Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 112 The script has changed!

"This must be Harry Potter." Nick Flamel's eyes turned to Harry, "This is the first time we have met, and I have never personally thanked you for helping to protect magic last year. Stone thing."

Harry said quickly: "This is not only my credit, Mr. Flamel, it was me and my friends who protected that stone."

"Oh, yes." Nick Flamel said with a smile, "I also want to thank your friends, so please help me bring my gratitude to them."

"I will, sir."

The smile on Nick Flame's face gradually faded.

"This farce should come to an end. After I destroyed the Magic Stone, some fragments still retain the magic power, but only a few simple ones."

"I wrote to several old friends who I knew well in the past, telling them that they could ask their juniors to come and pick one up. But I don't know when the news was spread. There are many people who think they have a good relationship with me. They actually asked their descendants to come to me, hoping to get a fragment from me. "

"But in fact, there are only three fragments of the magic stone that still retain some effect."

He took out three red stone fragments from his pocket.

From the outside, the real magic stone fragments are ordinary, just like an ordinary red stone on the ground, far less gorgeous than the previous fakes.

"You have helped a lot, so I will give these three fragments to you, so that others will not come to my place to cause trouble for this thing."

Nicolème handed the three fragments to Sherlock's hand. Sherlock did not give in. He took them into his hand and looked at the three red stones with some confusion.

"Mr. Flamel, do the fragments of the Philosopher's Stone do anything?"

Nick Flamel explained to him.

"These fragments still retain some properties of the magic stone. If you add the fragments when refining the magic potion, you can enhance the effect of some of the potions themselves. Or you can soak it directly in water to create a cup that is enough to cure the disease. The potion is good for most injuries, and in some ways is even more effective than Phoenix Tears."

I understand, the magic stone’s ability to turn stone into gold is gone, and the effect of making the elixir of life has been greatly reduced, turning it into an auxiliary tool that can only be used to heal wounds.

But even so, these fragments can definitely be called good things.

At least if Snape knew, he would definitely try his best to buy it from them.

"For the remaining people who came to Paris for this and were deceived, I will also compensate them with something so that they will not leave empty-handed."

After Nick Flamel had everything settled, he stood up from the sofa.

"My wife still needs me to take care of her. Thank you once again for your help, Sherlock and Harry. When you return to Hogwarts, please help me say hello to Albus."

Then he left the drawing room and returned to the magical hospital in Germany through the fireplace of the Ministry of Magic.

Harry and Sherlock later received awards from the French Ministry of Magic.

One French Friendly Wizard Medal for each person, which is considered a very commemorative thing.

After everything was settled, Sherlock and Harry did not go back to Fleur's house to say goodbye to her.

Instead, he gave one of the fragments of the Philosopher's Stone to Mr. Delacour, who worked in the Ministry of Magic, and asked him to forward it to Fleur.

At Delacour's house, Fleur only woke up in the afternoon.

Lady Delacour did not cast a resuscitating spell on her, but let her sleep a little longer.

Fleur opened her eyes from the bed in her bedroom. She stared at the ceiling in confusion for a while, then suddenly sat up.

She hurriedly put on her slippers, rushed out of the bedroom and walked to the living room, asking Mrs. Delacour anxiously.

"Mom, why am I at home?"

Mrs. Delacour told her everything about the two liars being caught this morning, and finally took out the magic stone fragment from her pocket.

"Your father sent this back. He said that Sherlock asked him to deliver it to you and tell you that if you have the opportunity to visit England in the future, you can find them. He and Harry are very willing to be your guides."

Fleur took the magic stone fragment from Mrs. Delacour's hand.

She stared blankly at the red pebbles in her hands, and after a long time she came back to her senses and asked nervously.

"Are they still in Paris?"

"They seemed to have left at noon. I heard that your father said that they planned to travel to Sweden again and then return directly to the UK."

Furong's mood suddenly felt as if the spice jar had been knocked over, with mixed emotions.

She took the fragment back to her bedroom with a somewhat lonely expression, lay on the bed, held it up and looked at it for a long time, and then murmured softly.

"Obviously I also want to go to Sweden with you..."



After asking someone to take a photo with Harry under the Eiffel Tower, Sherlock took the camera back from a passerby and politely thanked him.

Harry followed Sherlock with a sunhat on his head and a cone in his hand.

"Are we going to Versailles next? Professor."

Sherlock checked the film in the camera, looked at the time on his watch, and pondered for a moment.

"Forget it, it's just a palace in Versailles, there's nothing interesting to see. Let's head straight to the next stop while it's still dark."

"Then what should we have for dinner? Foie gras? Grilled elbow? Or maybe steak?"

"Eat, eat, eat. If you keep eating, you will soon become like your cousin."

"Since you said so, then I will definitely not become like that!"

"Hey, you're a bit of a talker with me, aren't you?"

They returned to the car, and Sherlock spread out the map, looking for their next stop.

"We should be able to arrive in Troyes before seven o'clock in the evening, then spend the night there tonight, go directly to Lyon tomorrow, and arrive in Geneva the day after tomorrow."

Sherlock decided on their next itinerary, but Harry's face turned pale upon hearing this.

This is the first time during this trip that Sherlock has made such a detailed plan, and he even said it directly!

"Professor, don't you feel that sometimes, the things you think will end up producing results in the opposite direction to what you think?"

Harry organized his words, trying to tell Sherlock the fact that his mouth was poisonous.

Sherlock heard the metaphor in Harry's words and stared at him speechlessly.

"What? Do you think my mouth likes to cause trouble?"

Harry hesitated for a moment, then nodded cautiously.

"In a sense, it is."

"I remember you were thinking the same thing when we were fighting the basilisk, right? You were always begging me to shut up and so on. As students of a magic school, it doesn't matter if you don't believe in magic. Why would you believe in such a mysterious thing!"

Sherlock complained as he drove on the road.

He really didn't understand why Harry and the three of them felt that their mouths were poisonous. Although some things were coincidences, coincidences couldn't be taken as the law!

Harry saw that Sherlock still didn't believe it, that he still wouldn't give up.

Next, he would travel with Sherlock for a long time. If he didn't explain the matter clearly and he suddenly said, "I believe you can live healthily and happily, Harry.", then Harry could directly Find a cemetery and bury yourself in advance.

"If you don't believe it, we can do an experiment!"

Harry asked Sherlock, pointing to a bird flying in the sky.

"Do you think this bird can land on the branch safely?"

Sherlock looked at the bird gliding in mid-air and shrugged.

"It wasn't injured, and it didn't fly onto the road seeking death. Why couldn't it land safely on the tree?"

"Since you said so, Professor! Then something will happen to it soon!"

Sherlock looked at the serious expression on Harry's face and wondered if some strange spell had been cast on Harry when he wasn't paying attention, which burned out his brain.

He parked the car on the side of the road and insisted on proving it to himself today!

The two of them got out of the car, one big and one small, squatting on the side of the road, staring at the bird in the sky.

The bird seemed to be a wild goose that had escaped from its flock. It flapped its wings and circled back and forth in the sky for several minutes. Finally, under the witness of Charlotte and Harry, it landed on a thick big tree beside the road. On the tree.

Harry was shocked!

This is obviously not how the script should be written!

He turned to stare at Sherlock, and Sherlock turned to stare at him, as if asking him if he had anything else to say.

"No!" Harry argued loudly, "This time it must be because the probability of it landing safely is too high! Let's try again!"

He looked around again and saw another bird in the sky.

"Speak from your heart, Professor, do you think that bird will land safely?"

Sherlock muttered to himself as he stared at the owl that was getting closer and closer to them.

"Not only do I feel like this bird can land safely, but why do I also feel like it's looking for us?"

The next second, the owl glided in mid-air and flew to their side, landing on the roof of the car.

Harry looked like he was dumbfounded and couldn't even say a word for a long time on the spot!

The script has changed!

Not only is the professor no longer a crow’s mouth, he has become a master of prophecy!

Sherlock didn't pay attention to his nervous reaction, but took the letter from the owl, opened it, and browsed it quickly.

Finally, he frowned deeply and folded the letter and put it in his pocket.

After the owl saw that he got the letter, it spread its wings and flew into the sky again.

Sherlock grabbed Harry, who was as stunned as a puppet, into the car.

"Something unexpected happened, Harry, and I'm afraid our trip will end here!"

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