Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 114 Floating Wand Spellcasting System

"Okay, okay," Ollivander muttered.

"I can sell you a hundred wands of the same material, but even if each wand is made of laurel wood and fire dragon heartstrings, and the size is 14 inches, the characteristics of each wand will not be exactly the same."

"And you won't be able to get so much in a while. Making a wand is not as simple as stuffing the core into a wooden stick. And regarding the heartstrings of the fire dragon, I also need to purchase a batch of goods from Romania."

Sherlock is not in a hurry to use it, nor does he strive for perfection, requiring every wand to be exactly the same.

he asked, stroking his chin.

"About how many wands can you prepare before September?"

Ollivander told him a number.

"About fifty."

"Then I will come and pick up the fifty pieces first, and I will pick up the remaining fifty pieces at the end of October. How much deposit should I leave first?"

"One third, you need to give me a deposit of three hundred galleons first."

Sherlock poured out three hundred Galleons from the bag, made an appointment with Ollivander, and left the wand shop.

Thanks to Snape spending a large sum of money to buy the basilisk, Sherlock had abundant funds. Even if he spent 900 Galleons to buy a hundred wands, it would have no impact on his financial situation.

Then he walked around Diagon Alley for a while, picked out a birthday gift for Harry, and then returned to his home.

Sirius Black's escape from Azkaban was reported by the Daily Prophet when Sherlock and Harry were still traveling.

Now even the Muggle government has been notified.

The TV news is portraying him as a vicious murderer with a gun in his hand, urging people to call the police as soon as possible after discovering him.

Sherlock was most impressed by the third part of the original work, knowing that it was actually a story about reversing time to fill the gaps in history.

As for Blake…

It seems like he turned into a mouse and ran away in the end?

Sherlock recalled for a long time, but he could only recall this little thing, and he didn't know whether it was accurate or not.

He simply didn't think about how things developed, and began to study the magic spell he had been studying since this holiday - the Patronus Charm.

Dementors will move into Hogwarts this year, this is inevitable.

Now that someone has discovered that Blake's ultimate purpose in escaping from prison is to find Harry and avenge his master.

Those Azkaban guards would naturally think of waiting and coming to this castle to protect Harry closely and also to monitor Harry.

In Sherlock's impression, the time when the dementors were stationed at Hogwarts was not honest.

And if something happens, the Patronus Charm is undoubtedly the best way to deal with these ghosts.

Sherlock sat on a chair in the study, looking at his new wand he bought from Ollivander.

The laurel wood is paired with the fire dragon heartstring, which is much longer than the one the original owner had before, and is much easier to use.

Sherlock waved his wand and used the transfiguration spell on the teacup on the desk, constantly turning it into various cups, and finally changed it back again.

After getting familiar with the feel, he was ready to use the first advanced spell of the new wand.

"Call the gods to protect you."

Silver light spurted out from Sherlock's wand and soon spread to every corner of the study.

He could feel that his Patronus was really trying to take shape, but in the end it still looked like something was missing, and could only be scattered around as scattered silver light flakes.

He stopped the release of the Patronus Charm.

Although he still failed this time, Sherlock could clearly feel that when he used this wand to use the Patronus Charm, it was obviously much more powerful than the previous one.

In the end, the lack of success was just because of a little emotional brewing. His happy emotions were not accumulated to the peak, and he still needed to accumulate some more.

Sherlock sat on the chair and closed his eyes.

Empty your heart and try to recall the happiness and joy you felt in your previous life when you checked your college entrance examination scores and received your college admission notice.

And after coming to the magical world of Harry Potter, he worked as a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts for a year. At the end of the semester, the student who held his arm and cried bitterly said, thank you for his Teaching, feeling relieved and happy when you feel that your wizard level exam is up to standard and you can fulfill your dream of becoming an Auror.

And the relaxing and happy days of traveling in France during the summer vacation.

Positive emotions were accumulating in Sherlock's heart, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up in a slight arc.

Naturally, he waved the wand in his hand and chanted the spell again.

"Call the gods to protect you."

Silvery white light flickered again in the small study room.

But this time, the streams of light did not disperse anymore, but sprayed out from the tip of Sherlock's wand, continuously compressing and plasticizing.

Sherlock looked expectantly at the gathering silver light. He could feel that his use of the Patronus Charm must have been successful this time.

So in what form did the patron saint he summoned appear?

Under his expectant gaze, those magical light threads composed of hope, happiness and other positive emotions finally came together perfectly.

A bird made of silver light spread its wings under the ceiling. It hovered above Sherlock's head for a moment, and then landed on his shoulder.

Sherlock looked at his patronus carefully.

At first glance, he thought it was a pigeon.

But after he studied for a long time, he was sure.

This should be a crow.

But because it is composed of silver light, most people may not be able to recognize its type without looking carefully.

Sherlock gently teased the patron saint standing on his shoulder with his hands, and was quite satisfied with its shape.

After the patron saint is summoned, it can not only be used to deal with dementors, but can also be used as a messenger to convey messages.

Birds like crows that can fly will undoubtedly be more convenient.

As for the meaning of the crow itself, that's even better.

Perhaps in some places or time periods, crows are seen as ominous.

But here in the UK, crows, or ravens, one of the crow species, have always been considered auspicious.

Even to this day, in order not to affect the national destiny, the British government still keeps a large number of crows in the Tower of London.

It is said that as long as these crows do not leave the Tower of London, the country will not suffer bad luck.


In order to prevent them from flying away, the British government specially sent people to clip off part of their wings, so that the country would have good luck forever.

With such a good practical function and a very auspicious meaning, the bird is his patron saint. Naturally, Sherlock is not dissatisfied.

After admiring the crow carefully, Sherlock canceled the spell and began to try to control the application of magic to multiple wands.

It takes time for Ollivander to make wands, so now he only has two wands on hand for experiments.

Invisible magic spread from Sherlock's body, and everything around him gently suspended around him, and then returned to its original position.

Only the two wands were still floating in the air.

Sherlock controlled them, pointed them at the two blank parchments on the table, and softly chanted the spell.

"Torn apart."

The next moment, both parchments shattered into countless small pieces of paper.

There are still some slight differences in the magic effects of two different wands.

Sherlock took a new one today, and the effect of the splitting spell on the parchment was obviously better than the previous one.

It can be seen from the disparity in the effects of so many spells that the original owner's wand is not the most suitable for Sherlock, and the laurel wand is the most suitable combination for him.

Then, Sherlock held the wand again, pointed it at the parchment, and used the splitting spell to compare with the splitting spell used to control the wand with control magic.

The result is the same as the petrification spell used in the previous actual battle against the goblins.

The spell released by the wand controlled by control magic is four to five times weaker than the spell cast under normal circumstances.

But this weakening is constant.

The effect of the spell will not be weakened again just because Sherlock controls more wands.

Nor does the effect of a spell increase because there are fewer wands to control it.

This laid the foundation for Sherlock to form his own group of wands and establish a floating wand casting system.

But I hope this tactic can truly meet the conditions for actual combat in the future.

Sherlock also needs to conduct a very important experiment.

That is the universal curse removal, whether it will be effective in controlling magic.

If he has prepared a swarm of wands and is recklessly preparing to launch indiscriminate laser rain shooting at the enemy, and someone directly calls him "The End of All Curses" and puts him to rest, then his efforts will be in vain.

Sherlock levitated his old wand using control magic, then held the new wand and used Universal Unspelling on the levitated old wand.

"The curse stops immediately."

The curse was broken and released, but the old wand was still floating in the air without any change.

Sherlock breathed a sigh of relief, and then he stood up from his chair.

Universal Unspelling is a graded spell.

The effect of the mantra is the most basic and simple, and it is generally used more frequently in daily life.

And its advanced use - all curses will end, even if it is an unconventional solution to the curse.

Historically, this kind of magic spell was only used in large-scale wizard wars, and multiple people could join forces to improve its effect again.

Regardless of whether it is a universal curse or an advanced curse, their spells are the same (Finite), which can be translated as the curse will stop, or the end will end, or all the curses will end.

But the gestures for casting spells and the emotional expression when using magic are completely different.

Sherlock pointed his wand downwards, pointed it at the ground and recited the advanced general-purpose spell to undo the spell.

"All curses will end." (The English curses are the same, so we use different Chinese translations to distinguish them)

The red light suddenly spread from the tip of his staff to the floor, and then spread upward along the ground. The red light was bright and shining exceptionally in the study!

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