"Your answer was too direct, wasn't it? I thought you would deny it."

Sherlock looked at him in surprise.

Lupine and Sherlock's eyes met. Although he was poorly dressed, thin, and as pale as a chronically ill man, his eyes were extremely bright.

"I'm also a person who doesn't like to beat around the bush. I thought before that Snape's reminder wouldn't make the students notice anything, but it would definitely arouse your suspicion. But to be honest, I didn't expect you to actually do it directly. Find me and ask directly."

Sherlock cut into the steak on the plate.

"Instead of guessing about some things, it's better to ask directly. I never thought that Dumbledore would really recruit a werewolf, but when I think about it carefully, it actually fits his character quite well."

Lu Ping felt relaxed now that he understood what he said, and he finished the last mouthful of porridge in the bowl.

"What are you going to do next? Are you going to tell all the students and teachers in the school about my identity?"

Sherlock chewed the steak and blinked.

"Why should I do this? Even Snape, who hates you so much, only uses this secret method to express your identity. Why should I do such a thing?"

"I'm just asking you because I'm curious. Since Dumbledore knows your identity and recruited you, it means he trusts you enough. And we have been working together for three months. I think you are a good person."

A dumb smile appeared on Lupine's face.

"Actually, I have always felt that I was sorry for Dumbledore's trust. He knew that I was so poor outside that I could not even afford food, so he recruited me into Hogwarts. But I am a werewolf after all. "

Sherlock waved his hand.

"Don't be so unsure of yourself, brother. I remember that not long ago, a wizard prepared wolfsbane potion, a potion that can keep a werewolf awake when he transforms. Didn't Snape specially prepare the potion for you in school? of."

"Have you guessed this?" Lu Ping looked at him in surprise.

"Don't think that I'm so awesome. My grades in Divination were very poor when I was in school and I stopped studying after the sixth grade. It was Harry who told me. He saw you drinking Snape's drink. Potion, I’m worried it’s poisonous.”

"Harry, he has some prejudice against Snape."

"To be honest, what I find even more interesting is that Dumbledore actually asked Snape to prepare wolfsbane potion for you." Sherlock raised an eyebrow and said. "The fact that Snape wants to expose your identity is enough to show that he has a big grudge against you. Dumbledore also asked him to prepare medicine for his enemy. He has really done a great deal of damage."

Lupine looked bitter.

"Because the only person in the entire Hogwarts who can prepare Wolfsbane potion is Snape."

"He didn't put any chronic poison in it, which proves that he actually has some bottom line."

"Yes, I still want to thank him for this."

Sherlock swallowed the last bite of steak, clapped his hands and stood up from the chair.

"Okay, now that we know what we want to know, if we ask about everything clearly, we now know everything."

After confirming his identity with Lupine, Sherlock didn't want to do anything.

He had some doubts about how Lupine, with his good-natured character and his popularity among students in the classroom, could not be a professor for one year in the original work.

It was now clear that his identity as a werewolf meant that he would not be able to stay at Hogwarts for long.

Even with the existence of Wolfsbane potion, given the danger of werewolves, as long as Lupine's identity is exposed, it will be impossible for him to continue to stay at Hogwarts.

What's more, there is Snape in the castle who is secretly causing trouble. Whether Lupine can survive a full year is a question.

However, with someone helping to take on the task of being a professor, Sherlock was still very relaxed. He actually hoped that Lupine could stay at Hogwarts longer.

The week passed quickly.

On Saturday night, Harry arrived at Sherlock's office after dinner as he had arranged.

Sherlock was studying a letter, and when Harry came in, he didn't shy away.

"Who wrote you the letter? Professor." Harry asked, scratching his head.

Sherlock didn't hide it from him.


"Miss Delacour? What did she say?"

"I didn't say anything. She just asked me if she was in Hogwarts now and what she was doing at school. It seemed like she was writing this out of boredom."

Sherlock shook his head, put the letter on the side of the table, and began to seriously instruct Harry on learning the Patronus Charm.

"Tell me first, how much do you know about this spell?"

Harry recalled saying after hearing Sherlock's question.

"I saw Professor Lupine use it once on the train. It seemed like it could emit some bright silver threads of light from the wand. Dementors were afraid of this kind of thread of light and they didn't dare to touch it."

"Also, that time on the Quidditch pitch, when I fell from the sky. I heard Ron and Hermione say that a silver-white bird suddenly flew out of the sky, and it killed all the dementors. When they come together, it’s more powerful than the simple silver light. Is that bird also a guardian angel?”

Sherlock took out his wand and waved it gently.

"Call the gods to protect you."

Bright silver light particles sprayed out from the tip of the wand, and soon formed a bright silver bird in front of Sherlock, and then it spread its wings and landed on Harry's shoulder.

"It's this bird, my Patronus Charm."

Harry looked at the bird that landed on his shoulder in surprise, and stretched out his hands. Sherlock's Patronus naturally jumped onto his hands.

He felt that the palms of his hands were slightly cold, but there was no other feeling like lifting a heavy object.

"So this is your professor's patronus! The Gryffindor students are all guessing who summoned it."

Harry observed the silver bird for a long time, and was finally surprised to discover its species.

"This is a crow."

After being surprised, he was a little surprised why he was surprised.

What else could Professor Forrester's patronus be but a crow?

The crow jumped on Harry's hand a few times, then flew back to Sherlock's shoulder, staring at him silently.

Sherlock directed Harry, taught him the wand gestures for the Patronus Charm, corrected his pronunciation, and then let him try it out for the first time in front of him.

"Call the gods to protect you."

Harry did as Sherlock said and waved his wand.

However, he summoned nothing, not even a silver thread appeared on the tip of the wand.

"The last move of the wand needs to be raised. This move does not need to be too obvious, as long as there is such a movement." Sherlock pointed at his spell-casting gesture and reminded at the same time, "Before chanting the spell and casting the spell, you need to find the right feeling. This is a spell that requires a lot of emotions. The more positive emotions you have, the more likely you are to use it successfully, so you should think more about happy things before casting the spell. "

Although Harry studied very seriously and his talent in Defense Against the Dark Arts was indeed very high, such advanced spells were not so easy to master.

Until the curfew started, Harry failed to use his wand to release a ray of light.

He was a little disappointed, but Sherlock had expected this situation.

If Harry could really learn anything with just this amount of time, then Sherlock should have doubted whether his talent was too bad. After studying for almost a year, he was finally able to summon the Patronus. come out.

From then until the time before Christmas, Hogwarts maintained a peaceful life.

Black did not break into the castle a second time. After the Dementors acted wildly during the Quidditch match, Dumbledore did not know what warning he had given them. No Dementor dared to enter Hogg at will anymore. Watts territory.

It has been more than a month since Hilke returned to Germany, and there has been no response. If Sherlock hadn't known that she was not that irresponsible person, others would have thought it was true and would have burned the bridge and killed the donkey.

But during this period, the locket he had been wearing around his neck had not behaved abnormally. Apart from being unable to take it off and causing some trouble when bathing and sleeping, it was no different from an ordinary decoration.

It's the end of the first semester at Hogwarts this year, the last week at Hogwarts before the Christmas break, and another Hogsmeade week.

Two weeks ago, the area where Hogwarts is located had snowed for several days, covering the entire castle with a thick layer of snowflakes. The weather has only begun to clear up recently.

The entire school, from third grade up, everyone except Harry was happy.

Hermione was planning to bring back some Fluffy Tooth mints from Honeydukes Candy Shop as Christmas gifts to her parents during this trip. Both her parents liked the taste of this candy.

Harry was very indignant about being the only one left in school again, but on the weekend of last week, he successfully used the Patronus Charm to cast some silver spells from his wand under Sherlock's guidance for the first time. Light filament.

This excitement offset some of the pain of not being able to go to Hogsmeade for the weekend.

He decided to borrow a copy of "Classified Broomsticks" from Wood and spend the day learning about different broomsticks to prepare for his purchase of a new broomstick.

Since Harry's Nimbus 2000 was torn apart by the Whomping Willow, he has also tried to practice using the school's broomstick.

But those ancient Meteor series brooms were slow and shaky. For Harry, who was not short of money in the wizarding world, he was naturally prepared to buy a new broom.

On the Saturday morning when everyone could go to Hogsmeade, Harry, Ron and Hermione said goodbye at the school gate, and then walked alone up the marble stairs back to Gryffindor Tower.

Snowflakes were falling outside the window, and the castle was very quiet.

Just when he turned around halfway down the corridor on the fourth floor, he saw Fred and George peering at him from behind a statue of a one-eyed, hunchbacked witch.

"Hey! Harry, come here!"

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