Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 197 Your mother’s voice

"Why do you want to resign? You have been here for ten years. Is there anything wrong with you?"

Krueger stood up from his chair.

Of course she wouldn't be like this if she were an ordinary employee, but Hilke is not an ordinary employee. Ever since she took over the position of Director of the Department of Mysteries, she has been training Hilke as her successor.

Silk's face was calm and he shook his head.

"There's nothing wrong with Si Li. It's my own problem."

She didn't say it clearly, and Kruger didn't ask deeply, but said it extremely seriously.

"You have to think carefully, Vera, you should know what the ministry's arrangements are for your future if you stay. And if you leave, where else can you go?"

Hilke didn't say anything immediately, but seemed to have thought of something. The corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing a smile that she had never seen since Kruger met her!

"I always have a place to go." Her voice was gentle and light, "It's just that I lost it before, but now I have found it again."

Krueger ultimately agreed to Silk's resignation.

If she wanted to leave, no one would and there was no need to force her to stay.

After Silk left the German Ministry of Magic, he came directly to Diagon Alley in the UK.

From the vault Eddie left her, she took out the money she had saved from working over the years, plus some of the assets Eddie left her. All of them were converted into pounds by the goblin, and then she came to Surrey with the money. Magnolia Road in Little Whinging.

She looked at the yard at No. 12, then selected No. 13 from No. 13 and No. 14 next to it, and knocked on the door.

The person who opened the door was a middle-aged woman. She frowned and looked at the strangely dressed woman.

"Who are you looking for?"

"I want to buy your house." Hilke said plainly, as if he had spotted a nice tea cup in the store.

The woman looked at her like she was looking at a psycho.

"Sorry, my house is not for sale..."

"The current average house price in the UK is about 60,000 pounds, but the location here is average and the price is expected to be lower than the average price." She said softly, obviously doing enough homework, and seemed to want to lower the price.

The expression on the woman's face became more and more impatient, and she reached out to close the door. At this time, Silke quietly opened the suitcase in her hand, revealing the brand-new banknotes still smelling of ink.

"Here is 200,000 pounds. If you think the price is right, we can go through the procedures now, but no matter how long it takes, you must move out within a week."

When the middle-aged woman heard what she said and looked at the box of money, she froze on the spot. She was stunned for a long time before she came back to her senses and her breathing became heavy as she looked at the dazzling banknotes. , shouting the name of the male owner loudly towards the house.

"Mark! Oh my God! Come out quickly! Mark!"


Sherlock knew nothing about what Hilke was doing.

He was explaining to Snape in the most simple way in the office the purpose of the magic notebook he asked him to give to Lily.

"Soul protection magic allows one person's soul to protect the soul of another person he loves. This is the method Lily used to protect Harry under the Dark Lord's death curse."

"And I don't know if you've heard of another kind of evil soul magic, it's called a Horcrux."

When Snape heard him say the name of the Horcrux, his face suddenly frowned in disgust.

"The magic that splits the soul to make oneself immortal?"

As a former professional researcher in black magic, Snape naturally knew about Horcruxes.

But he has only heard that only a few methods of making Horcruxes have been handed down, and even fewer people know the specific methods of this magic. Those who are truly reckless and have the talent and ability to learn it, currently only know Voldemort for one.

Sherlock snapped his fingers.

"Yes, it's a Horcrux. With Amy's help, I found the method of making a Horcrux in the Death Hall of the Department of Mysteries. I feel that this black magic actually has some similarities with soul protection magic."

"It's just that one requires extreme evil thoughts, and the other requires extreme love."

"Then I used other magic materials to try to take part of the Horcrux magic and combine it with soul protection magic."

Snape could already guess some of Sherlock's thoughts at this time, and before sending the note to Lily, he also roughly read through its contents.

"You want the soul protection magic to take effect, not only to add soul protection to the protected person, but also to split part of the protector's soul!"

Sherlock shrugged.

"My idea at the beginning was indeed this, to split Lily's soul and at the same time have the advantage of immortality as a Horcrux. With the soul protection magic as a carrier, the magic that protects Harry becomes a special Horcrux, and Lily's Part of Harry's soul is in him."

"you made it?"

Snape subconsciously clenched his fists and asked excitedly.

"It's not that simple. Ideas are just ideas after all. Only after actual research did I know that if you want to split the soul, you must sacrifice a soul, and naturally this soul cannot be Lily herself, and love cannot replace malice. The production of Horcrux must be Of course Lily doesn’t have powerful evil thoughts.”

Snape took a deep breath. He glared at Sherlock and tried to control his emotions. After all, it was him who was begging for help now.

"Then what did you do?"

Sherlock said solemnly.

"I found that it was my imagination to want to harmlessly integrate the method of making Horcruxes into soul protection magic. This level of magic cannot be changed so easily, let alone interact with other magic. Fusion.”

"So after that, I gave up the idea of ​​modifying the method of making Horcruxes and came up with another idea."

Sherlock said with bright eyes.

"Learning from Horcrux magic, based on the soul protection magic, I created a soul magic that has a similar effect to the Horcrux, but is not as evil."

"But after some experiments, I found that this is also very difficult. Although all necessary for a wizard to release magic are emotions, evil thoughts are very powerful, and love is equally powerful, but the fundamental purpose of tearing the soul is to make oneself immortal. This It’s selfish in itself, and emotionally more negative.”

"But the method is always thought up by people. If we change the purpose of dividing the soul to not eternal life, but the protector's obsession to see that the protected person is safe and sound, then such an emotion is love."

"There is a lot of information in the Hall of Souls in the Department of Mysteries. I studied a lot of things and finally perfected the theory. The final result is the magic notebook for you."

As he spoke, Sherlock picked up the cup on the desk and drank a few sips of tea. He looked anxiously waiting for him to tell the final result. Although he looked impatient, he still had to hold back and listen to him brag about himself. Snape finally said with satisfaction after the result.

"The improved soul protection magic will theoretically preserve some of the protector's consciousness."

Snape's face darkened.

"Isn't it a soul? Why do you say it's consciousness!"

Sherlock frowned at this time.

"You can say it's a soul. In fact, I'm not sure what the remaining thing will be called. If it's a soul that splits off, but there is no sacrifice of life, no matter how strong the emotion of love is, the soul will not It will split. But if it is not the soul, according to my final research results, there is no difference between the consciousness left with the soul protection magic and the protector himself. "

He touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "If you want to give it a definition, it is more like the re-engraving of the soul."


"Yes, because the soul itself is not split. It is more like using soul magic to complete a re-enactment."

"Then is it possible for a soul recreated in this way to be resurrected?" Snape murmured.

"It's hard to say." Sherlock shook his head, "The recreated soul needs protection magic to survive, and whether it is just a consciousness or a real soul or two different things."

Having said this, Sherlock glanced at him.

"Besides, isn't it too early for you to ask these questions? Let me tell you, these are just theories that I have researched. Whether they can be successful or not is still a matter of debate. Don't be so excited. I'm afraid that the greater your hopes, the greater your disappointment. ”

His persuasion didn't seem to have any good effect. Snape's face was still paler than normal, and he was obviously a little nervous.

The two sat quietly in the office for a while, and then Snape took a deep breath and stood up from the chair.

"I'll go get Harry!"

Sherlock poured himself another cup of tea, nodded, and signaled that he would be waiting in the office.

Final exam week just ended yesterday, and there is still a full week before Hogwarts goes on vacation this year.

The vacation will not begin until professors from each subject have corrected all the students' grades.

The week starting from today will be the most relaxing time for the students in the castle.

Harry and Ron chatted in the early hours of the morning and finally fell asleep.

They slept until noon the next day, went to the Great Hall to have lunch, and then played wizard chess in the common room while chatting about last night's events.

Even after the exam was over, Hermione still held a thick spell analysis book in her hands and talked about her findings with Harry and the others.

"I heard Lavender say she saw Snape in the corridor this morning."

Harry, who was directing the soldiers on the chessboard to move forward, was stunned.

"Snape is back? That proves that Professor Forrester is back too!"

"Should we go to the professor's office to visit him later?" Ron had no interest in playing chess. He wanted to know what happened when Sherlock and Snape disappeared together.

Harry stood up directly from the sofa and said excitedly.

"Why wait a while, we can go directly there now."

They left the chessboard together, leaving the chessmen who had become deserters in the middle of the fight to keep yelling (Cowards! Come back and fight!).

However, before Harry and the three of them had just emerged from the lounge, they met Snape, who was wearing a black robe, with a gloomy face and hurried steps.


He called Harry's last name, his voice sounding like he was trying to suppress something.

Harry and the three of them stopped. Hermione and Ron were instinctively afraid and avoided his gaze.

Only Harry stared at him angrily because he still remembered what happened last night.

Snape was not in the mood to care about the emotions of the three of them at the moment, but directly grabbed Harry's arm.

"You come with me!"

Harry struggled subconsciously.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Don't move!" Snape stared at him with his gloomy and hollow eyes, and his black hole-like eyes seemed to be shining with a light that had never been seen before!

"You'd better listen to me now and come with me alone!"

Harry was also frightened, and was unconsciously pulled by his arm and walked towards Sherlock's office.

At the entrance to the Gryffindor common room, only Ron and Hermione, who looked worried and didn't know what was going on, looked at each other.

"What do we do now?" Ron asked.

Hermione said worriedly.

"Is it possible that Snape wants to force out the whereabouts of Black from Harry?"

Thinking of Snape's crazy look after seeing Sirius last night, Ron couldn't help but shudder.


Hermione paced back and forth nervously, then said firmly.

"Let's go find Professor Dumbledore! Only he can stop Snape!"

While Hermione and the others were making random guesses, Snape had already half-coerced Harry back to Sherlock's office.

Harry also thought of Hermione on the way. He tried to struggle and run away, but Snape's hand that grabbed his arm was like a vise, and he couldn't break it open no matter what.

It wasn't until he realized that they ended up in Sherlock's office that Harry's nervous heart finally calmed down.

Entering the office, before Harry could speak, Sherlock put down the teacup in his hand and looked at him seriously and asked.

"There is something very important. Let me tell you clearly. Harry, please sit down first."

Harry sat on the chair with a confused look on his face, while Snape said impatiently.

"Stop dawdling!"

"Harry, as the person involved, must understand some things." Sherlock said solemnly, and then he looked at Harry, "Have you ever heard any strange sounds when you were emotionally excited?"

Harry didn't react for a moment. He and Sherlock looked at each other, looking confused.

"Wha, what's the sound?"

"Your mother's voice."

The pupils in Harry's eyes suddenly shrank, and his eyes widened!

"You, how do you know? Professor."

Seeing his reaction, Sherlock smiled and nodded affirmatively at Snape, who looked nervous.

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