"...The centaur who smuggled and sold eggs of banned magical creatures that I captured last time on a mission has now been released."

Harry vaguely heard a rough female voice saying something.

"When he was caught by me, he threatened me and wanted to make me look good when he came out. Then I cast a dancing spell on him at that time and made his four legs dance for a full hour before he fell to the ground tired. "

Another brisk voice sounded, and the person speaking seemed to be very close to him, just above his head.

"I have never seen a centaur! I have always heard that the largest tribe of centaurs in the wizarding world lives in the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts. But I have never gone in to see them, Professor Dumbledore We are not allowed to sneak in every year. I used to think that the centaurs were just a bunch of horse-headed people, like this."

Harry frowned, his whole body was cold. The two women kept talking in his ears, which made his chaotic mind a little clearer, and then he opened his eyes with great effort.

"Hey! He looks like he's awake, Tonks!"

Tonks lowered her head and met Harry, who had just woken up, with his head resting on her lap, and smiled what she thought was a very friendly smile.

As soon as Harry opened his eyes, what he saw was a huge horse face!

Not the kind of horse face that describes a long face, but the real, literal horse face!

The horse face also had fashionable bright pink long curly hair, wide eyes, and showed him a terrifying smile.

Staring at the deformed creature, Harry's face became dull, and his eyes gradually began to become more and more hollow. This series of non-stop stimulations impacted his brain, making his mind go blank, and the phenomenon of downtime appeared again. .

Finally, his head tilted to the side and he fainted again!

"You scared him, Tonks!"

Flora, the female Auror wearing an eyepatch, noticed Harry's condition and couldn't help but screamed.

Tonks then remembered that her face was still in the shape of a horse's face, and hurriedly restored her entire face to its original appearance. She slapped Harry's face and begged.

"Wake up, Harry, if Sabak knows that I scared you unconscious again, he will curse me to death!"

But Harry showed no sign of waking up. His subconscious seemed to have noticed something was wrong today, and he would rather pass out and escape the day than wake up and face all this misfortune.

Tonks even tried to use the resuscitation spell on Harry, but it was only a break from the coma spell. Unfortunately, Harry did not faint because of the coma spell. The resuscitation spell had no effect on him.

"Maybe he needs some hot cocoa. This stuff usually works great when you're scared of dementors."

In order to make up for her mistake, Tonks began to seek medical treatment urgently. She brought the cup of hot cocoa to Harry's mouth, but she accidentally held the cup unsteadily and part of it spilled on Harry's hair!

"Look what you've done! Tonks!" Flora screamed.

"I, I, I didn't mean it! I'm sorry Harry! Fortunately it's not very hot! I'll help you clean it with a cleaning spell!"


Sherlock had no idea what tragic experience Harry was going through now.

He and Kingsley were still in the case investigation room, studying the living dead.

"Perhaps what the dementors said can be a clue." Sherlock said thoughtfully, "You just said that the dementor leader said that they could sense that a terrifying thing had landed on the island of Great Britain?"

Kingsley nodded: "These are its original words."

"Things that can make dementors feel terrifying..." Sherlock shook his head, "This is really hard to imagine, let alone a magical creature native to the UK. Even today, magic There are still many unknown dark creatures in the world. It is conservatively estimated that the magical creatures we have discovered now only account for about 80% of all species. The same is true for dark creatures, which means that there are at least 20%. It’s something we don’t know.”

Kingsley was silent for a moment, and after a long time he sighed.

"The most important thing is that we have no way of knowing the behavior of this creature. It eats souls as if it were raw. Whether they are Muggles or wizards, they are all its prey. Will anyone be killed next? , who he is and where he is, we don’t know.”

Sherlock was also speechless. This was indeed the most difficult thing to deal with. Not only did they not know what species the other party was, they didn't even know the rules of the other party's crimes.

Just when the scene fell into silence, the door of the case investigation room was suddenly opened from the outside.

An Auror with long tawny hair and thick eyebrows who looked as sharp and tough as an old lion walked in.

"Mr. Scrimgeour." When Kingsley saw the visitor, he immediately bowed his head and called him respectfully.

The person who came was none other than Rufus Scrimgeour, the director of the Auror Command Office of the Ministry of Magic and the head of all Aurors in the British Ministry of Magic.

No matter how much he muttered about the old Auror behind his back, Kingsley still had to show him enough respect in front of him. After all, he was his immediate superior.

Scrimgeour nodded and turned his attention to Sherlock.

"Forrest is here too."

"He is very in-depth in the study of dark magical creatures, so I asked him to help me check the situation."

"Yes, I have always known his talent in this area, so I rejected his several applications to participate in combat missions. Unexpectedly, he resigned just over a year later."

Scrimgeour and Sherlock looked at each other, and Sherlock shrugged.

"Sorry Director, my ideal is to go to Hogwarts and be a professor. Working in the Ministry of Magic is just life."

"Although I don't like hearing it, it's obviously your sincerity." Scrimgeour opened the door and invited the three wizards in.

"You don't need to investigate this case anymore Shacklebolt. A customer will take over it."

Sherlock and Kingsley looked at the three wizards who walked in behind Scrimgeour.

There were two wizards and a witch.

The wizards all had coffin faces and wore black robes that were different from those of the British Ministry of Magic. They looked unsmiling and were two very rigid people.

And Sherlock actually knew the witch.

She was also wearing a black robe, with a wide hood on her head, covering the upper half of her face, with only a little silver-gray hair peeking out from the hood.

It was at the end of the term at Hogwarts that Dumbledore asked Sherlock to help take the strange German witch Silk to the Forbidden Forest to visit the grave.

Kingsley looked at the three wizards who entered the door in surprise: "Who are these?"

Scrimgeour introduced him.

"These two are Aurors from the German Ministry of Magic, Andre Henry and Etrich Haas, and this lady is the silent person from the Department of Mysteries of the German Ministry of Magic, Vera Schilke."

The two Aurors in front made Kingsley feel nothing, but after learning the identity of Ms. Silk, Kingsley's eyes subconsciously became serious.

The silent man.

This is one of the most mysterious professions in magic in any country.

There is an unknown number of silent people in the Department of Mysteries of the British Ministry of Magic. They are responsible for studying the most incomprehensible things in the magical world. No one knows what kind of people they are.

This is even the first mute person that Kingsley has seen in all his years of working in the Ministry of Magic, and he is not from his own country.

Scrimgeour glanced at the six living dead lying on the bed and continued.

"The murderer of what happened in the UK this time actually escaped from Germany. These three people came here just for this matter, so the matter is no longer under our control now. Let's concentrate on Blake's case."

Kingsley stared at the two German Aurors. He was not someone who liked to get into trouble. Since someone was already responsible for this matter and there was no need for him to intervene, he would not ask any more questions.

"Then do I need to do any handover procedures?"

"They know more about the killer than you think, so nothing is needed, just leave it to them."

Kingsley nodded and prepared to leave from here with Sherlock.

When walking to Silk's side, Sherlock said hello softly.

"We meet again, ma'am."

Silk seemed to nodded slightly and responded.

After Kingsley and Sherlock came out of the case investigation room together, he asked in surprise.

"Do you know that German silent man?"

Sherlock spread his hands.

"I just met her once at Hogwarts. She seems to have some family members buried in the Forbidden Forest. Dumbledore asked me to guide her."

Kingsley sighed and nodded.

"It's good that we don't have to worry about this matter. I always feel that things here are not very simple."

"No matter how troublesome it is, it has nothing to do with us." Sherlock put a hand on his shoulder, and the two of them walked to the Auror headquarters together, "You want to treat me tonight and take Harry and me to a meal. OK. "

Kingsley smiled and said, "I should thank you properly."

"It's not to thank me, but to make up for Harry's birthday."

"Those two things are not in conflict."

After they left the case investigation room, Hilke stood aside silently without moving. The other two German Aurors, Henry and Haas, had already stepped forward to check on the conditions of all the victims.

"It's definitely it. The first five cases were all Muggles. The latest victim has turned into a wizard, which means its power is getting stronger and its appetite is getting bigger and bigger." Haas analyzed coldly.

Henry also said seriously: "It moved too fast, and we can't figure out why it didn't escape to the island but came to England."

At this time, Hilke finally spoke her first words, her voice was cold and ethereal.

"Its destination is Hogwarts."

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