Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 131 The Fear Deep in My Heart

Silk's hand touched the wooden door.

It's like something happened, and like nothing happened.

She just stood motionless in front of the wooden door.

Sherlock spread out the two wands in his hands and floated quietly around Hilke, illuminating the area around her.

She kept doing this for a long time. It seemed like ten minutes had passed, and her body began to tremble slightly and unnoticeably.

She dropped her hand.

"I did not find it......"

Her voice was low and full of sadness.

Sherlock clenched his fists. He watched Silk's reaction carefully. If anything went wrong, he would disapparate and leave with her.

"I didn't find it, I didn't find it, I didn't find it..."

She said sadly.

Hilke squatted on the ground, holding her head with her hands, as if she was running away from something, as if she was questioning herself.

"I didn't find him!"

Her voice suddenly became sharp.

"I tried many methods! Tea dregs! Crystal balls! Stars! Arithmetic! But he is not included in the lines of the world and the cobwebs of fate! I can't find him!"

She grabbed her hat and pulled it off her head, revealing the black ribbon covering her eyes and the loose silver-gray hair.

Silke's delicate face was extremely pale. She nestled in the corner in fear, her body trembling non-stop, like an abandoned, homeless girl.

"I didn't find him, Dad, I'm useless! I didn't fulfill my promise to you! I'm useless! I have no ability! I should die there with you!"

Only then did Sherlock realize that she was actually not very old, at most only a few years older than him.

Tears fell from her eyes covered by ribbons, dripping down her bloodless cheeks to the ground.

Silk knelt on the ground and supported the ground with both hands. The back of his hands was so pale that they were almost transparent, and the purple blood vessels inside could be clearly seen.

"He's gone. You said he's still there, Dad, but I can't find him. It's because I didn't work hard enough and I didn't do enough!"

She suddenly wanted to smash her head to the ground to punish herself, but luckily Sherlock hugged her in time and stopped her self-harm.

Hilke struggled. She was slender, but extremely powerful at this time. Sherlock almost let her break away.

"I tried! I really tried everything! But nothing! I can't see anything! I can't see where he is!"

She seemed to be defending herself, or expressing her despair, but there was only fear on her face.

"I don't dare to say, Dad, I don't dare to say that possibility..."

She was sobbing and no longer struggling, but her body was shaking violently. Sherlock hugged her tightly, without any other thoughts in his heart, except for a pity rising on that pale face.

Silk had obviously always been hiding something deep in his heart, and the coldness and indifference he showed on the surface was just a disguise to cover up his fragile self.

She bit her lip, as if she was trying to escape from something, didn't want to say it, didn't want to make any predictions or divination!

But in the end, she still squirmed and sobbed while biting her bleeding lips.

"He might really... be dead..."

Saying these words seemed to take away all her strength, and she collapsed in Sherlock's arms, no longer shaking or resisting, as if she had fallen asleep.

The two wands were still floating quietly in the darkness, illuminating this small space.

Sherlock sat on the ground, his back pressed against the stone wall, silently looking at the dark secret passage in front of him and not knowing what he was thinking.

Silke's breathing slowly became even, and she lay in his arms, as quiet as an exquisite doll.

After a long time, her fingers twitched slightly and her head lifted up from Sherlock's arms, as if she was stunned for a second.

Then she stood up as if nothing had happened.

Seeing that she seemed to be out of a frightening dream, Sherlock coughed twice, stood up as if nothing had happened, and patted the dusty robe on her body.

"Are you okay?"

Silk put the wide hood back on his head, covering his face.

"What did you see?"

Her voice returned to its usual coldness, but it sounded a little hoarse.

Sherlock shrugged.

"What did I see? I just saw you touching the door, and then suddenly fell to the ground. I couldn't help you up no matter how hard I tried. I was afraid that you would catch a cold while lying on the ground, so I just used it as a cushion."

Naturally, everyone can tell that such lies are false, but there are some things that are appropriate and everyone understands that lies are necessary. Telling the truth will embarrass everyone.

He changed the topic and walked to the wooden door that seemed unchanged.

"So, we can go in now?"

Hilke took back her wand. She did not answer Sherlock's question, but walked to the wooden door, stretched out her hand and pushed the door open.


There was a long rusty sound of hinges rubbing together.

The wooden door was opened, and dust was everywhere. It seemed like no one had been here for a long time.

Hilke was about to walk in directly, but Sherlock held her back.

He released the wand he had been holding in his hand, letting it float slowly by itself and fly into the room behind the wooden door.

The fluorescent wand with its tip illuminated the space inside, which was empty as if there was nothing at all.

"Let's go, we can go in and take a look." Sherlock said.

Silk didn't seem too surprised by Sherlock's method of controlling the wand. In fact, every wizard can do the ability to levitate the wand.

They entered the room at the back of the cabin.

Even after entering here, the lighting spell can still only illuminate an area less than half a meter.

So even if you come in, you can't directly see the whole picture and size of the room. You can only rely on the glowing wand in your hand to check it bit by bit.

Sherlock and the others did not notice after entering the door that there was a creature hidden in the darkness watching them silently...

They did not choose to separate when they entered, but gathered together and carefully explored the dark space.

It was completely empty here, with nothing but a lot of space. Sherlock and Hilke walked together for about twenty steps before reaching the end.

Without saying a word, they began to walk around the room along the edge of the wall.

Just when they turned a corner and shined the light next to the wooden door, they saw the creature that had been staring at them quietly in the darkness!

It was a huge scarecrow standing in the shape of a cross.

The withered straw filled the gap between the tattered cloth and the wooden stick. When Sherlock and the others looked at it, two scarlet lights flashed in its face that was entangled with rag strips.

It held two flat arms made of branches, holding a rusty sickle in one hand and a dilapidated kerosene lamp in the other.

The moment Silk saw it, he waved his wand without hesitation!

"Calling the gods to protect..."

However, before she finished reciting the curse, a hoarse, sad, desperate, and lifeless scream suddenly sounded.

"What's going on! What happened!"

A roaring sound came from the scarecrow, and the broken kerosene lamp it held on its left hand suddenly lit up!

But the orange lights didn't bring any warmth to people, only endless coldness and fear!

Silk's spellcasting was interrupted by a scream, and then it brandished its scythe and swung its kerosene lamp and ran towards them!

Sherlock grabbed Silke's arm, pulled her aside, and waved his wand.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

As he recited the incantation, it also let out a shrill wail again.

"No! No! I'm so scared! I'm so scared!"

But Sherlock was not interrupted by it, and successfully released the Patronus Charm!

Silver brilliance lit up from the tip of his staff, but those extremely shining silver threads seemed very scattered. It could be seen that it tried its best to condense into a solid body, but in the end it could only be scattered into a piece of silver light!

The atmosphere here is too depressing. The darkness is not only eroding the light, but also eroding the hope and happiness in people's hearts. It is more than ten times more difficult to use the Patronus Charm than usual!

Sherlock dragged Silk to avoid its first scythe swing. The scattered silver strands of the unformed Patronus Charm made it retreat a little, but then it was still aimed at them, high and low. He raised the sickle in his hand!

Sherlock didn't hesitate and pointed his wand directly at it.

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

A huge roar echoed in this underground chamber, and the moment the dazzling fire burst out, it was swallowed up by the endless darkness again!

After taking an explosive spell, it was still unscathed. It was only blown back a little distance, and some straw fell from its body to the ground.

"Except for the Patronus Charm, are all other spells useless?" Sherlock asked hurriedly.

"It's useless! It only hates happiness and hope!"

Silk flicked his wand and tried the Patronus Charm again.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

This time she successfully recited the spell, and the silver threads of light emerged again in the darkness, weaving into shape in the air as best they could.

Although her body shape is very slow, it is obvious that her Patronus Charm has a chance of success!

Sherlock didn't stand still. He shook out all the wands he had prepared before from the bag. In the darkness that was invisible to his field of vision, hundreds of wands floated quietly.

It obviously noticed Silke's actions and did not rush forward. Instead, it stared at her with its scarlet eyes and cried in a hoarse and eerie voice.

"I can't find him! Dad! I can't find him!"

Silke suddenly trembled, and the silver light strands that were condensing and forming instantly collapsed, disappearing into the darkness in the next second!

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