In the eyes of Harry and Sirius, they only saw that the moment Sherlock touched Snape, the two people suddenly disappeared together!

Silently, as if it was erased from the screen out of thin air!

"What's going on! Where are Professor Forrester and Snape!" Harry said in shock.

Ron and Hermione couldn't answer his question because they didn't know what happened.

"Don't worry about that! Run! Run quickly!" Sirius had already let go of Lupin.

Lu Ping knelt on the ground, and the bright moonlight shone on his body like deadly poison, causing drastic changes in his body!

Sirius took Harry and the others and flew towards Hogwarts Castle together!

Lupine, who had completely transformed into a beast, let out a long wolf roar in the moonlight!

As Harry ran, he couldn't help but look back.

"Peter! Peter is still there!"

Sirius held on to him and didn't let go.

"Leave him alone! He's dead! Get back to Hogwarts before Lupine notices us!"

They ran wildly, not daring to stop for a moment. However, just when they reached the Whomping Willow, an unclear number of dementors in black robes floated down from the sky and surrounded them.

The coldness that could freeze a person made Harry almost freeze in place!

Black suddenly let go of Harry's hand, and he gasped, watching the dementors surrounding them.

Harry seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and he begged desperately.

"No! Sirius! You can't... they'll kill you! They'll kill you!"

Sirius looked determined.

"I had already thought of this outcome when I escaped from Azkaban, Harry. Being able to avenge your parents has fulfilled my greatest wish!"

He broke away from Harry's hand and ran away in the opposite direction to Hogwarts Castle.

Animagus was not used because dementors have no eyes. They can only rely on smell and human emotions to perceive the existence of the target. If he turns into a dog, then these dementors will definitely place the target on On Harry and the others.

"Calling the Guardian!" Sirius recited the incantation of the Patronus Charm.

A silver light lit up in front of him, but no patronus formed under his spell.

Just a faint silver shadow, just like Harry had been practicing.

These rays of light were unable to disperse the swarm of dementors that were like locusts, but Sirius still managed to push back several dementors that stood in front of him.

He escaped from the dementors, but in fact he couldn't escape for long, because not only what was in front of him, but there were also groups of dementors flying over from outside, forming an even denser circle around him!

Harry looked at the direction in which Sirius was escaping, and subconsciously took steps to catch up, but Hermione caught him in time.

"If you follow them, they'll suck you dry!"

"But I just got to know him. He said he would sign my consent form for leaving school... and he said he would take me to his house..."

Harry was holding back tears in his eyes. He didn't want to cry because he had cried enough today, but he couldn't help but shed tears in his eyes.

Hermione, Ron, and Harry broke into the castle gate. They leaned out of the corridor window and could see the direction in which Sirius fled. Suddenly, a silver light illuminated half of the sky.

No one knew what Sirius' condition was now, whether he was still alive or had been captured by the dementors.

Harry fell to his knees, his eyes empty, and his whole body seemed to have been drained of energy.

Hermione and Ron looked at each other. They wanted to find something to say to comfort Harry, but at this time they opened their mouths but nothing came out.

Just as they were stunned in the corridor, a burst of messy footsteps sounded from upstairs.

Professor McGonagall, Minister of Magic Fudge, Filch and two other Ministry of Magic escorts left. They were originally preparing to leave the castle, but now they were obviously alarmed by the reaction of the Dementors.

Seeing the dementors like swarms of locusts outside, Fudge shouted in excitement.

"Aha! Those guys must have discovered it!"

Professor McGonagall looked at Harry and the others, her face was serious and her brows were furrowed.

"It's already curfew time, what are you still doing here? Go back to the lounge!"

Harry didn't listen to her, but hugged Professor McGonagall's leg excitedly!

"Professor! Go and save Sirius! He is innocent! He was wrongly accused! The real murderer is actually Peter Pettigrew! Go and save him! Please! Ron, Hermione, they all can testify!"

"Yes, we can all testify, Professor!" Ron and Hermione also said hurriedly.

However, no one of the adults present believed what they said. Fudge looked at them in surprise and muttered.

"Did they fall under Black's evil spell? Why did they say such things?"

"No! If you don't go over! He will really die!"

But no one believed what Harry and the other children said. Professor McGonagall asked Filch to take them to the lounge, and Filch was naturally happy to do so.

Harry and the three of them were forced back to the Gryffindor lounge. Harry did not go back to the dormitory, but sat in the lounge.

The most painful thing in the world is to have hope, and then have your hope ruthlessly shattered before your eyes.

Ron and Hermione were by Harry's side, and they were worried about his condition.

"We can go find Professor Dumbledore!" Harry stood up suddenly, as if he had thought of a life-saving straw.

"What can Dumbledore do to help us?" Ron whispered.

But Harry didn't want to think about this now. Dumbledore was his last hope, and he had to seize this hope and not let anyone destroy it.

He took out the invisibility cloak, put it on himself and Hermione Ron, and sneaked out of the lounge together.

They went down the stairs and came to the stone monster on the third floor. Harry and the three of them had no password, so they could only ask it.

"Help, we want to see Professor Dumbledore, please, let us see him!"

The stone monster was silent, as if communicating with someone, and then it opened an entrance for Harry and the others.

Harry and the others did not stop, but immediately followed the inner spiral staircase to the principal's office on the eighth floor, hurriedly opened the door and ran in.

Dumbledore looked very surprised when he saw them anxiously entering.

He put down the quill in his hand, looked at them, and comforted them softly.

"Don't be nervous. Why are you looking for me so late? It should be curfew time now, right?"

Harry couldn't help but be nervous. He was afraid that things would become irreversible if he waited any longer.

He spoke quickly and told Dumbledore the whole story. There were some things that he missed out of nervousness, and Hermione and Ron filled in for him.

So soon, Dumbledore knew what was going on.

"Professor, can you stop those dementors from killing Sirius?" Harry begged, "He was really wronged. The person who killed my parents was Peter, not him at all!"

Dumbledore shook his head under Harry's desperate gaze.

"I have no way to order the Minister of Magic, and no one will believe what you say. They will only think that you have been bewitched by Black."

Harry stared at the serious face and felt as if the ground beneath his feet was falling apart. He had become accustomed to the idea that Dumbledore could solve any problem.

He expected Dumbledore to come up with a solution to the problem out of thin air, but no, his last hope was dashed.

"What we need now," Dumbledore said slowly, his light blue eyes looking from Harry to Hermione, "is more time."

"But..." Hermione began, and then her eyes widened as if something had occurred to her, "Oh!"

Harry and Ron were confused by their conversation, but at this time Dumbledore had already stood up from his seat. He took out his pocket watch and looked at the time.

"It's 00:40 midnight, and we need to turn four times." He lowered his voice, "I will leave this room first. If everything goes well, you can save more than one innocent life tonight. But remember this , all three of you must remember. Miss Granger, you know the law, you know what is dangerous and must not be seen."

Before Harry could figure out how things were going, Dumbledore had turned away and looked back when he reached the door.

"Wish ya'll good luck."

"Good luck?" Harry repeated as the door closed behind Dumbledore. "Four times? What is he talking about? What should we do?"

But Hermione excitedly groped around her collar, and finally pulled out a fine gold chain.

Harry and Ron were still confused, but Hermione had already put the chain on their heads, and then the gold chain was completely pulled out, with a small little one hanging below it. shiny gold timer.

Hermione didn't explain much, she simply turned the timer back four times.

The softly lit principal's office disappeared, and Harry and Ron felt like they were flying, flying very fast and backward.

All kinds of blurry clouds and shapes passed before their eyes, and something pounded in their ears. They wanted to speak, but they couldn't hear their own voices. Then they felt their feet touch solid ground, and everything came into focus again. They stood Next to Hermione, stood the empty headmaster's office.

"We are now back four hours ago, when we were preparing to go to Hagrid's hut!" Hermione grabbed Harry and Ron's hands and led them out of the principal's office.

Harry and Ron still couldn't understand, Ron asked in disbelief.

"That timer can turn back time?"

"It's called a Time-Turner," Hermione whispered. "Put on the Invisibility Cloak, Harry."

The three of them put on the invisibility cloak and walked down the office. Hermione also had time to explain the time turner to them.

"On the first day we came to school, I got it from Professor McGonagall. You must be a model student in Hogwarts to apply for it from the Ministry of Magic, and it can only be used for study. Professor McGonagall You swore not to let me tell you, so I never said it. This is why I can take several classes at the same time!"

Harry's breathing began to quicken.

"But even if we could go back in time, would that do anything to help Sirius?"

Hermione shook her head, she didn't know this either.

"At this time, Buckbeak has not been executed yet. We might be able to rescue him. We can rescue him first and then wait later."

The three of them passed through the invisibility cloak and successfully sneaked behind Hagrid's hut, successfully releasing Buckbeak before the executioners from the Ministry of Magic arrived.

Then they quietly followed themselves four hours ago, and saw with their own eyes that they were blocked by the three Sherlocks.

"I looked really stupid," Harry muttered under the invisibility cloak.

They hid on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest and did not dare to get too close.

It wasn't until a group of men came out of the Forbidden Forest grabbing Peter that they followed him again.

They once again witnessed the scene where Sherlock and Snape disappeared before their eyes, while Lupine turned into a werewolf and Sirius escaped with them.

Harry and the others did not immediately run with him four hours ago. Instead, they saw Lupine, who had turned into a werewolf, cruelly biting Peter who was lying unconscious on the ground!

Just after taking the first bite, Peter was awakened by the unbearable pain.

He wailed and struggled to sit up from the ground, but Lupine took a second bite without hesitation, and a large piece of flesh and skin was torn off from Peter's shoulder!

Accompanied by a piercing scream, the next moment Peter disappeared from where he was.

Harry knew he had turned into a mouse and slipped away. He raised his wand to keep Peter, but Hermione held him back.

"Don't go. If you are bitten by a werewolf, you will turn into a werewolf. This is more painful for a normal wizard than death."

They ran forward quickly, following Sirius and the others, and saw Sirius taking the initiative to separate from them in order to distract the Dementors.

"I see......"

Harry muttered to himself as he looked in the direction in which Sirius was escaping. He thought of seeing the silver light that lit up half of the sky in the corridor!

Harry left the Invisibility Cloak to Hermione and Ron, broke into the night alone, and ran in the direction of Sirius.

"Wait for me here!"

The night wind whistled around him, and Harry's mind was filled with images of Sherlock teaching him the Patronus Charm.

"Happy! Happy!" He kept chanting, getting closer and closer to the outskirts of the dementors.

He was thinking about his experience traveling with Sherlock during the summer vacation; he was thinking about his terrible birthday, but it was the only one in thirteen years that anyone remembered and was willing to celebrate him; he was thinking about how he and Sirius recognized each other. He hesitantly told himself that he was actually the guardian appointed by Harry's parents and could let Harry live with him during the holidays.

Harry was looking forward to it. He was looking forward to a bright future.

The coldness emanating from the Dementors was constantly eroding him, and his mother's voice seemed to ring in his ears again.

But it was no longer a desperate plea and whine, she seemed to be speaking to him in her own ears.

"Live well, Harry."

Countless Dementors were surrounding him, and Harry could already see Sirius in the middle, who had fallen to the ground, his body turned blue, and even Animagus couldn't use it.

He raised his wand, ignoring the ghosts in black robes surrounding him.

No longer afraid in his heart, he grabbed Sirius's cold hand and recited the spell loudly!

"Call the gods to protect you!"

Brilliant silver light shot out from his wand, no longer a shapeless mist, but a dazzling silver animal!

The bright light almost illuminated half of the sky. A shining stag broke into the group of dementors. The dementors retreated, collapsed, and disappeared into the darkness. They fled in confusion!

"Wake up! Sirius! Wake up!"

Harry called his name. Under the silver light, Sirius opened his eyes and stared at Harry.

"Hurry up!" Harry urged him, "Minister of Magic Fudge is coming soon, you have to leave quickly!"

Sirius gave Harry one last look.

"Wait until I write to you."

Then he turned into the shape of a big black dog and disappeared into the vast night.


I stayed up late to continue writing a 4,500-word chapter and tried to publish it as early as possible tomorrow morning.

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