To be honest, Sherlock is not very interested in Quidditch.

Because he spent a long time in the library, in addition to enhancing his magical knowledge, Sherlock also read many other miscellaneous books while relaxing.

Among them is the origin of Quidditch.

To be honest, there is not much to say about this kind of ball game, but in the beginning there was no Golden Snitch ball, and there was no Seeker role in the Quidditch team.

Until a game in 1269, Barberu Bragg, who was the speaker of the Wizards' Parliament at the time, came to watch the game.

He brought a magical bird named Snidget and announced that anyone who caught the Snidget during the competition would receive a grand prize of 150 Galleons.

After that game, the players naturally completely forgot about the game and just wanted to catch the poor bird and get the grand prize of 150 Galleons.

The wizards in the audience used repelling spells to drive the bird that just wanted to escape back into the arena so that they could watch this special game.

Until a witch named Modesty Labno felt pity for the poor Snidget, secretly used a summoning spell to hide it in her robe and let it go.

But the incident was eventually discovered, and an angry Bragg fined her ten Galleons for disrupting the game.

Although Gold Snitch was not caught in this game, the Quidditch game has been associated with Gold Snitch ever since.

In each game, a Snidget is released, and each team has a player - initially called a Hunter and later a Seeker - whose job it is to catch it.

If any hunter can catch and kill Gold Snidget, his team will win 150 points to symbolize the 150 Galleons promised by Breno.

The popularity of the Quidditch game caused the number of Golden Snidgets to decrease rapidly. In the fourteenth century, the Golden Snidgets at that time were almost extinct. A Golden Snidget that could be used in the game was even auctioned for a sky-high price.

Finally, a metalsmith named Bowman Wright from Godric's Hollow had a different idea: He invented a fake Snitch, which he called the Snitch.

This is the origin of the Golden Snitch and Seeker positions in a Quidditch game.

It's so disgraceful that it almost led to the extinction of a species. There is now a Modesty Labno Snidget Sanctuary in Somerset to protect magical birds like the Golden Snidget.

So from the beginning, Sherlock was relatively indifferent to this sport.

But he really had nothing to do while sitting in the office, and his mood was much better than before. He had nothing to do, so he simply went to join in the fun.

The teachers and students of Hogwarts were obviously much more enthusiastic about Quidditch than he was. Almost all the teachers and students in the castle came to the Quidditch pitch despite the wind and rain.

The wind is so strong that a normal umbrella cannot be held up and will be blown away.

On the way to the stadium, Sherlock saw Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout and others, as well as students such as Hermione and Ron.

But he didn't get close. Instead, he walked to the highest point of the auditorium alone and sat there with his chin propped up.

Such a heavy rainy day had no impact on the Quidditch game. Sherlock even saw Dumbledore in the front row, and even he did not miss the game.

Players from both sides rode broomsticks and began to take off. The person in charge of refereeing the game was Mrs. Huo Qi, the flying teacher.

Sherlock looked familiar to both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff players.

Harry, Wood, Cedric, and the Weasley twins, the latter are the students he is currently teaching.

The game seemed to be going on very enthusiastically. Although Sherlock was not interested, he knew a little about the rules of Quidditch.

It can be seen from the scene that Gryffindor's team is temporarily in the lead, but in terms of seekers, Harry is obviously at a disadvantage.

Since he needed to wear glasses and Cedric didn't, the rain severely hampered his vision.

Midway through the game, the Gryffindor team called a timeout. Hermione seemed to run to Harry and use some magic on his glasses to make them clear without being disturbed by the rain.

Sherlock guessed that it should be a waterproof spell, a little magic spell that was not difficult but a bit unorthodox. It would not be difficult for a student like Hermione, whose biggest hobby is reading books, to learn it.

Just when the timeout ended and the game continued, Sherlock glanced around casually in boredom.

Then he made eye contact with a big black dog that was quietly sneaking over from the side of the stands.

Sherlock looked at the black dog. He was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized that this dog was the one that led them to find clues when he and Silk first went to Hogsmeade to investigate. Black dog!

He didn't encounter it again when he went to Hogsmeade. Sherlock thought it had strayed to other places, but he didn't expect to encounter it again in Hogwarts.

"Hey, hey, hey... come on, live your life, come on, Dahei."

Sherlock called to the black dog.

Sirius, who sneaked into Hogwarts to watch Harry play, was in a dilemma.

According to his past experience, the highest seat in the auditorium is the worst viewing spot in a Quidditch match. Normally, no one in Hogwarts should sit here to watch the match.

As a result, he met this young professor as soon as he came here today.

And what the hell is Dahei!

After hesitating for a long time, Sirius felt that turning around and running now would only arouse Sherlock's desire to catch him back. If he were to be caught back with magic, it would be a question of whether he would resist or not.

Simply take the initiative, treat yourself as a real dog, and walk to Sherlock's side on four legs.

Sherlock naturally felt very kind to this dog. If it hadn't been for it, he and Silk probably wouldn't have been able to catch the straw man so smoothly.

He touched Sirius's wet hair and could clearly tell that the dog was very strong and the muscles under the skin were very strong.

Sirius's touch made him feel numb all over, and he had to stick out his tongue and pretend to be friendly.

"You are quite powerful. With so many dementors guarding you, you managed to escape into Hogwarts." Sherlock said doubtfully, "Is it because the dementors are not interested in dogs?"

Dementors certainly have little interest in dogs.

Sirius silently complained in his heart that he relied on this to stay in Azkaban for so long without going crazy.

Ignoring Sherlock's hands moving up and down his body, Sirius was carefully staring at Harry's performance on the court. Watching him flying in the air on a broomstick reminded him of James in the past.

At this time, Harry, who was looking around for the Golden Snitch in the rain, inadvertently turned his gaze to the highest point of the stand.

He saw Sherlock and the big black dog next to Sherlock!

Harry was not calm anymore.

He still remembered the prophecy Professor Trelawney made to him in his divination class that just started this semester, saying that he would encounter something unknown.

The so-called unknown is a big black dog!

Harry had seen this black dog in many places, but what he didn't expect was that when he saw the black dog again this time, it would actually stay with Sherlock!

While Harry was stunned, Wood, as the goalkeeper, discovered that the Golden Snitch was behind Harry.

He shouted loudly to remind Harry, and Harry also noticed the small golden ball that was fluttering its wings rapidly.

But just when he was about to lower his broom and dive at the location of the Golden Snitch, everything in his ears suddenly became silent.

It was as if someone turned off the sound switch in his ears, making him deaf. Then he felt as cold as falling into an ice cave.

There were at least a hundred dementors under him, looking at him with their faces hidden under their hoods!

Sherlock discovered the problem as soon as the dementors entered the Quidditch field.

He frowned, looking at the dementors floating from the distant horizon with the strong wind, and clenched his wand in his right hand.

Sirius, on the other hand, ran away from the stands as soon as the dementors appeared. He thought that the dementors had discovered his traces and were here to catch him.

Sherlock didn't pay attention to the black dog running away with its tail between its legs. He was watching the dementors falling from the sky and drew out his wand.

Dumbledore, who was sitting in the first row of the stands, also noticed the dementors. His expression was ugly, or extremely ugly.

Sherlock had never seen Dumbledore with such an ugly expression, but he did not deal with the dementors immediately because Harry seemed to be stimulated by something and fell off his broomstick at high altitude!

If no one cares about Harry, this height is enough to smash him into a pulp, so Dumbledore made a decision in a short time to use magic to stabilize the falling Harry.

The uncontrolled Dementors quickly flew to the stands, and almost all the students felt the biting cold.

There were also two Dementors in front of Sherlock. He was holding the wand in the rain, and he was brewing the emotions before casting the spell.

Fortunately, three days had passed since he drank the sadness potion. Now he was in a much more relaxed mood than at the beginning. He waved his magic and recited the spell.

"Call the gods to protect you."

Silver brilliance flickered at the tip of his staff. Although the process was a bit slow, a crow made of pure silver brilliance emerged in mid-air!

It flapped its wings, trailing long streaks of silver light behind it, and flew around the entire Quidditch pitch.

After those hungry dementors came into contact with this silver bird, they were like butter heated at a high temperature on a pan. Gray gas continued to rise from their bodies, and their bodies were melting rapidly!

Sherlock's Patronus quickly flew around the entire stadium, and the Dementors were driven to the center of the stadium like a flock of sheep surrounded by wolves.

Whenever one of the crows tries to escape, it will be beaten back without mercy.

At this time, Dumbledore finally lowered Harry, who had fallen from the sky, to the ground.

He looked at the Dementors who were driven together and the silver crows surrounding them, and turned to look at the heights of the stands.

Sherlock also saw Dumbledore looking at him, so he stretched out a hand and waved to him, indicating that he didn't need to thank him too much.

After seeing that Dumbledore was able to control the situation, Sherlock took back his Patronus and walked under the stands.

At this time, the entire stadium was in chaos. At the last moment when Harry fell from the sky, Cedric, the Hufflepuff captain and seeker who had greeted Sherlock in the castle before, grabbed the golden Snitch won this game.

But he obviously has a very upright character and thinks the game is unfair and asks for a rematch after Harry wakes up.

Dumbledore conjured a stretcher, let Harry lie on it and floated, and asked someone to take him to the school hospital.

The other students in the audience naturally left quickly at this time. The chilling atmosphere produced by the gathering of dementors was simply unbearable for normal people.

Sherlock also walked out of the stadium with the flow of people. His spell casting action just now was very concealed. No one except Dumbledore saw that he had summoned the crow patronus.

Before leaving the stadium, Sherlock saw that the negotiations between Dumbledore and the dementors were not going smoothly. He even pulled out his wand, and a bright silver light shone from it.

How to deal with the dementors in the future is not something Sherlock should have to worry about.

He had felt since the beginning of school that these dementors were unruly and would definitely cause trouble, and now they had indeed rushed into Hogwarts without permission.

After using the Patronus Charm once, Sherlock's mood improved a lot.

After releasing the 201 Patron Saint Spell that time, which caused emotional feedback, he has never released this spell again.

The effect of the sadness potion on him is slowly disappearing. This potion, which has the completely opposite effect to the joy potion, is very strange.

Sherlock planned to see if he could get the formula from Madam Pomfrey, and then mix up a few bottles and keep them with him for later use.

He will definitely not give up the method of releasing the Patronus Curse "Crow's Storm". There are many dark creatures in the magic world who are very afraid of this kind of curse. This is equivalent to the greatest protection against evil creatures such as Dementors in his hands. The killing move.

Therefore, Sherlock must always keep some Sadness Potion. As long as he takes care not to take as much as the large bottle that Madam Pomfrey gave him before, it can completely offset the excitement that comes back after the cancellation of Crows. .

Make this spellcasting style flawless.

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