The dark golden locket swayed gently in the sunlight, reflecting a slightly dazzling light.

Sherlock frowned and looked at it, as if he had discovered something wrong.

"Do you feel like this thing looks newer than when I first got it?"

Silk heard his words, walked to Sherlock's side, and took the locket from his hand.

She didn't see it with her eyes, but felt it in a strange way.

Because the locket cannot leave Sherlock's neck, the two are now very close. Sherlock can even feel Silk's warm breath. He unconsciously presses against the back of the chair and leans back. .

"It's a little different than it was in the beginning."

Silk concluded,

Sherlock was also recalling Dumbledore's words.

"Professor Dumbledore said that this thing doesn't look like a bad thing at the moment, but the unknown is also a trouble. He can feel that this thing is slowly repairing itself, or is it self-recharging?"

"If it's repairing itself, the day it's repaired and ready to open should be the day you can take it off your body."

There was only so much information they could learn about the locket.

After Hilke comes back and conveys the information she already knows to Sherlock, she will return to the German Ministry of Magic.

She also needs to be present during Fiddlesticks' interrogation. If she can ask this evil monster about its purpose of finding the locket, she might be able to get some key clues.

"I think your last thank you was not sincere. Do you want to do it again?"

Before she left, Sherlock raised his eyebrows, opened his arms, and said jokingly.

Hearing his words, Hilke stood there, and then under Sherlock's shocked expression, she actually walked over and hugged him gently!

This time she did not break away at the first touch, but held him like this for a long time.

Smelling the delicate fragrance of the girl on the tip of his nose and feeling the soft body in his arms, Sherlock became a little at a loss. He raised his two hands, not knowing where to put them. Even when he spoke, he became confused. Some stuttering.

"I-I was joking."

"I know."

Hilke's voice was still so cold and ethereal. Even though she was speaking in Sherlock's ear, it seemed a little out of reach, but the hot breath coming out of her mouth really made him feel her. exist.

"Last time it was to thank you for helping me capture Fiddlesticks."

Sherlock felt his ears itching and felt extremely nervous.

He just dared to talk nonsense, but in fact he only held a girl's hand once in his two lifetimes during a group dance in elementary school.

"Of course, what happens next?"

"This time, I want to thank you for your patronus spell and let me put down some things."

she said.

The sun slowly moved westward in the sky. At this time, the sunlight happened to shine through the window to the farthest point of the house, illuminating Sherlock's slightly trembling back and Silk's slightly beautiful smile hidden under the hood. Curved lip corners.

The hug lasted for so long that Sherlock felt that his legs were numb from standing up.

"Is it okay?" Hilke seemed to feel that Sherlock was shaking more violently.

"Cococo...that's it."

Hilke let go of Sherlock, and she turned and walked towards the door.

"After there is news from Fiddlesticks, I will come back and tell you as soon as possible. Even if you can open the box before then, I do not recommend you to open it."

Sherlock held the table and watched her leave the office. Then he sat tremblingly on the chair, leaning against the back of the chair and looking at the ceiling with dull eyes, as if his soul had been sucked away.

After a long time, his shattered eyes regained focus, he waved his hand fiercely, and then lightly patted his mouth twice.

"Let you have a bad mouth, let you have a bad mouth, let you have a bad mouth..."


Harry had forgotten how he came back from Hogsmeade.

He lay numbly on the bed alone, the conversations he overheard in the tavern kept ringing in his mind.

"The two are inseparable, a good pair, Sirius Black and James Potter!"

"You would think Black and Potter are brothers!"

"Potter trusted Black more than he trusted any other friend. He still did this when they graduated and left school. When James and Lily got married, Black was the best man. Then they asked Black to be Harry's godfather. "

"Dumbledore offered to be the Potters' Secret Keeper himself, but James insisted on using Black."

"Blake has betrayed them, is tired of his two-faced persona and is ready to publicly declare his support for You-Know-Who!"

"Dirty, stinking traitor!"

"He blew their other friend, Peter Pettigrew, down to one finger!"

The words of Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Hagrid, and Minister of Magic Fudge kept flashing through his mind, making it impossible for Harry to be quiet even for a moment.

He thought about the look of Black in the photo, that handsome and smiling man. His appearance was completely out of proportion to his heart. Was he already serving Voldemort when the photo was taken? Or are you thinking about how to kill your parents?

As night gradually fell, Harry just kept lying in bed and thinking wildly. Because of Christmas, he no longer had to go to Sherlock's office to learn the Patronus Charm today, so he could stay in the dormitory.

Ron came back later and called Harry softly, but Harry pretended to be asleep and ignored him.

But in fact, he had been thinking about it all night, and a poison called hatred seemed to flow through his body, which made him unable to sleep at all.

He seemed to be able to see Blake standing in front of him laughing wildly, mocking his parents to show their trust in him.

It wasn't until the sky outside started to get dark that Harry fell asleep in a daze.

He didn't wake up until noon. At this time, the Christmas vacation had also begun. The other Gryffindor students had already boarded the train home. There were only three people in the common room, Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Harry's face looked obviously ugly.

Hermione and Ron looked at each other and began to comfort Harry as they had promised, but their words had no effect.

Harry seemed to have completely fallen into hatred for Black.

His words clearly showed that he wanted to seek revenge from Black, which made Ron and Hermione worried.

In order to distract him, Hermione and Ron decided to take Harry to find Hagrid. When they arrived at Hagrid's hut, they discovered that Hagrid was also in trouble.

Because the Hippogriff Buckbeak scratched Malfoy during the first Care of Magical Creatures lesson of the school year, Malfoy's father Lucius complained to Buckbeak at the Ministry of Magic and was preparing to open a court hearing. this matter.

Hagrid was very sad about this. He knew very well that there was no way he could win this lawsuit. Buckbeak would only die in the end.

This incident successfully attracted Harry's desire to seek revenge from Black, and the three of them began to help Hagrid find some files on this aspect, hoping to help him win the lawsuit.

So it went until the day before Christmas.

While Harry and the three of them were still searching for files that would be helpful in Hagrid's lawsuit, Sherlock walked out of the gate of Hogwarts and was picking at the dementors guarding the school.

No one can tell what kind of thinking state the Dementors have.

But what is certain is that there are leaders and led among them.

But the so-called leadership simply makes some unified plans. Their thinking is very simple and they have no collective concept.

They gather together simply because everyone is together so they can have "delicious food." As for if someone of the same kind is bullied or killed, they don't care at all, and they don't have any desire for revenge.

These are the conclusions that the original owner came to after personally going to Azkaban for a month.

Therefore, if one of these dementors suddenly disappears, the other dementors will not have any special reaction or even notice anything.

This gave Sherlock the opportunity to invite one of the dementors to be a guest in his office.

Yes, he was going to warmly invite a dementor to the castle for tea today. It was really hard for them to patrol outside in such a cold weather.

Under his warm reception, the dementor, as an honest person, must be very happy and willing to be his experimental tool and teaching object for a few days.

Such a scene of guests and hosts enjoying themselves appeared in Sherlock's mind, so he zeroed in on a lone dementor floating around the snow.

Hiding behind a tree, Sherlock quietly drew out his wand, and whispered the Patronus Charm.

But the Patronus was not summoned by him. Only a few thin silver rays of light appeared on the tip of his staff, surrounding the Dementor under his control.

The Dementor stood there blankly, its simple way of thinking made it unable to understand why such a situation suddenly occurred.

Then those rays of light suddenly tightened, and gray smoke continued to rise from where they came into contact with the Dementor's body.

At the same time, Sherlock jumped out from behind the tree like a hunter who saw a good harvest of prey, took out the sack that had been prepared in advance, and covered the restrained Dementor with it!

Normal physical objects have no way of affecting this kind of life form, so the sack actually only serves as a shield. What really controls the dementors are the lines that Sherlock conjured up with the Patronus Charm.

After that, he arrogantly invited this dementor back to Hogwarts Castle in front of other dementors.

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