Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 162 My love for you has never changed

Sherlock Forrest was born in 1971. According to the current time of 1977, he is already 6 years old.

The original owner's mother died on St. Mungo's hospital bed when he was 5 years old, which means that the current original owner should have lived in that small building in Surrey.

Because that house was left to him by the original owner's mother.

He has not followed his father since he was a child. It is not that the Duke of Cavendish is unwilling to take him home, but he has put forward conditions, requiring that if little Sherlock wants to live in the Cavendish family, he cannot use normal hemp at home. An ability that melons don’t have.

Little Sherlock, who had already demonstrated magical abilities in the year his mother died, naturally didn't agree. It just so happened that he didn't want to live with his father, so he stayed in this cabin.

Of course, although Duke Cavendish was angry about this, he did not completely ignore his son. Later, he hired a nanny at home and enrolled him in a Muggle primary school.

There must be some selfish motives for letting little Sherlock make friends in school. Later, he may not be interested in magic and will no longer go to magic school.

But this also shows that the Duke of Cavendish still misses his son. At least he was given education and life care when he was a child.

Returning to the Leaky Cauldron with Snape, after a night passed, Amy slipped into Sherlock's room from the window sill wearing an invisibility cloak early the next morning.

Sherlock was washing up in the bathroom, while Amy was sitting on a chair, dangling her calves to entertain herself.

"You can go directly to the main entrance next time. It's too dangerous over the window sill."

Wiping his face with a towel, Sherlock warned the little girl.

Amy blinked and tilted her head to look at Sherlock.

"Can Amy stay at John's tonight?"

Sherlock was stunned and asked doubtfully.

"Why do you want to live here with me?"

"Because Amy feels that she may not be able to live anymore." She said it was a feeling and a possibility, but her tone was inexplicably sure, as if she had already confirmed it.

Sherlock rubbed her head.

"If you really can't live any longer, of course you can come here."

He didn't take it seriously, he just thought that Amy was still a child after all and would be scared if she slept alone in an empty room at night.

The room No. 11 he lives in happens to have two beds, and Amy can sleep there even if she comes over.

They didn't continue playing wizard chess today. Sherlock was reading the newspaper, and Amy was playing origami with the newspaper he had finished reading.

Yesterday in Diagon Alley, Sherlock bought a lot of past issues of the Daily Prophet from the junk shop. In addition to trying to learn some information about the original owner's mother, Sally Forrest, he also wanted to read about Some of the movements of the Death Eaters.

Cutting-edge magical research must have always been in the hands of the Ministry of Magic. The only way Sherlock can think of to reverse time can only be found in the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic.

The people in that department are not so easy to contact. The safe way is to get in touch with someone in the Ministry of Magic first, and then continue to look for opportunities to contact people in the Department of Mysteries.

Now the most convenient and quickest way to get started is through Death Eaters. These villains are committing crimes everywhere at this time, killing Muggle wizards and confronting Aurors.

Sherlock saw this as an opportunity to quickly sneak into the Ministry of Magic.

He was not going to start by contacting people from the Ministry of Magic, but to directly enter the Ministry of Magic and become a staff member there.

The British wizarding world is at a critical stage at this time. The Death Eaters led by Lord Voldemort are extremely rampant, and the number of Aurors killed in the Ministry of Magic every year far exceeds other times.

Therefore, the requirements for hiring Aurors have been relaxed, but even so, the Auror Command is still short of people. After all, wizards are not fools.

Except for some enthusiastic fresh graduates of Hogwarts and far-sighted Muggle wizards, there are basically few adult wizards who are willing to work hard for the Ministry of Magic. Wizards have always lacked identification with the magical government.

However, there are some problems with Sherlock's current identity. He cannot provide any certificates for wizard level examinations, or even prove that he attended Hogwarts.

Therefore, even if the Auror Command relaxes the restrictions on finding people, with Sherlock's current status, he will never be able to get in through normal procedures.

So he could only consider some abnormal means, such as "accidentally" helping the Aurors a little during a battle between Death Eaters and Aurors, and see if he could sneak into the Aurors' ranks through special channels. .

After entering the Ministry of Magic, it will be easy to contact the Department of Mysteries.

In order to prepare for this "accident", Sherlock is studying the recent movements of the Death Eaters, trying to find some of the patterns, and see what is the general direction of the attack by this group of people, and where will they appear next? .

But he couldn't see many problems based on just a few newspapers.

Just when Sherlock saw that it was getting late, he told Amy, and was about to open the door and go out to get lunch, Tom walked upstairs with a middle-aged wizard at that moment.

"Oh, Mr. Watson, the meals for you and your uncle have been prepared. According to what you said, the amount of each meal for you will be slightly larger. You don't need to go there in person. I will serve it to you later. "

Tom said hello to Sherlock with a smile on his face.

Sherlock nodded and watched Tom bring the middle-aged wizard to the door of Room 10.

"This is your room, Mr. Williams. I will go to serve other guests first. If you need anything else, you can come to me downstairs."

Tom sent the middle-aged wizard into room 10, then turned around and went downstairs to leave.

Sherlock looked at the closed door of Room 10, frowned and retreated to his room.

He sat next to Amy, and Amy seemed to notice that he was serious. She put down the paper airplane she was folding and blinked at him.

"You told me in the morning that you felt like you might not be able to stay in that room anymore? Is it room 10?"

Amy nodded.

"Just a feeling?" Sherlock looked at her suspiciously. If this was really just a guess, it would be too accurate.

The corners of Amy's mouth flattened slightly, with a little pride showing on her face.

"Dad has always said that Amy's feeling is very accurate."

Sherlock thought this was a bit weird, but Amy didn't look like she was lying. After thinking for a while, he simply stopped thinking about it and patted Amy's little head.

"A guest has just arrived in Room 10. You can sleep with me tonight. This bed is reserved for you."

Amy blinked and thanked.

"Thank you John."

"You're welcome. Is there anything you want to eat for lunch?"

"Whatever John eats, Amy can eat."

The little girl returned her attention to origami, because Sherlock taught her how to fold paper airplanes, and she is now trying to improve the paper airplanes into ones that can always fly in the air.

After lunch, Sherlock went to Room 12 next to him and told Snape that he was going out. Then he went back to the room and put on his coat to get ready, planning to go to Sherlock's house at this time.

Amy looked at Sherlock and asked quietly.

"Can Amy go out with John?"

Sherlock originally planned to let Amy stay in the hotel by herself, but seeing her looking forward to it, he did not refuse in the end.

This time I went out just to see what was going on at Sherlock's house, and I wasn't going to do anything else, so there was no danger in taking Amy with me.

he reminded.

"If Amy wants to go out with me, wear a big hat so no one can recognize you."

Amy nodded obediently, and consciously put on the invisibility cloak on her body first. Of course she couldn't let anyone else notice her when she walked out of the Leaky Cauldron.

The news that two Death Eaters came to the Leaky Cauldron looking for someone yesterday had already spread in the wizarding world.

Not just the Leaky Cauldron, there were other Death Eaters elsewhere who were looking for a little girl named Butler.

But there was only a surname, no portrait or any physical description. No one could identify Amy as that girl based on her appearance alone.

However, if Amy appears in the Leaky Cauldron at this time, it will definitely arouse some suspicion. She can only cover herself with an invisibility cloak when going out. When she comes to Muggle society, she won't have to worry about it.

Amy grabbed Sherlock's arm in an invisible state, letting him know that she was next to him at all times.

After walking out of the Leaky Cauldron and arriving in a remote alley in London, Amy handed over the invisibility cloak she was wearing to Sherlock and asked him to help put it away.

The little girl seemed to rarely go out and was very curious about everything around her, but the gray robe she was wearing was still very eye-catching, not at all what a child of this era should wear.

Sherlock obviously also noticed this problem. He helped put on the wide sunhat he had conjured up on Amy's head, and then took her to a children's clothing store, where he bought her a suit that conforms to the requirements of the children's clothing store. Clothes of today's era.

Wearing a dress and a big sunhat, Amy looked as cute as if she had stepped out of a fairy tale. She thanked Sherlock seriously again.

"Thank you John for the gift. Amy will give you a gift in return when you meet Dad."

"You're welcome, I'm also looking forward to Amy's return gift."

As a famous foggy city, London's environment has been improved since the 1970s, but the sky is still gray and it looks very depressing.

Because of the different timelines, Sherlock cannot directly use Apparition to come to Sherlock's home in this time. He can only use other travel methods.

Taking Amy with them, they went to King's Cross Station and boarded the train to Little Whinging, Surrey.

The knight bus was not summoned. In addition to the reason for taking Amy with him, Sherlock himself was not used to riding in it. The magic car was too bumpy and not something normal people could adapt to.

Besides, Surrey is right next to London, so it only takes a few hours to get there by train.

Sherlock got off the train with Amy and bought her and himself a lollipop on the roadside. Then he called a taxi outside the station and went to No. 13 Magnolia Road.

The architecture here is not much different from when Sherlock first saw it fourteen years later.

The walls of the two-story building are covered with wall-creepers. The plants in the garden are rarely taken care of and there are piles of weeds. Just from the appearance, it gives people a feeling of desolation and dilapidation.

Little Sherlock should still be in school at this time, and there are still a few days until vacation time. The nanny his father hired for him was not in the room, and the whole courtyard was silent.

Sherlock took out his wand and knocked lightly on the locked, rusty iron door in the yard. After using the unlocking spell to open it, he and Amy walked in together.

Amy held a lollipop in her hand and looked up at Sherlock playfully.

"Is this John's home?"

"Half of it." Sherlock said softly, looking at the yard.

Amy's expression looked a little confused. She obviously didn't understand half of what Sherlock meant.

Sherlock didn't explain much to her, but walked across the yard with Amy, continued to use the unlocking spell to open the door, and entered the house.

The room was kept very tidy, which was obviously not something that the young Sherlock could do. It can only be said that the nanny was very conscientious.

The furniture arrangement and furnishings here are not much different from those fourteen years ago.

Sherlock took Amy around the living room, and then came to the second floor. He walked straight along the corridor to where the magic study was.

There is also a door on the wall at the end of the corridor, but this door looks very conspicuous and has a door handle on it. It is no different from the doors in other rooms.

Sherlock held the door handle and opened the door. It was not a study room, but filled with cardboard boxes and junk items. It looked like an ordinary utility room for storing sundries.

This proves that the magic study that Sherlock used later was built by the original owner after he grew up, and was not originally in the house and inherited from his mother.

This kind of thing was a bit beyond Sherlock's expectation. He had always thought that the magic study room came from the mother of the original owner.

After all, no matter whether he is crazy or normal, as long as he is a wizard, he will definitely leave some traces in his home, and most of these traces are books or information about magic.

But since the study was later built by the original owner himself, did the original owner’s mother, the witch named Sally Forrest, leave nothing behind from her life in this room?

This question arose in Sherlock's mind, and then he began to search around the house.

He always felt that there was something else in this house that he hadn't discovered. Before, he had only found traces of the original owner's residence. The original owner of this house had found nothing but that crazy portrait.

Of course, it is possible that the original owner's mother really left nothing behind, but Sherlock felt that this was very unlikely.

He searched from the second floor to the first floor for a long time, but in the end he found nothing.

Just when he was disappointed, Amy, who had been following him around, asked.

"Is John looking for something?"

Sherlock sighed.

"I was looking for it, but I couldn't find it."

Amy looked around the room and finally said firmly.

"There's nothing strange in the house, and Amy thinks there might be something John is looking for outside the house."

Sherlock was stunned for a moment. He thought of the scene in the Leaky Cauldron at noon today. Amy seemed to have a magical ability, and her feelings were always more accurate than normal people.

So he followed Amy's suggestion, left the house and walked outside, trying to find it in the garden.

But Amy took his arm and pointed her finger at the left wall of the building.

"Here, Amy thinks there's something wrong here."

Sherlock was pulled by Amy to the wall covered with wall crawlers. He carefully observed the wall and found nothing different about it at first.

However, out of trust in Amy's intuition, Sherlock took out his wand and tapped every brick he could touch on the wall.

Finally, when they hit the thirteenth block in the seventh row from the bottom, there was an obvious movement from behind them, and a circular hole was revealed on the lawn!

Sherlock looked at this scene with surprise, and he rubbed Amy's head.

"Amy is a big contributor today!"

There was a slight hint of pride on Amy's face, but she didn't smile. She seemed to rarely smile, and he hadn't seen her smile once in the two days that Sherlock had known her.

The two of them walked into the hole exposed on the lawn together. There was a long stone staircase inside. After walking down the stairs for five minutes, they came to an underground study.

When Sherlock and Amy walked in, the candles around the study lit themselves up.

The space here is not very big, only about a dozen square meters. There are bookshelves all around, filled with all kinds of books.

In the middle of the study room, there is a simple desk with a magic notebook spread out on the desk.

Sherlock walked to the desk and saw the contents of the notes spread out.

"...At this point, I have absolutely nothing to continue studying regarding the soul. The soul imprint entrusted to Sherlock is my last bit of help to him. I hope he will never I will use this thing, but I will never discover the existence of this thing.

Dumbledore and the others have placed their hopes on me, and I must leave Sherlock. If things go well this time, then everything will return to normal. If something unexpected happens, we can only hope that Charlotte will not be affected.

To be honest, I have failed in my duties as a mother, and I have completely failed as a wife, but these are all my own choices, and what I am doing now must have its value.

At this point, I have almost written everything I wanted to write, so I will leave this note here.


If one day you can find this place, Sherlock, no matter what happens to me later, my love for you will never change. "

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