The first contact with Lupine at the dinner made Sherlock feel that this person was not bad.

Logically speaking, if he hadn't appeared, then he should have been the professor of Defense Against Dark Arts this semester.

Judging from the current contact, Sherlock did not see any ulterior motives for Lupine coming to Hogwarts.

I can’t figure out why such a person with a seemingly good personality stopped teaching in the end.

But thinking about these now, of course, it doesn't make much sense.

The dinner ended normally, and after the night of the first day of school, class time officially entered.

The appearance of Lupine helped Sherlock divide his task into two-thirds.

Among the fifth, sixth and seventh grades, the fifth grade is the one with the heaviest exam pressure, because everyone has to take the ordinary wizard level exam, and every student feels oppressed.

After entering the sixth grade, they will face the ultimate wizard level exam, which is more difficult and stressful than the ordinary wizard level exam.

But this exam is optional.

You can choose to take the exams in the subjects you are best at.

Therefore, the Defense Against the Dark Arts classes in the sixth and seventh grades are all large classes, which means students from the four colleges take them together.

In addition to the two classes per week for the fifth grade, Sherlock only needs to attend four classes per week for this semester, which is undoubtedly much easier than last semester.

And the more advanced the class, the easier it is to take.

Children aged sixteen or seventeen already know a lot of truths, and management is easier than for children.

On the first day of school, Sherlock had a big seventh-grade class.

A truly big class.

Because all the graduates who took the Defense Against the Dark Arts course last semester successfully passed the Ultimate Wizarding Examination, and the excellent rate was extremely high, so the vast majority of the sixth and seventh grade students who were promoted this year took his course. class.

When Sherlock came to the classroom, it was already packed with people.

Sherlock couldn't help but shook his head when he saw two or three students in the back row and even two or three students crowded on the same table to listen to the class.

"It looks like I have to apply to Professor Dumbledore for a larger classroom next class."

Everyone sitting here has taken defense classes with Sherlock for a year, and many students are close to him.

"I think you can apply to Professor Dumbledore for classes in the auditorium, Professor." A student answered.

The students below laughed, and Sherlock also laughed, and then tapped the blackboard with his wand.

"Okay, stop joking. Since this class has already started, let's just make it together."

"Students who have already taken electives in sixth grade, after class, hand over the twelve sets of test papers I assigned you during the summer vacation to Percy. He will collect them and I will take a look at the results of your vacation study."

"As for the students who are new to this class this year, please come to me after class to count the names. You will also need to make up these twelve sets of test papers after class. I will give you enough time. Just hand them in before Halloween."

"I hope you won't complete it in a confusing way. These are new questions I made up based on the classic examples from previous years' Ultimate Wizard Level Examination."

"The owner of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore asked me to pay a thousand galleons for the copyright of this set of titles. I thought he paid too little. So remember, don't plagiarize and don't just deal with it. After Halloween, I will take out a special These topics will be covered in six classes.”

"If you can master all the questions in these twelve sets of test papers, then there will basically be no questions that can faze you in the theoretical test of Defense Against Dark Arts in the Ultimate Wizard Level Examination."

The students below listened very carefully.

Students who have reached seventh grade, since they have chosen this class, they truly intend to pass the Ultimate Wizard Level Examination.

Moreover, the final wizard test score of Defense Against the Dark Arts is particularly important in the magic world. There are many professions that attach great importance to the test grade of such a course.

If you want to apply to be an Auror in the Ministry of Magic, you must have at least an O rating.

Sherlock tapped the podium lightly with his wand, turned the podium into a chair, and moved it to the side to make a larger space for himself.

"We will leave the theoretical knowledge behind and explain it in a concentrated manner. As for the first course of the semester, let's talk about the practical exam first."

"It's different from the ordinary wizard level exam, where the examiner will randomly select a dark magic creature that's not too dangerous and let you use magic to solve it. The actual combat assessment of the final exam focuses on the duel between wizards, rather than Wizards and magical creatures.”

"After all, more advanced and dangerous magical creatures are not suitable to be placed in the examination room. Accidents may easily occur if you are not careful. I think most of you have already known in advance who your opponents will be in the actual combat assessment."

"Every year, the Ministry of Magic will let two to three Aurors serve as examiners for the ultimate wizard level examination. The content of the examination is for you to have a wizard duel with them."

"Listen clearly, it's a duel, not a wizard's duel. A battle scene like a wizard's duel, which takes place under the most ideal circumstances, generally does not appear in normal conflicts. So your assessment is in a large venue, with a An experienced Auror in a wizard duel."

"In this duel, there are no civilized duel etiquette. As long as the examiner announces the start of the exam, it will be considered a battle. On that field, you can use any method you have learned to try to defeat your examiner."

"Of course, basically no one can defeat a well-trained Auror in an actual level examination. Therefore, these Auror examiners will not compete seriously with you. They will mostly use various methods to defeat you. Plant magic to test your ability to cope, as well as your understanding and cooperation of magic spells."

Since it is a practical class, there will naturally be a hands-on part.

But because there were too many students in this class and the classroom was too small, Sherlock could only select one student to come up and demonstrate the duel with him.

"It's a pity that there are no records of the annual practical exams, so we can make some effective reference."

Sherlock called up Wilson, a Hufflepuff student, and asked him to stand opposite him, and then continued to speak to the students in the classroom.

"But during last year's level exam, I went to observe several exams. During this summer's summer vacation, I asked my Auror friend who had been an examiner several times about some specific details of the exam, so I summarized some , tips that can be used in exams.”

He looked at his opponent, the Hufflepuff student named Wilson.

"First of all, if you want to get high marks in the practical exam, you must learn a spell - the Iron Armor Curse. You remember that you took my class last semester, so you should be able to use this spell, right? ? Classmate Wilson."

Wilson, the student with some freckles on his face, looked nervous, but after hearing Sherlock's question, he nodded, pointed the wand in his hand at his body, and recited the spell.

"Armor protection!"

A layer of colorless light enveloped his body with ripples.

Sherlock said appreciatively.

"Very good. Being able to use the Iron Armor Curse to this extent is enough to prove the effort you usually spend on defending against magic spells."

"Just like Student Wilson, if you successfully use the Iron Armor Curse to protect your body at the beginning of the exam, then you have completed the first step to obtain a high score."

"The Iron Armor Curse is not a commonly used spell among wizards. Even most employees in the Ministry of Magic are not able to use it, but it is a spell that every Auror must know."

"So now remember the first point. In the actual combat assessment, the first spell used must be the Iron Armor Curse. If there are still people who don't know this spell, then come to me alone after class, and I will guide you to learn it. .Because I already taught it in the sixth grade class last semester, so we won’t take up class time to learn this spell.”

With that said, Sherlock also raised his wand and looked at Wilson opposite.

"If the candidate does not use the Iron Armor Curse for protection at the first time, the examiner will usually use the Disarming Curse to conduct a test attack first. And if you use the Iron Armor Curse, you will usually suffer such a test first."

Sherlock tapped his wand lightly, but no spell came out of his mouth.

Wilson's attention was always on him, and he didn't pay any attention to his feet. Countless chairs had turned into vines, spreading towards him from the front, back, left and right.

Because it was not a magic spell, Tengman's entanglement did not activate the defense and protection mechanism of the Iron Armor Curse, but spread directly to Wilson's waist.

Finally, under the horrified gaze he just reacted to, he suddenly tightened it, trapping him firmly!

The students below burst into exclamations and applause.

Sherlock released Wilson and continued to explain.

"This is the second key to getting high scores, never ignore Transfiguration!"

"I know that most of you value spells far more than transfiguration. I deny that this is wrong, but never forget transfiguration at any time."

"Whether it's used during a duel or timely detection of the examiner's transformation technique, any point will give you extra points in the actual combat exam."

The class passed quickly. In the first class of the seventh grade in the new semester, Sherlock only taught the two key points of Iron Armor Curse and Transfiguration. However, every student who came to attend the class felt that they had gained a lot. .

It is still very novel for them to only conduct classroom teaching based on test content.

These students don't know what the usual seventh grade Defense Against the Dark Arts class is like.

But in the classes of other subjects, the things taught by professors are very complicated, and they want to cram all the knowledge into their heads. In the end, only a small part is tested in the grade examination.

Most students have a very painful start to class. They are often full of doubts while studying, and they always doubt in their hearts whether they can pass the exam for what they are learning now.

Therefore, those who can finally get O evaluations in many subjects are the top academics among the top academics.

These people basically have all the knowledge they can learn in their minds, and any test question is easy for them.

But such people are in the minority after all. Most students still don't have enough energy and brainpower to memorize so much knowledge, so they can only try their luck during exams.

Then within a few days after taking the exam, most of the knowledge was forgotten, and only a very small part could be truly used in future work and life.

Sherlock's purely exam-oriented teaching method is good news for students with mediocre talents.

It doesn’t matter how smart you are, as long as you work hard and study hard, you can basically get good results.

After class was over, Sherlock packed up his things and told Percy to collect all the holiday homework and send it directly to his office.

After returning to the office and putting away his things, Sherlock came to the auditorium for lunch.

There are already many students in the auditorium. Sherlock is chatting with Hagrid at the teacher's seat. Hagrid is excitedly telling Sherlock about his preparations for the first class this afternoon.

At this moment, most of the students eating lunch suddenly became quiet. Their eyes were all looking in the same place, and everyone was in uniform.

It was a witch who walked in from the door of the auditorium. She was wearing a black robe that was different from normal students, and had a wide hood on her head. Only the lower half of her delicate face and long gray hair were exposed.

The students had never seen her in the castle, and the aura she exuded made it obvious that she could not be a student, but there had never been such a person among the professors at Hogwarts.

Under the gaze of most students, Silk walked up to Sherlock and spoke coldly.

"I saw something and now I'm ready to head to Hogsmeade."

Hearing her words, Sherlock was stunned for a moment, then stuffed the remaining sausage into his mouth in a few mouthfuls, and then stood up from the table.

"Then let's go."

So in full view of everyone, Sherlock and Hilke left the auditorium together.

After a brief silence, a much more lively discussion broke out in the auditorium.

The most discussed topic was naturally who the witch with the hat was.

"Who is that woman?" Ron blinked and asked Harry.

Although Harry spent almost a month with Sherlock during the summer vacation, he had never met Silk.

"I don't know. I've never heard Professor Forrester talk about this person."

Hermione was thinking, having just turned her attention away from her terrible Divination class this morning.

"Professor Dumbledore said that Professor Forrester has something else to do this year, and it may be related to this woman."

While they were talking about various speculations, Harry suddenly remembered something important, and he lowered his voice and said to Hermione and Ron.

"There was a time during the summer when Professor Forrest's crow's beak suddenly failed!"

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