Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 107 Nick Flamel’s Visitors

Any place where wizards gather, there is no bar.

Having lived in the magical world for a year, Sherlock has always felt that this extraordinary world, in fact, lags behind Muggles for a full century in terms of social structure and customs.

Just like in the magical world, the visible potion that can make the characters in the photo come alive has been invented for so long, but no wizard has ever thought of applying it to other aspects.

Like making a short movie or something.

So under normal circumstances, wizards have very little entertainment.

When I was young, I could still play Quidditch, but when I got older, I could only sit in a bar, drink two glasses of wine and brag with others in my free time.

This also means that as long as it is a magic street, there must be a bar.

Because opening a bar in the magical world is really profitable.

Fleur, Sherlock and Harry pushed open the door and walked into a bar called "The Star". It was said that the owner of this bar was bored and opened by a retired silent man from the French Ministry of Magic. Some of the food in it tasted very good.

"Are you going back to England after visiting Mr. Flamel? Aren't you going to stay for another two days?" Fleur asked pretending to be casual while shaking the orange juice in the glass with a straw.

With Sherlock here, of course he would not let the two minors drink. He even didn't drink to set an example, but asked for a glass of lemonade.

"We are going to continue to visit Sweden." Sherlock made a temporary plan. "After all, it is not easy to get out. Originally, Harry and I planned to go to Sweden first and then come to Paris. If we picked you up on the way, we would come directly here. ”

Harry certainly had no objections to Sherlock's arrangements. He could go anywhere, and the later he returned to the Dursleys, the better.

Fleur was struggling as if she wanted to say something to request. When she hesitated for a long time and was making up her mind to speak out, a voice beside her suddenly called her name.

"Senior Delacour!"

They turned around and saw that the person talking to Furong was a girl with freckles on her face.

"I didn't expect to meet you here." She said happily.

Fleur looked at her face with confusion.

"Who are you?"

"I am Marlene Creel, a fifth grade student at Beauxbatons. You may not know my senior, but I have always admired you!" She said with bright eyes.

There were not many students in Beauxbatons, but they were quite a few. Of course Fleur couldn't recognize them all, but there was almost no one in the school who didn't know her.

Her unique appearance as a Veela bloodline has always made her the center of attention among the students.

"Hello, Creel, do you live in Paris too?"

Although Fleur didn't want to chat with others while having afternoon tea with Sherlock and the others, she was a junior girl from her own school after all. People came over to say hello, so it was not good to just ignore them, so she just found a random question and answered perfunctorily.

The girl named Creel shook her head.

"No, an elder in my family gave me a letter of introduction, asking me to come to Paris to find Mr. Nick Flamel. But I went to Mr. Flamel's house and found that he was not there. He left a message saying that he would not be back until tomorrow. I I came to Changxiang Street to find a place to stay first, but I didn’t expect to meet Senior Delacour here. What a blessing!”

Hearing her words, Sherlock and Harry looked at each other quietly, and Fleur said in surprise.

"Are you also here to see Mr. Flamel?"

"Senior, are you also going to visit Mr. Flamel?" Creel looked surprised. She raised her wrist, clenched her left hand into a fist, and slid down her sleeves to reveal a small section of her arm. "Then we can go together tomorrow. Going to visit? Meet in front of Mr. Flamel’s house.”

Sherlock looked at her arm and frowned.

Of course, Fleur had no objection to her little request.

"We will be at M. Flamel's house tomorrow morning at nine o'clock. You can come with us to visit."

"Thank you, senior. Then I won't disturb you and your friends for afternoon tea. Goodbye."

Creel seemed to have noticed Sherlock's strange look. She pulled her sleeves back to their original positions, then said goodbye and left.

Sherlock looked at her leaving figure with a thoughtful look on his face.

Harry looked at him confused.

"What's wrong, Professor?"

Sherlock came to his senses, shook his head and said nothing.

He just seemed to see a tattoo on the girl's arm that was the same as the necklace and symbol that the wizard named Jonathan wore on his chest.

It might be a coincidence, or he might have seen it wrong, but Sherlock silently remembered the symbol in his mind, preparing to go to the bookstore on Changxiang Street to look for information later, and recall which book he was in. Have seen that sign.

"By the way, what were you planning to say just now?" Sherlock turned to look at Fleur, indicating that she could continue what she had not finished.

"No, it's nothing."

However, Furong was like a deflated rubber ball at this time, not as determined as before to say what she wanted to say.

They sat in the bar for a while longer, and then Sherlock went to the Flourish and Blotts bookstore on Long Lane to look for books. Harry and Fleur were waiting for him in the bar eating.

However, until it got dark, Sherlock didn't find out which book he had seen that logo on.

In the end, he could only leave Long Lane with this problem in mind, and drove Harry and Fleur back to Delacour Manor.

Naturally, Sherlock and the others will stay at Fleur's house tonight.

Mrs. Delacour had prepared a sumptuous dinner, and Fleur's father also had dinner with them after getting off work from the Ministry of Magic.

Mr. Delacour is a person who talks interestingly. He chatted with Sherlock a lot about interesting things about the French Ministry of Magic, and also learned about the teaching life at Hogwarts from him.

After the meal, the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves. The house elf Chiakley had already tidied up the two guest rooms, and Harry and Sherlock went to bed early.

Tomorrow they will not only visit Nick Flamel again, but also take a tour of Paris.

At dawn the next day, Sherlock woke up on time.

The biological clock he had developed at Hogwarts remained on even during the holidays.

After waking up and washing up, I left the manor, ran around on the path outside and then came back.

Mrs. Delacour was busy making breakfast in the kitchen. Although their family had a house elf, perhaps out of hobby, the meals the family ate were usually cooked by Fleur's mother.

The little girl Gabrielle was walking out of her bedroom sleepily. When she saw Sherlock, she said hello in an tone that was obviously not yet awake.

"Good morning, brother Sherlock."

"Good morning."

Sherlock touched her head.

"Why do you have to get up so early?"

"Mom said that she will take me to look for gnomes in the garden today." Gabrielle's voice became cheerful and said, "After you catch those gnomes, you must throw them far away! Otherwise, it won't be long before they come back. Will come and cause trouble in the garden.”

"Then you have to work hard."

While Sherlock was chatting with Gabrielle, Fleur, who was stretching, also walked out of the bedroom.

She seemed to be a little confused in her sleep, forgetting that there were more than just three sisters and mother at home. Her pajamas followed her arms, revealing a dizzying whiteness around her slender waist.

Sherlock tilted his head nonchalantly and went to Harry's bedroom to wake him up.

Fleur also noticed her indecent behavior just now. She didn't show that coy little girl attitude, but raised her head with a proud look on her face.

But the faint blush on her cheeks clearly showed that her heart was far less generous than what she showed now.

Harry was lifted from the bed by Sherlock.

Ever since he was taken out of the Dursleys' house by Sherlock, his appetite has become bigger and bigger, and he likes to sleep in more and more.

"Don't sleep anymore, we are still busy today."

Harry agreed listlessly. With his hair like a chicken coop on his head, he found his glasses from the bed, and then went to the bathroom to wash up.

Breakfast is toast and sausages.

Mrs. Delacour's cooking skills are very good, and the taste of the toast is not at all inferior to the meal Sherlock and the others had at Beauxbatons.

After breakfast, they formally bid farewell to Mrs. Delacour.

After visiting Niccolòme with Fleur, they spent a day in Paris and left here. During this period, they did not plan to return to Delacour Manor.

When they went out, Gabrielle was held by her mother's hand and waved to say goodbye to them. Mrs. Delacour invited them to come to their home again next time they come to France.

Sherlock took Harry and Fleur together and headed to Nick Flamel's residence again.

On the way, Fleur asked them hesitantly.

"You really don't plan to stay at my house again tonight?"

Sherlock drove the car and said casually.

"No, I made an agreement with his aunt when I brought Harry out. We will only bring him out for two or three weeks. If he continues to stay in Paris, there will be no time to go to Sweden."

Harry said bitterly.

"Actually, Professor, you don't have to send me home on time."

"I hate people who don't keep their word, so I won't be one myself. You'd better be an honest child for me. Don't think about it immediately when something happens. Let’s hide it from the adults first.”

Sherlock lectured Harry, and Harry listened honestly.

Although this trip undoubtedly greatly deepened the relationship between Harry and Sherlock, he still remembered that this was his most beloved professor. After getting familiar with him, he began to behave recklessly.

Fleur listened to their conversation with a straight face from behind. She didn't know why, but she seemed to be in a bad mood.

But neither Sherlock nor Harry paid much attention to it. Girls, there are a few days every month. If she is happy every day, then this girl would be strange.

Before they arrived at Nick Flamel's house, Sherlock and the others saw several people dressed as wizards wandering around from a distance.

Harry couldn't help but said doubtfully.

"Why don't they go in? Has M. Flamel not come back yet?"

Sherlock parked the car on the side of the road and walked with Harry and Fleur to the door of Nick Flamel's house.

The people lingering in front of the door were obviously wizards.

They were wearing robes, and some even wore pointy hats without concealing it. If it weren't for the Muggle Exorcism Curse near the residence, they would probably have attracted a lot of onlookers.

Fleur looked among the wizards, but did not find Krel, a fellow school girl she met in the bar yesterday.

Sherlock found a wizard and asked about the situation.

"Mr. Flamel has come back. A house elf came out just now and told us to wait outside for a moment. Mr. Flamel will come out to receive us when he is ready."

"Come out to receive us?" Sherlock asked doubtfully.

"Yes, because the people we came to visit happened to be together. Mr. Flamel's house does not have such a big place, so he had to come out to entertain us."

After expressing his gratitude to the wizard, Sherlock returned to Harry and Fleur.

"They said Mr. Flamel has returned, but they cannot receive him until he comes out."

Harry looked at the wizards waiting in front of the door. At a rough glance, there were about a dozen of them.

"Even if there are many people visiting Mr. Flamel, why do they all come together on the same day?"

Fleur thought for a while and said: "Maybe some people came here very early and didn't see Mr. Flamel, but they saw the message he left on the door plate, so they waited until today, and they all gathered together."

They stood in front of the door and waited for a while, but Fleur still didn't see Creel.

Sherlock said with a shrug.

"Maybe she had something to do and was delayed."

Just as Sherlock finished speaking, a gray-haired old man came out and opened the door of Flamel's courtyard.

The wizards waiting in front of the door gathered around.

"Monsieur Flamel!"

They called him respectfully.

This is the first time Sherlock has seen with his own eyes this wizard who is, in a sense, more famous than Dumbledore.

Nico Flamel was a wizard born in France in the fourteenth century.

With his miraculous alchemy technology, he created the magic stone, a magical product that can turn stone into gold and make the elixir of life.

And relying on this, he and his wife have lived from the fourteenth century to the present.

Whether in the wizarding world or the Muggle world, there are legends and stories about him.

As the first and only person in history to create the Philosopher's Stone, Nick Flamel is an iconic figure among wizards in any country. There are few wizards who have not grown up listening to his legend.

So after learning that he destroyed the Magic Stone and planned to send the fragments away, wizards who were familiar with him asked their descendants to come over, hoping to get a piece.

And these young wizards also showed great respect after meeting Flamel himself.

Sherlock and the three of them didn't immediately gather around them like the others. Fleur frowned and looked at the visitors.

"Jonathan didn't come over either."

"The wizard you suspect of having something to do with the goblin who stole your wand?"

"Yes, when we first met, he wanted to go with me because he wanted to visit Mr. Flamel. But for some reason, he didn't come today either."

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