When he went to work the next day, Sherlock took Amy and apparated directly to the office.

Even if employees in normal departments have the authority to disapparate, they generally will not use this method to visit the Ministry of Magic.

Because it's really rude to just apparate into the office.

But in the Department of Mysteries, there is no such concern. Each office is like another private space in the Ministry of Magic, and there is no need to worry about disturbing others.

Amy was interested in the paper airplanes used to deliver messages in the Ministry of Magic.

These are actually folded with special magic paper. When Sherlock first arrived yesterday, he went to the logistics department to get a big pile.

He usually doesn't contact everyone, and basically doesn't use it, so he can let Amy spend it as he pleases.

In the office, Amy chased after the paper airplane that was circling under the ceiling, while Sherlock read another piece of magic information taken out from the Prophecy Hall.

So far he has gained nothing.

In the final analysis, the things in the Prophecy Hall are just a prediction made by the wizard about the future time, rather than traveling into the future.

It seems that there has never been any research on traveling into the future in the entire magical world. In other words, the time that has left traces is easy to figure out, but it has not happened yet. No one knows how to discover the time that no one has experienced.

The more he understood time, the less likely Sherlock felt that he could return to the correct time.

It seems that wizards from ancient times to the present have not been involved in this field, and Sherlock himself has no way to start.

Sherlock thought for a moment and looked at Amy who was no longer chasing the plane, but was sitting on the carpet, throwing the plane out, and then letting it fly back by itself. He stood up from the chair and helped Amy pull her some The messy hair was tidied up.

"Can you do me a favor, Amy?"

Amy blinked her bright eyes.

"What does John need Amy for?"

Sherlock took her out of the office, and then left the Time Hall and came to the black hall.

As soon as they walked out, the twelve black doors began to rotate along with the circular wall. After two or three seconds, the transmission stopped.

"Which of these rooms do you think will be helpful to me?" Sherlock asked.

Amy tilted her head and looked at the black doors around her, but did not answer his question immediately.

She took small steps and walked hesitantly along the wall, and then stopped in front of a black door.

"Amy thinks this place should be helpful to John." Her delicate face showed a tangled expression, "But Amy is a little unsure."

Sherlock walked over and touched her head.

"I trust Amy's feelings."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and gently pushed open the black door.

This is a room that Sherlock has been to before.

The room was dimly lit and square, with a sunken center that formed a huge stone pit, about the size of half a football field.

In the center of the stone pit stands an ancient, dilapidated arch with no wall support around the arch, and a tattered black curtain hangs on it.

When Sophie brought him to the Department of Mysteries, he saw the scene inside once.

Now that he is an employee of the Department of Mysteries, he naturally knows the name of this room.

Hall of Death.

A room dedicated to the study of death.

Sherlock frowned slightly. He didn't know why Amy thought this room would be helpful to him, but he still walked into the room.

There was obviously no wind inside, but there was an inexplicable feeling of cold air swirling in this space.

The stone steps were built very steeply. Sherlock had to be careful every step he took down, and Amy had to use his help if she wanted to get down.

Soon they arrived at the raised stone platform in the center.

On the ancient arch, the tattered black curtains moved automatically without wind. Just as he was approaching the stone platform, Sherlock suddenly heard the faint voice of someone speaking!

Those sounds were messy but subtle, originating from behind the black curtain. It seemed like someone was talking or quarreling.

Sherlock's brows furrowed.

He did not rush up to the stone platform, but walked around and looked at the curtain from all angles, but did not find any human figures.

"Did you hear anyone talking? Amy," he asked.

Amy shook her head in confusion.

"Amy didn't hear anything."

Sherlock stared silently at the gently floating curtain, and found that no matter whether he walked in front of or behind the curtain, he could tell that the sound came from behind it.

Goosebumps appeared on his arms, and a creepy feeling arose in his heart.

So where did those sounds come from?

At this moment, Amy suddenly pulled his arm.

"Here, John, there's something behind this door."

Sherlock looked in the direction of her finger and found that at the bottom of the stairs, separated from the stone platform, there were several black doors leading to other rooms.

He didn't think much about the sound coming from behind the curtain, and followed Amy's guidance to the door she mentioned.

There is no difference between the door in the Death Hall and the door in the black hall outside. There is no decoration on it, not even a door handle.

Sherlock put his hand on the door, exerted a slight force, and he opened the door a crack.

Warm yellow, gentle light came out from the gap. He opened the door completely, and a small study room appeared in front of him.

The environment in the study is completely opposite to the style of the Death Hall.

There are lights inside that are not too bright, but make people feel warm. There are no dark and cold stones, but quaint old bookshelves full of traces of time.

There are not many but dozens of books placed on the bookshelf.

Sherlock and Amy walked in together. This place didn't look like a place where people often came, but although the decoration was old, there was no dust at all.

It seems like someone comes to clean it every day, it is very clean.

Sherlock walked to the bookshelf, picked up a book from it, and saw the title on the cover.

"An Exploration of the Philosopher's Stone and the Elixir of Life"

When he saw the title of the book, he was stunned for a moment, and then picked up other books.

"The Secret of Immortality", "On Eternity", "How to Escape Death", "Eternal Life for the Living"...

Each of these dozens of books is about the method of immortality. This study room is full of research on immortality!

When Sherlock saw these things, he didn't show any ecstatic expression, and he obviously felt something was wrong.

Wizards are also human beings, and as long as they are human beings, there are few who are not afraid of death. Not everyone is Dumbledore, who regards death as the beginning of the journey to the other end, even people like Voldemort.

If these books on immortality were really useful, they wouldn't have been thrown into a compartment in the Hall of Death without any protection.

He opened several of the books and flipped through them, and the contents completely confirmed his conjecture.

The titles of these books are more deceptive than the last, but in fact, none of the research on immortality in them is successful.

Most of them can only extend the wizard's lifespan, and even if it is extended, the side effects are huge.

Sherlock lost interest in these books after briefly reading a few. Although he was not as open-minded as Dumbledore, he was not so obsessed with immortality or anything like that.

What's more, these books are basically useless.

Just when he was wondering if Amy's feeling was wrong and nothing here could help him at all.

Under the bookshelf, he suddenly found another magic book that seemed to have fallen to the ground, with only a corner of the book protruding from the ground.

Sherlock discovered this when he lowered his head accidentally. After seeing the book, he picked it up directly and saw the title on the cover clearly.

"Advanced Black Magic: Revealed"

The title of this book was very different from the other books on the shelf, and Sherlock clearly felt that it was unusual.

However, he did not open the book rashly and directly. He could still see the bright words of black magic on the title of the book.

Magic books are the medium through which many dark wizards pass curses. Naturally, he must be fully prepared before looking at the contents of this book.

He has already flipped through the other books on the bookshelf. Some of the methods of immortality contained in them are strange ideas, but Sherlock has no intention of studying them in depth. No matter from any angle, these books are very useful for his current situation. Not helpful at all.

If Amy's feeling was correct, the only book that could help him was the one in his hand.

Putting the secret into the pocket of his robe, Sherlock took Amy and left the Death Hall.

Before closing the black door, he took one last deep look at the dark curtain, as if he wanted to see through it, but saw nothing but the surface.

Returning to the Time Hall, he did not let Amy enter the office with him, but asked her to stay alone in the Time Hall outside for a while, and then come in after he had finished testing the black magic book.

Sherlock closed the office door, and Amy walked around the time hall.

She was first attracted by the conspicuous hourglass of a hummingbird creature, and stared at the bird that kept changing back and forth between breaking out of its shell and returning to its shell for a long time.

"Like the sun and the moon."

She mumbled quietly, then turned her gaze to the time turners on the counter, tilting her head slightly.

"As pretty as wave candy but useless."

Finally, her attention was attracted by the wall filled with hourglasses, huge hourglasses that were constantly changing from silver sand to gold sand.

Amy seemed to be in awe of the brilliant golden light particles inside the hourglass that looked like sand, but upon closer inspection were completely different from sand.

“As cool as the windmill John gave me!”


Sherlock was very serious about the book "Advanced Black Magic: Revealed".

He tapped on it with his wand very seriously, detecting the magic fluctuations on it.

But no matter what method he used, this black magic book showed no response at all. It was just like an ordinary book and did not match its name at all.

Finally Sherlock gave up and continued testing.

He used control magic to float the book from a distance. In the air near the ceiling, he kept flipping the pages of the book, going back and forth three times. Only after it did not reveal any magic power did he regain control and fly to his own. before.

Spread the book out on the desk. The pages are full of densely packed small words, recording various black magic techniques.

Sherlock frowned and ignored the uncomfortable spellcasting methods and magical effects. Finally, after seeing a few words, he suddenly stopped turning the book.

"How to make a Horcrux..."

When he saw this line of words, he held his breath.

Horcruxes, of course he knew about this!

During his first semester at Hogwarts, he tricked Neville into opening the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets and releasing the Basilisk. The diary he finally "ate" as a tonic was Voldemort's Horcrux!

At the end of the semester that year, Dumbledore confessed all about Horcruxes to him.

The reason why Voldemort survived the killing curse that bounced off Harry was because of the Horcrux.

The wizard who made the Horcruxes will be immortal as long as all the Horcruxes are not destroyed. Voldemort relied on this magic to finally achieve his goal of immortality!

Sherlock's expression became calm.

He knew everything about Horcruxes from Dumbledore.

But he didn't expect that at this time, he would find a magic book on how to make Horcruxes in the Ministry of Magic.

He only hesitated for a moment before deciding to read the entire contents of the Horcrux.

It's not long, so it won't take long to finish reading it.

Sherlock finally let out a long breath.

Horcrux is worthy of being called the most evil black magic.

Split your soul and achieve immortality in an alternative way.

Emotions are still the most important key to this magic.

If you want to split the soul, go to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com You need the most extreme evil thoughts to use as a knife to tear the soul apart with powerful magic power that most wizards do not have.

At the same time, in order to prevent the torn soul from having a negative impact on magical abilities, a living life needs to be sacrificed.

And the soul of this life must be extracted to act as a special energy to protect and replenish the caster's damaged soul.

Splitting the soul is not just for the purpose of avoiding the death of the main body, but also for the rebirth of the divided soul.

The Horcrux formed by soul splitting is more like a soul-level protection.

As long as there is still one Horcrux, the main body will never die!

Sherlock quietly looked at the black magic book spread out on the table, his thoughts already moving away from the evil of Horcruxes.

Instead, I was thinking, if this is what Amy feels she needs, what can it do for herself?

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