blood, the power of this mirror can be maximized.

But the flaw is that this stone tribesman will coexist with this mirror forever and ever.

If the mirror is destroyed, people will die.

"Senior." Mr. Jing spoke slowly.

His voice machine was completely controlled by Yun Jin.

When it comes to mind control, Yun Jin can be said to be his ancestor.

Even if he had the bonus of this soul-stealing mirror, he was still vulnerable to Yun Jin's vast spiritual power.

"Tell me." Yun Jin said calmly: "Whose order are you here on? Why are you looking for rare races everywhere, and what's going on with this carriage?"

Mr. Jing’s eyes were empty, but he didn’t hesitate at all when answering the questions.

"My master is Shi Gou, a member of the royal family of the Stone Clan. The master ordered us to search for rare races and bring them to the imperial city. In this carriage is the rare bloodline found this time."

Yun Jin raised his eyebrows: "Shi Gou? Why is he looking for rare races?"

Mr. Na Jing showed a confused expression: "I don't know."

Yun Jin narrowed his eyes.

Mr. Jing is completely under her control, and there is absolutely no possibility of lying. It can be seen that he does not know the inside story.

Yun Jin snapped his fingers, and Mr. Jing's expression suddenly became clear.

But he still looked respectful to Yun Jin.

Yun Jin said calmly: "Send us to the imperial city as normal. Don't show any trace."

"Yes." Mr. Jing responded without hesitation.

Yun Jin nodded with satisfaction: "Open the door."

Mr. Jing quickly moved aside, and behind him was a wooden door.

He opened the door and stood respectfully to one side.

Yun Jin walked in immediately.

The door was closed behind her, and Yun Jin looked at the people in the carriage calmly.

There are now twenty or thirty rare races in this carriage. At this moment, all of them look numb and their eyes are full of despair. See Yun Jin come in.

They just looked up and then lowered their heads again.

It's just one more person dying with them.

Yun Jin looked around, walked over and sat next to a girl with blue eyes and pointed ears.

The girl huddled in the corner. Even if Yun Jin came over, she didn't react at all.

"Sister, what race are you from?" Yun Jin asked familiarly.

The girl didn't even raise her head, her lips were tightly pursed, without any intention of responding.

"Why don't you talk? I see you have pointed ears. Could it be that you are called the Point-Eared Clan?" Yun Jin said: "Otherwise, are you called the Blue-Eared Clan? Why don't you talk to me? Is it possible that the characteristic of your race is that you don't know how to speak? Talking? Then you must be from a non-speaking tribe? Or..."

Yun Jin kept thinking about it.

The girl looked numb at first, but as she listened, she gritted her teeth and said, "Shut up!"

When did this happen?

They saw that they didn't have much time left to live, so couldn't they just let her face death in peace?

"That won't work. My race is called people who will die if they don't speak. I have to speak regularly in order to survive." Yun Jin was talking nonsense.

Everyone in the carriage looked over.

If you don't speak, you will become a dead clan?

This race sounds outrageous!


Apart from this, it seems that it can't explain why her death is imminent, and there is so much more to say!

"Okay, I've told you my cards right now, it's time for you to tell me your race." Yun Jin urged, as if a girl would bother her to the end if she didn't speak.

The girl gritted her teeth: "I told you, can you calm down?"

"Of course." Yun Jin said: "We as a race don't have to talk all the time. It's okay to take a proper rest. Say it quickly!"

The girl took a deep breath and said expressionlessly: "Our race absorbs the essence of heaven and earth and gathers the aura of vegetation. Therefore, our name is..."

"Hua Qi Group!" Yun Jin said with a look of amazement: "What a name!"

The girl was going crazy, and the expression on her face became lively: "Elf! I am an Elf!"

Yun Jin nodded, "I see. Then how did you get caught here?"

The girl stared at her: "You said you would calm down after I answered!"

"Yes." Yun Jin kept his promise: "Then you can continue to be in a daze!"


What does it mean to continue to be in a daze!

Is she lamenting her hopeless fate?

Since being arrested, the girl's emotions have fluctuated so strongly for the first time, and she can't help but want to say something.

Yun Jin had already stood up and ran to the other person's side.

"Brother, what about you? What race are you?"

The man: "..."

"Let me guess. Your head seems to be larger than ordinary people. Could it be that you belong to the big-headed tribe? Your arms are also extra long. Could it be that you are called the long-hand tribe? And..."

Yunjin started another round of noise attacks.

The man couldn't bear it anymore: "I am from the Qixing clan!"

"Weird-shaped alien tribe?" Yun Jin continued to ask.

The man gritted his teeth and said: "When my tribe moves, they have strange and elusive figures, so they are called the Qixing tribe!"

"Weird appearance? Elusive? How did you get caught?" Yun Jin continued to ask.

Emotion value +500!

Emotion value +500!

Yun Jin had no doubt that if his spiritual power hadn't been blocked, this guy would probably get violent.

Slipping away.

Yun Jin walked towards the next person.

After all her troubles, the originally lifeless carriage was suddenly filled with anger.

Everyone couldn't help but glare at Yun Jin fiercely.

Yun Jin counted the newly recorded emotional values, his eyebrows furrowed.


It’s more fun to look this energetic. (End of chapter)

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