Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 188 Battle in the Time Hall

In 1977, the atmosphere on the campus of Hogwarts was far less relaxed than it would be later.

Based on his current performance, Dumbledore is not a qualified principal or educator.

He has controlled this school for decades, and has maintained a high prestige in the magical world for nearly thirty years, but he still has not completely controlled the minds of the students in the school.

In the Muggle world, if anyone has been the principal of a school for a long time, the students who come out of it are all the principal's loyal confidants.

What's more, Hogwarts is a seven-year all-boarding school. Young wizards in the wizarding world spend the seven years from the age of 11 to 18, when they are most susceptible to influence from the outside world, in this castle.

But Dumbledore didn't seem to have any intention of correcting their thoughts, and allowed those who might have grown crooked to continue to grow crooked, making Hogwarts Castle almost a microcosm of the outside magical world.

Almost all the students in Slytherin come from families that support Voldemort. They stick together and secretly study dark magic together in private.

Gryffindor especially dislikes these people. For example, the conflict between Snape and James was caused by the academy.

Dumbledore seemed to turn a blind eye to this and just focused on teaching magic. As for what those students would do in the future after learning magic, whether they would become a scourge in the wizarding world or join Aurors, it seemed to be unimportant to him.

Now in his thirties, Snape could understand Dumbledore's difficulties.

It’s not that the old man doesn’t want to do these things, but if he does them, it will touch the sensitive nerves of a large number of people.

Hogwarts has never been the private property of any one person. Even when it was first created, it was shared by the four founders.

Nearly a thousand years later, the situation has become more complicated.

This is the only magic academy in the UK and is subject to two major restrictions: the Ministry of Magic and the School Board.

And Dumbledore, the so-called principal, is legally just an employee hired by the school board.

Those regents could vote to remove him from his position at any time if they wanted to.

Of course, they usually gave Dumbledore plenty of face and power, and generally never interfered in school affairs.

But if Dumbledore wanted to spread his ideas openly, then the school board would not be able to let it go.

After all, those who can hold the position of trustees of Hogwarts, a thousand-year-old school, are all real wizard families in the wizarding world.

Among these families, there are many who have an ambiguous relationship with Voldemort (such as the Malfoy family).

So it seems that Dumbledore did nothing, but in fact it was impossible for him to do anything at all.

Unless he wanted to use his own power to launch a dictatorship over Hogwarts, but he would never do such a thing.

At this time, it had been more than a week since the new semester of Hogwarts started. Although various major events continued to happen in the magical world outside, the castle was still peaceful.

Snape entered the school through the secret passage of the Shrieking Shack. Now he has drank the polyjuice potion containing Snape's hair at this time and transformed into his student appearance.

It is not an easy task to get the magic notebook that Sherlock gave him to Lily's hands and make her willing to accept it.

But now, Snape had thought of a solution worth trying.

It was just past eight o'clock, and the curfew in the castle had not yet started, but there were few students still wandering in the corridors.

After Snape entered the castle, he followed a very familiar route to the basement and arrived at the door of Dean Slytherin's office.

He rolled his throat gently. The voice-changing potion made him feel a little uncomfortable, but he could only force himself to suppress the desire to clear his throat and gently knocked on the office door.

"Come in."

After an old voice came from inside, Snape opened the door and walked in.

The Slytherin Dean's office at this time was very different from more than ten years later.

The lights in the room were warm, and there was a sweet smell in the air. The shelves beside the wall were not filled with all kinds of frightening animal parts as they were later, but instead were filled with flowers, plants and books.

A fat old man with a beard like a walrus was lying lazily on a recliner. There were various honey candies on the desk in front of him.

This was Horace Slughorn, the Potions Professor and Head of Slytherin who had worked at Hogwarts for forty years before Snape.

"Professor." Snape shouted in his voice that seemed a little childish but still stiff.

Slughorn sat up from the recliner and saw Snape, with a kind and gentle smile on his face.

"It turns out to be Severus. Why do you come to me at this time? Are there any potion formulas that you feel have problems that can be improved?"

Snape's performance in Slytherin was particularly conspicuous during his student days. He could be said to be the most outstanding student in the same school. Slughorn, who already liked to associate with talented people, naturally took great care of him.

"No, it's not about potions." Snape's face was still indifferent, "I want to ask you to do me a favor and borrow your identity."

The smile on Slughorn's face faded slightly, his eyebrows were raised obviously, and he asked with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Oh? This is really an unexpected request. Can I know what you want to use my identity to do?"

Snape's acting skills are terrible, but as long as he keeps a paralyzed facial expression, most people can see the flaws.

Ever since he broke up with Lily, he had basically always behaved like this in school.

"You should know about Lily and I. She doesn't want to have any contact with me, but I have something to give to her. If I send it directly, she won't accept it. Among the people I know, she only trusts you. ”

Slughorn was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

Although Lily is a Gryffindor student, she has a really good relationship with him, the Head of Slytherin.

He doesn't evaluate people by blood, but by talent and ability.

"It's normal for young people to have some minor conflicts." He held his stomach and said with a smile, "But if Lily is still unwilling to forgive you after so long, then she is really angry with you. Then I understand the girl’s character. Once she makes a decision, she won’t change it easily.”

The expression on Snape's face seemed to remain unchanged, but his hands hidden in the sleeves of his robe could not help but clenched tightly.

"She doesn't forgive me, but after all, I still have to remember our past relationship."

Slughorn sighed softly, scratched his hair, pulled out a strand of hair and handed it to Snape.

"Go meet her. Don't use my identity to do other things. Well, such a reminder may be redundant for you. With your personality, there is nothing else worth doing."

Snape took the hair from Slughorn's hand, but his feet still made no movement, and he stood there and continued.

"Professor, please keep it a secret for me and don't tell anyone about this."

"Hmm, if it's your request, I will."

Snape looked at the fat old man lying back on the recliner, and a rare flash of gratitude flashed in his always cold eyes.

"Good night, Professor."

"I also wish you a smooth conversation with Lily."

After a brief greeting, Snape withdrew from Slughorn's office.

He put the hair into a new bottle of Polyjuice Potion and drank it in one gulp.


The moment the explosion sounded, Sherlock grabbed Eddie's arm and rolled him aside!

The huge impact directly shattered the black door of the Time Hall, and countless sawdust scattered in all directions like a goddess scattering flowers.

Although the door was smashed, no one broke in. There was only a sharp shout from outside.

Sherlock and the others were very close to the door just now. If he hadn't reacted in time, both Eddie and him would have been injured.

The two stood up from the ground and looked at each other, and they could tell what the other was thinking from their eyes.

What they guessed in the office just now probably came true!

Eddie said urgently for the first time.

"I'll go outside to help, you take Amy and leave from here!"

However, Sherlock directly tried to use phantom in front of him. His body was slightly distorted for a moment, and then he was squeezed out of the space again.

This place has obviously been covered by anti-Apparition magic!

"You can't get away." Sherlock's voice remained calm, "The only way to get out is through the door!"

"Are there any other rooms in the Time Hall that lead to the outside?"

"You can give the Prophecy Hall a try, but there is no guarantee that it will be available!"

While Sherlock was talking to Eddie, he took out all the wands in his magic pocket.

Two hundred wands of the same length and texture were floating densely around him, like a swarm of bees surrounding a honeycomb.

This was the first time Eddie had seen him use all the wands he could control, and he couldn't hide the shock in his eyes.

"You can control so many wands at once!"

"You can have more, but that way you won't be able to use the spell a few times." As he said that, he pointed the wand in his hand at himself and recited the spell, "Armor for protection!"

Sherlock said solemnly.

"Wake up Amy and ensure her safety first, and then you can decide whether to help or not."

Eddie controlled his urge to rush out immediately to help his colleagues, gritted his teeth, nodded, and pushed open the door to Amy's room.

Amy had been awakened by the explosion, and she stood in front of the bed in her pajamas with a confused look on her face.

"What happened?"

"There was a little accident. Let's go with dad." Eddie grabbed Amy's hand in a hurry.

Sherlock stared at the door of the Time Hall. When Eddie went to bring Amy out, there were already a dozen men in black robes with ferocious iron masks rushing in!

Without any pause, he controlled fifty wands floating in the air and waved them together.

"All petrified!"

More than fifty red beams of light burst out from the tip of the wand!

The door was not large, and the number of Death Eaters who rushed in was not large. Fifty rounds were just the right amount. No amount of spells would have the desired effect except to consume Sherlock's physical strength.

The distance between the wand and these Death Eaters varied, and the spells struck them at different times.

Those Death Eaters were all protected by the Iron Armor Curse. The first dozen or so spells that hit shattered the Iron Armor Curse of the five Death Eaters at the front. The next spells that really had an effect came immediately. !

The five Death Eaters on the spot were petrified on the spot, and their bodies fell backward weakly.

But at the same time, they also blocked Sherlock's petrification spell with their bodies to prevent it from affecting the people behind.

Sherlock's spell-casting action has not stopped yet, and countless wands in the air are waving together like elves with their own consciousness.

The surrounding shattered black door fragments were controlled by spells and floated up from the air. The magic reshaped their material and carried out a huge transformation!

The wood chips are growing like crazy!

It's like being given a new life again, the new branches are constantly colluding together, trying to block the gap opened by the Death Eaters again!

However, just when the vine wall formed by the transformation technique was about to be formed, a harsh female voice uttered an unforgivable spell!

"Avada Kedavra!"

The green light, filled with death and loneliness, passed through the gap in the Tengman wall before it finally closed, and shot straight towards Sherlock!

The moment the spell sounded, Sherlock's spirit became even more tense.

A quick nervous reaction caused him to turn over to one side. The green spell was as fast as lightning, grazing his hair dangerously!


The death curse finally hit the largest hourglass among the pile of hourglasses near the door of Amy's room!

The sound of glass bursting was heard, and the huge hourglass was blown to pieces by the spell!

In the upper part of the hourglass, those blue light particles disappeared without a trace, just like ice cubes melting in water after contacting the air.

In the lower part, those golden, gravel-like substances floated slowly like nebulae in the low sky.

Eddie pulled Amy and ran out of the room at this time.

The floating height of those golden light particles only reached Eddie's waist, but they filled the air right in front of Amy's eyes.

She blinked her eyes, and the light particles were like iron filings meeting a magnet. They continued to converge into her eyes very quickly but silently!

"Dad, Amy has sand in her eyes."

Amy said with one hand held by Eddie and the other hand rubbing her uncomfortable eyes.

Eddie had no time to pay attention to her words at this time. Although Sherlock blocked the door of the Time Hall with transfiguration, the Death Eaters still persisted. The sound of explosions kept ringing outside. The door opened by Teng Man The woven walls obviously wouldn't last long.

Sherlock stood up from the ground in some embarrassment, and while controlling the wand and continuing to use the transformation technique to thicken the wall, he spoke quickly.

"Enter the Prophecy Hall! There are too many people outside. Even if I can control many wands, I can't use the space here!"

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