Sherlock's words silenced the scene.

Blake said through gritted teeth.

"Harry is living very well at his aunt's house. He doesn't need to know that I exist. The deaths of James and Lily are related to me. I'm not worthy of being his godfather!"

"If he was really living a good life there, he wouldn't want to go to Hogsmeade and take the secret passage, and be caught by Snape in the end." Sherlock said calmly.

Blake stared at him.

"What's the meaning?"

"His aunt and uncle did not sign the consent form for him to leave school because Harry was an alien in their eyes, a magician who was incompatible with them and at the same time the most annoying alien of the Potter family."

At this time, even Lupine looked at Sherlock.

"Harry had a bad life there?"

"At least he has food and shelter." Sherlock said calmly. "Although he doesn't have the warmth of any family, he won't end up wandering on the streets and starving to death."

Both Sirius and Lupine understood what he meant. Harry's living standard at his aunt's house was just enough to prevent him from living on the streets.


Blake said angrily as he punched the desk.

"That's her sister's son!"

Sherlock looked into his eyes.

"I don't deny that Harry's aunt's family did too much, but you have to ask yourself, what was Harry's father's attitude towards them back then? Or why did they treat Harry like this?"

As for why Harry's aunt's family had such an almost hostile attitude towards Harry, Sherlock went to find out some things during last summer vacation.

It's not that the Dursleys hate wizards as a group, it's that when they first got along with Harry's father, they left a very bad impression on them.

From that time on, the two families completely broke up and never interacted with each other until death (also mixed with Petunia's jealousy of Lily becoming a wizard).

After Harry came to their house, they passed on such emotions to the young Harry.

The Dursleys were behaving badly, but James Potter was also having big problems at the time.

Sirius and Lupine were silent again. They were James' playmates when he was a child, so they naturally knew what kind of character he was, which was only slightly better than the more extreme Sirius himself.

"So, even if it's not for yourself, think about Harry." Sherlock sat on the chair and looked at them and said, "He may not need your care, but he needs the affection of a family member."

Sirius stood there blankly. He had the courage to defy death, but Sherlock's words made him hesitate.

If it was true as he said, then besides his aunt's family, Harry was the only legal relative. After all, when he was just born, he and Sirius established the relationship of godfather and godson.

Sherlock sat in a chair and drank tea leisurely, waiting for Sirius to make a decision.

After a long time, he slowly raised his head and said.

"Can I see him up close?"

Sherlock shrugged.

"Every weekend evening, he will come to my place to learn the Patronus Charm. If you want to meet him, you can come to my place, but it is up to you to decide whether you want to get to know him or not."

"I can't recognize Peter until I catch him." Sirius shook his head and said, "Only when everything is settled can I let him know my existence. If he knows these things, there will definitely be problems."

"You know his character very well."

"After escaping from Azkaban, I secretly observed him from behind for a while."

Sherlock rose from his chair.

"In this case, then you should turn into an Animagus and follow me first. I will take you to Professor McGonagall to report it. At least let other people in the school know about your existence."

The matter was thus settled for the time being.

Sirius turned into a dog again. After Sherlock used magic to change his breed, he took him to find Professor McGonagall.

"You want to keep this dog in Hogwarts?" Professor McGonagall frowned and looked at Sirius in Animagus form. It could be seen that she was not very interested in dogs.

Sherlock explained.

"This dog is very smart. I think letting him patrol the castle might be helpful in catching Blake."

Sirius wagged his tail in agreement and walked to Professor McGonagall, nuzzling his head against hers.

"Okay, it might be useful in catching Black, but you have to make sure it doesn't harm the students." Professor McGonagall nodded.

Charlotte assured: "Don't worry, it will get along well with the students."

After getting Professor McGonagall's approval, Sirius now had the authority to act openly in the castle.

Then Sherlock took Sirius and left Professor McGonagall's office. When they went downstairs, Snape, who had greasy kelp-like hair, pale face, and wore a robe like a big black bat, this I happened to meet them in the front hall on the first floor.

"Forrest, when are you going to give me the final payment for the potion ingredients!" Snape asked for debt with a sinister look on his face when he saw Sherlock.

Sherlock then remembered that the last time he bought materials from him, he owed him a sum of money and forgot to give it to him.

"I'll send it to you at noon."

Snape snorted, and then he noticed Sirius following Sherlock.

The man and the dog looked at each other. Snape always felt that the dog gave him a very unpleasant feeling, as if he had seen an enemy.

Sirius also bared his teeth at him.

"What's going on with this dog?" Snape asked with a frown.

"It's used to capture Black." Sherlock raised his eyebrows, "I just reported it to Professor McGonagall."

Snape made no secret of his dislike of him.

"Hopefully it won't be killed by one of Black's spells."

After saying that, he turned around and continued walking in the direction of the auditorium. Apart from his disgust, he didn't find anything wrong with Sirius.

Sirius looked at Snape's back and rolled his eyes at him. Sherlock patted his dog's head and motioned for him to follow him.

They returned to Sherlock's office. Today happened to be Saturday, and Harry would come to the office in the evening to continue practicing the Patronus Charm.

So Sherlock told Sirius not to go out in the office, and he went to the kitchen to tell the house elves that from today on, three meals for two people would be delivered directly to his office through magic.

And just when Sherlock and Lupine found Sirius and found out the whole story from him.

Ron finally reconciled with Hermione.

On the day Harry's Marauder's Map was taken away by Lupine, Hagrid also lost his case against Buckbeak at the Ministry of Magic. Almost all the judges sided with Lucius and sentenced Buckbeak to death. , and determine the execution date.

Hermione's mood was very broken. After meeting Ron and Harry, she cried and apologized to Ron. At this time, Ron finally lost his temper and said that she was not to blame for this incident, and the two reunited. reconcile.

When they were reconciling, they happened to meet Draco who was looking weird. Hermione was angry because his father bribed the jury to execute Buckbeak, so she slapped him on the spot, knocking Draco unconscious. .

After that, Hermione seemed to look away completely.

Because there were too many classes, she gave up on the divination class that she didn't like in the first place and focused on other classes.

In addition to continuing to learn the Patronus Charm, Harry recently also had to take care of the last Quidditch match against Slytherin at the end of the semester.

He came to Sherlock's office as scheduled this weekend. After this class was over, he planned to take another week's leave and come back to continue classes after the Quidditch match.

As soon as he walked into Sherlock's office, Harry saw the big dog lying next to the desk.

He immediately walked over with wide eyes and looked at the dog in front of him who also stood up from the ground.

"Professor, is this your new pet?"

Black waggled his tail, stared at Harry with his bright little eyes, and took the initiative to move closer to him.

Harry tried to touch his head, and became bolder after finding that Sirius not only did not resist but also looked happy.

Sherlock looked at Sirius' tail wagging rapidly and knew that he must be enjoying this time now. After all, not only was Harry the only family member of his, but in disguise, Sirius himself was also the only one with Harry emotionally. A relative.

"That's right. I raised this dog specifically to prevent Blake from breaking into the school. I will take care of it for the time being."

Harry stroked Sirius's dog's head for a while and then said.

"I'm going to ask you for leave next week, professor. The Quidditch final is coming soon. In order for Gryffindor to win the championship, I have to focus on training."

Sherlock waved his hand.

"There's no need to ask for leave. There's nothing to learn about the Patronus Charm. All you need to truly shape your Patronus is an opportunity. You've already done a good job in theory."

"Are we still going to have this class?" Harry asked.

Sherlock pointed at Sirius.

"In this lesson, please help me take this dog for a walk in the castle. This is the last task assigned to you."

Harry naturally accepted this happily. He carried Sirius out of Sherlock's office, walked around the corridors and the castle, and finally took him into the Gryffindor common room.

This surprised all the Gryffindors.

Ron, who was helping Hermione search for files about the Hippogriff, looked at Sirius and blinked and asked.

"Where did you get the dog?"

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