Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 169 Department of Mysteries

"He's being hunted by both the Ministry of Magic and the Death Eaters?"

Sophie's eyes were fixed on Sherlock, and the tension in her tone was extremely obvious.

This witch must have a story with Eddie, and considering that Eddie said they broke up with each other when they were in school, and Amy's mother didn't know who she was, Sherlock couldn't help but think of a lot of love-hate entanglements in his mind. The story of a love triangle.

But now is obviously not the time to think about such nonsense.

"That's right, so you have to take me to Mrs. Selwyn from the Department of Mysteries as soon as possible. If you find her sooner, Eddie's situation will become safer sooner!"

Sophie hurriedly put on a robe over her pajamas, grabbed Sherlock's arm and took him with her, apparating into the Ministry of Magic.

Anti-Apparition magic is also permanently installed within the Ministry of Magic, but it is ineffective for regular employees. However, unless there is a very urgent situation, no wizard will directly Apparate to the Ministry of Magic.

That's very impolite, and employees usually flush the toilet when they go to work (in the original book, when Voldemort was in power, Mr. Weasley would just apparate directly into the office when he went to work).

Of course they couldn't care so much now, and they disapparated and landed directly on the sixth underground floor of the Ministry of Magic.

"I have never been to the ninth floor where the Affairs Department is, so I can only go to the sixth floor first and then take the elevator there!" Sophie explained, and then she took Sherlock and ran all the way to the elevator. Where they passed, Everywhere suddenly lights up.

The entire Ministry of Magic seemed very lonely. There were not even wizards on night shift at this time. Except for the Aurors patrolling the Ministry, there was no one around.

Before they reached the elevator, they suddenly discovered a motionless person lying on the side of the corridor!

Sophie walked forward with a pale face and saw the face of the wizard who didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

"It's Brooke! There are only two teams left in the Auror Command, and they will be on duty tonight!"

The wizard named Brooke was not dead. Fortunately, he was just hit by a coma spell. Sherlock looked at him with a frown.

"Those who are undercover in the Ministry of Magic have already begun to take action. The Death Eaters in Sheffield have helped them draw most of the attention of the Aurors. Now the defense of the entire Ministry of Magic is very empty. How much food has the traitor brought? Even the Ministry of Magic where the Dead Apostles have come is not allowed to do anything about it yet.”

"What should we do now?" Sophie said with a trembling voice. "Should we first find a way to inform other people in the Ministry of Magic, or should we go directly to the Department of Mysteries?"

She is just an ordinary civilian employee in the Ministry of Magic. She has little combat experience and cannot even use the Iron Armor Charm, so she cannot form a combat capability at all.

Sherlock didn't expect to fall in love with her, so he continued running towards the elevator.

"Is there any way you can notify all the Ministry of Magic staff within thirty minutes and have them rush back to the Ministry of Magic?"

"Not even the Minister of Magic can do this!"

"Then there is no need to notify. There is no time at all. Let's go over and check the situation first."

Sherlock released the control magic. The Ministry of Magic obviously had extremely special magical protection. The control magic that had always been hopeless and unfavorable was vaguely restricted and squeezed. There was no way to extend it to the maximum distance of ten meters. He could only Barely eight meters away.

But even if it is only eight meters, this kind of sensing range is enough.

They entered the elevator and started going down.

Sophie looked very nervous, but she pursed her lips tightly and did not show any intention of retreating and left, and still followed Sherlock down.

When they arrived at the Ministry of Magic hall on the eighth floor, they saw two more Aurors lying on the ground, which made Sherlock's heart sink slightly.

There must be more than one Death Eater in the Ministry of Magic!

Finally, in darkness and silence, they reached the ninth floor, where the Department of Mysteries was located.

Sophie held the magic spell in her hand tightly. After Sherlock stepped out of the elevator, he took out the bag containing the wands and scattered more than thirty wands around.

There can't be any more. The corridor space in the Ministry of Magic is limited, and Sherlock's range of magic control is also suppressed. If there are more, densely packed wands will be crowded in the narrow corridor, and the effect will be compromised.

After stepping out of the elevator, there was only a straight corridor in front of them. As they walked along the corridor, they saw another Auror lying unconscious on the ground.

According to Sophie, there are currently two teams of Aurors staying in the Ministry of Magic, that is, ten people. There are a total of eleven Aurors including Scrimgeour, the director of the Auror Office. They found that they had been struck by a curse. Four of them were dizzy!

After walking along the corridor for about two minutes, they came to the end.

There is a black door here. The door is very simple. There is no door handle or any sign on it, and it has been opened a crack.

Sherlock walked to the door. He controlled the magic to detect the scene behind the door in advance. After making sure that no one was ambushing the door and it was safe, he pushed open the black door.

Behind the door is a huge circular room. Everything here, including the ceiling and floor, is black.

There were twelve doors on the wall that were as black as when they came in. After Sherlock and Sophie walked in, the circular wall began to rotate rapidly, making it impossible for them to tell which door they had just entered through. , which door should we enter now?

Sophie asked breathlessly.

"No one here? They're not here?" Sherlock didn't answer her question, because the rotating wall had stopped at this time. He walked along the circular wall, one door after another, trying to use control magic to detect the scene behind the door. However, he couldn't "see" anything this time. There was nothing behind all the doors, as if the black circular room they were in was independent of all the space. Thinking of this, Sherlock suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment on his face. That's right, they are indeed independent of the space now. The hall of the Department of Mysteries is a space that has been opened up separately, and those black doors are not real doors, but entrances to another space! So his control magic couldn't detect the situation behind the door. After Sherlock figured it out, there was no better way. He wanted to know which door the Death Eaters entered, so he could only open one door at a time. Dozens of wands floated behind him, and at the same time, Sherlock walked to a black door. "Be prepared." He reminded Sophie. Sophie's palm holding the magic wand was sweating warmly. She nodded, indicating that she was ready.

Then, Sherlock pushed open the door in front of him with a little force.

This square room looked very bright. The room was almost empty, with only a table. In the center of the room, there was a huge glass water tank filled with dark green liquid, which was large enough for people to swim in.

Many white things were floating slowly in it. At first glance, people would think that these things were some special species of jellyfish, but careful observation would reveal that those things floating in the water were actually all brains!

Sophie trembled her lips and said as she looked at the scene inside.

"I seem to have heard of this place. This is the Brain Hall, where the Silent People study the human brain."

Sherlock only took a few glances and moved his eyes away from this Brain Hall.

Those brains in the glass water tanks all looked like living things, and it made people feel creepy after looking at them for a long time.

There were many other doors in the Hall of the Brain, but Sherlock had no intention of opening them one by one to confirm. He had to first confirm whether there were Death Eaters behind these twelve black doors.

If the door of the Hall of the Brain was not closed, the circular wall with the black door would not rotate again.

Sherlock did not stop. He quickly came to the next black door, and the wands floating around him also changed the position of the wand tips.

He pushed open the second black door.

This was a room full of planets, pitch black, with no visible boundaries, ceilings or floors.

Even Sherlock, who knew little about astronomy, could see the prominent solar system at a glance. The nine planets rotated around the big fireball in the middle according to their own orbits and speeds (in 2006, Pluto was downgraded to a dwarf planet, and now there are only eight planets in the solar system).

Even if Sophie didn't say it, Sherlock could guess the name of this room - "Hall of Planets".

Then he opened the third door.

The space behind this door was large, dimly lit, square, and sunken in the center, forming a huge stone pit about twenty feet deep.

Stone steps surrounded the entire room, like stone benches, gradually descending one step at a time, and each step was very steep, like a lecture hall.

In the center of the stone pit was a raised stone platform, on which stood an arch that looked very old and tattered. There was no wall supporting the arch, and a tattered black curtain or drapery hung on it.

Although the air here was cold and there was no wind, it was swaying gently, as if it had just been touched.

This room gave Sherlock a very bad feeling. He did not study what kind of hall it was, but continued to open the fourth door.

This room was full of beautiful, diamond-like sparkling jumping lights, and clocks could be found on every surface.

They were of different sizes, ranging from floor clocks to pocket watches.

The "ticking" sound of the pointers on countless clocks sounded, like the sound of thousands of tiny footsteps marching in an orderly manner.

At the same time as this door opened, in the middle of the room, a wizard holding a magic wand and wearing a ferocious iron mask on his face met Sherlock's eyes!

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