As soon as Christmas passed, it was time for Sherlock to give Harry tutoring lessons again.

When Harry came to Sherlock's office that night, he was in a bad mood.

Because Hermione had informed Professor McGonagall, she asked the professor to take away the broomstick "Firebolt" he received from an unknown person for inspection.

Although Harry understood that Hermione was doing this for his own good, he couldn't help but feel angry with her in his heart.

Sherlock obviously noticed Harry's emotions as he tapped his wand on the table and said.

"I suggest you clean up your mood and be more cheerful, because I have invited a special gentleman to be your sparring partner today."

Harry was immediately attracted by Sherlock's words.

"Who is it? Professor Lupine?"

"How could Lupine be your partner for the Patronus Charm?"

Sherlock shrugged. He did not continue to lie, but waved his wand gently at the cabinet in the corner. The silver thread tied to it disappeared immediately, and a mud-like black-robed creature rolled out from inside.

Harry was stunned for a moment when he looked at this thing. After he looked carefully at the creature crumpled on the ground, he realized that it was actually a living dementor!

After seeing its species, Harry stared and subconsciously jumped back.

"Teach, Professor! This is the sparring partner you mentioned!"

The half-dead Dementor, which had been tortured by Sherlock for the past two days, squirmed on the ground for a long time before floating unsteadily.

It will not die, and its self-healing ability is extremely powerful. It will slowly regain strength even if it does not eat. Of course, if it eats enough food, it will recover faster.

Hearing Harry's question, Sherlock nodded.

"Some time ago, I invited this gentleman to come to my office outside Hogwarts. Not only did he generously agree, but he also politely said that he wanted to repay me. Then I asked him to help me a little and stopped by. Become your sparring partner."

Hearing Sherlock's words, Harry had an expression that said, "I don't believe you."

These days, he also knows a lot about creatures like dementors, and he knows very well that they cannot communicate at all under normal circumstances, let alone ask them to come back as guests and repay them.

This must have been caught directly by Sherlock.

While they were talking, the Dementor had slowly regained some energy, and it sensed the presence of a fresh and delicious food producer in this room besides the demon.

It didn't dare to provoke the evil demon, but it greedily wanted to absorb the fragrant happiness and hope from Harry.

Harry also felt that his body was extremely cold at the same time, and his mother's dying pleas rang in his ears again.

The Dementor floated over from the cabinet, and a vague, transparent gauze-like thing connected it to Harry.

Sherlock did not stop the dementors from absorbing Harry's positive emotions. Instead, he shouted loudly to wake up Harry, whose eyes had become broken.

"Use the Patronus Charm I taught you!"

Harry suddenly woke up from his dazed state, but he still felt the coldness from the bottom of his heart, and his whole body could not help but tremble.

He gritted his teeth and raised his wand, pointed it at the dementor that was still slowly floating towards him, waved his arm and chanted the spell.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

But no light rays emerged from the tip of his staff, and the Dementor was not affected at all. Instead, it floated in front of Harry!

At this moment, a silver light thread suddenly tied it up, and then the thread retracted. The next moment, the dementor was pulled back into the cabinet, and finally the cabinet door was closed again.

Harry's eyes that had become empty regained their luster, and he was breathing heavily, as if he had just come back from the edge of death.

Sherlock put down his wand and handed him a cup of hot cocoa that had been prepared on the table.

Harry took the cup with trembling hands and said sadly.

"I'm sorry, Professor, as soon as I saw it, my mother's voice rang in my ears, which made it impossible for me to concentrate on using the Patronus Charm."

Sherlock had expected this.

The feeling and experience of using the Patronus Charm during normal practice and using it when facing Dementors are completely different.

The aura of despair exuding from the dementors was enough to frighten the wizard.

It was impossible for them to recall any happy emotions from their minds, and as a result, the spells that might have been used originally could not be used at the critical moment.

But it is also under the high pressure of facing the dementors, it will be easier to stimulate the potential of wizards. When they overcome the influence of the dementors themselves, it will be of great help to the learning and use of the Patronus Charm.

Sherlock comforted Harry.

"When you face the dementors, you have to endure much more serious fear than others. But this emotion can also be your motivation, Harry. Don't think about your mother's despair when she begged, think about it. The courage and strength she showed when trying to protect you should not be a hindrance to your learning of the Patronus Charm, but your motivation.”

Harry was holding the hot cocoa in the cup and listening to what Sherlock said to him, his eyes gradually became more and more determined.

After sitting on the chair and resting for a while, he stood up.

"I want to try again, Professor."

Sherlock naturally complied with his request. He waved his wand again, and the cabinet door was reopened. The Dementor was once again untied and slowly floated out of the cabinet.

But after it came out this time, it huddled aside and didn't dare to move forward at all.

Even if his thinking is simple, it doesn't mean that the dementor is a fool.

It knows very well that the tempting food is just a bait! I could only watch, but before I sucked it into my mouth, it was about to be locked back in the cabinet by the demon.

So this time it is not going to be fooled again.

Seeing that it didn't cooperate, Sherlock couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. A silver thread shot out from the tip of his staff, trapping it directly in front of him.

But even so, the dementor still didn't cooperate. It restrained its desires and no longer showed the posture of eating. It just exuded the coldness that it couldn't control.

Faced with its non-violent and non-cooperative attitude, Sherlock naturally did not get used to it, and directly tightened the light threads that tied it, while threatening it.

"If you cooperate honestly, I will let you go when my students learn the spell. But if you don't cooperate, then when my experiment is over, I will sell you to other wizards on the black market!"

The dementor seemed to understand what he said. It trembled and hesitantly showed Harry its intention to eat again.

When Harry saw Sherlock bullying the Dementor like this, he couldn't help but feel pity for it in his heart, and his fear of it was no longer so strong.

It was that biting cold again, and Harry tightened his grip on his wand this time. When the dementors began to suck the positive emotions out of his body, his mother's voice sounded in his mind again.

He no longer trembled, but tensed his body and waved his wand steadily.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

The pronunciation of the spell perfectly matched the tone that Sherlock taught him, without any mistakes.

The next moment, a huge silver shadow suddenly shot out from the tip of his wand. The shadow hovered between him and the Dementor. Although Harry felt that his legs were extremely weak, he was still standing on his own after all. I don't know how long I can stand.

At the same time that Harry's Patronus Charm took effect, the Dementor dodged backwards very skillfully, and finally shrank into the wooden cabinet that was usually used to store it.

After seeing that Harry had taken a huge step towards success, Sherlock did not hesitate to praise him and clapped his hands.

"Very well Harry, I didn't expect you to improve so quickly despite being under pressure!"

This was indeed beyond Sherlock's expectations. He originally thought it would take some time for Harry to be able to summon the prototype of the Patronus, but he did not expect that it would be so effective under the pressure of facing the Dementors. Harry now This step has already been done.

He took out another piece of chocolate from the drawer and handed it to Harry.

"Just finish eating these. You have done a good job. What is left is just long-term practice and familiarity with the feeling."

But Harry didn't look very excited.

"I still haven't been able to summon the Patronus like you, Professor."

Sherlock burst into laughter.

"Don't be too demanding on yourself. Do you know how long it took me to learn the Patronus Charm?"

Harry looked at him doubtfully, and Sherlock held out a finger to him.

"It took me a year to fully master this spell. If you can use it in less than a month of learning, doesn't it mean that my talent is poor?"

Harry said dully.

"You definitely don't have anyone to teach you, and no one can capture dementors for you as a sparring partner."

Sherlock shrugged.

"Even if these are included, you are already good enough Harry. There is no shortcut to success overnight. If you want to master the power you can master, you need long-term and persistent efforts."

Harry looked around at the three rows of magic books on the bookcases in Sherlock's office, and could feel that what Sherlock said was exactly what he was doing.

"I'll try my best, Professor!"

"Come back and try again next week. It's already very late now, and you're already very tired. Go back and rest first."

At night, Harry returned to the Gryffindor common room.

He didn't tell Sherlock about Black's discovery. He didn't mention it again these days. Hermione and Ron both thought he had forgotten it, but in fact, he had always kept it firmly in mind, but he could only remember it. From the bottom of my heart.

After the Christmas break, the students returned to the castle, making Hogwarts lively again.

With the beginning of the second half of this year, fifth and seventh grade students have also entered the final sprint stage before the grade examination.

Sherlock made an orderly study plan for them so that almost no time was wasted every day.

Even George and Fred, who are usually the most naughty and mischievous, are now working hard. This is not because they have conscience and want to get good grades and easily find jobs in the Ministry of Magic.

But the surrounding learning atmosphere has changed.

While all the fifth graders were studying, their pranks unappreciated, and their creativity unapplauded, Fred and George unknowingly joined in on the fun.

In the fifth grade class, Sherlock used a levitating spell to bring them test papers that were as tall as half a person.

"There were very few materials for theory exams in the past. I compiled them last year and added some more this year. There are seventeen test papers in total, which contain all the question types from previous years' black magic theory exams. Just put these questions Once you understand it, it’s very easy to get full marks on the theory test.”

"I will bind them into a volume and send it to you later. You will complete these seventeen papers one week a week in the next semester. I will explain them one by one in class. It will almost be ready in April. After all the test papers are finished, we will enter the surprise training for the practical exam.”

"The practical test in the ordinary wizard level examination is actually the easiest item to get points. The Ministry of Magic will not select for you how troublesome dark magic creatures are, and the highest danger level will only be xxx, and these The weaknesses of magical creatures and how to deal with them are things we have talked about countless times.”

The students below listened very carefully. The fifth-grade wizard level exam can be said to be the most important exam in any wizard's career.

This exam is equivalent to their basic academic qualifications in the magic world in the future. They only have this chance to be good or bad.

The ultimate wizard level exam in seventh grade is more like an advanced exam. The more advanced it is, the more important it is than the ordinary wizard level exam.

Sherlock waved his magic wand and distributed the test papers to every student, and at the same time started today's class.

"I hope that during this holiday, you have not forgotten much of the knowledge I taught you in the last semester. The first is the Iron Armor Curse. Does anyone still remember the spell for its advanced usage?"

Soon the students below all raised their hands, and Sherlock randomly named a boy.

"The spell is for total protection, Professor."

"Then can you tell me what changes have occurred in the function of the Iron Armor Curse after using the advanced spell?"

Then the boy obviously has a particularly deep grasp of this knowledge and answered without thinking.

"The Iron Armor Spell will expand the range of protection and protect the caster without blind spots. However, if this spell is not mastered, the wizard must cast it in advance, otherwise gaps in the protection will easily appear."

"Perfect answer, plus 5 points for Ravenclaw!"

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