The last event of the Triwizard Tournament was held one week before Hogwarts went on holiday.

When the competition starts, exam week will begin in the castle, but the students' attention is obviously not on the final exam.

After all, an unsatisfactory test result would just mean a scolding at home, but an event like the Triwizard Tournament would only happen to them once in a hundred years.

The first day of exam week was the History of Magic test.

As a warrior, Harry had the privilege not to take this exam, but he did not fail in every exam. He sat in the back row of the classroom and watched other students taking exams with interest.

The third competition event would be held in the evening, and on the morning of the day when the competition was about to start, Harry and the three of them were having breakfast in the auditorium as usual.

"Crouch's Death Eater son has not been caught yet." Hermione was studying the Daily Prophet in her hand, "but he has been relieved of all positions by the Ministry of Magic and is currently being held in a holding cell. It has been suggested that if Barty Jr. cannot be found by July, he will be transferred to Azkaban.”

Ron didn't subscribe to the newspaper. He read Hermione's newspaper every day and listened to her tell the news of the day.

"Percy is already heartbroken. I heard from my mother that he feels like he has lost his soul every day when he comes home. But I am sure this is just a temporary manifestation of his. His ambition has always been great, although Crouch is his idol. , but that’s all.”

Harry didn't express any opinions on this topic. He was eating jam bread, and then eavesdropped on several Gryffindor students not far away, complaining that this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts final exam was a bit too difficult. .

Sensing that there was no movement on his side, Hermione and Ron looked up at him strangely.

"Aren't you nervous at all? Harry."

Harry then focused on the two of them and shrugged nonchalantly.

"It's not the time to get nervous yet. Besides, I don't have to take exams these two days. The joy of watching your exams from behind has diluted my nervousness."

"Oh, my God! Stop talking about this. During the History of Magic exam, I gave you a wink and wanted you to give me a hint. Why didn't you give me a hint when it came to Shrek or Stank? Do I respond?" Ron said painfully.

Before Harry could answer, Hermione glared at him.

"This is shameless behavior."

While they were arguing, Professor McGonagall suddenly walked up to Harry.

"Potter, the warriors will gather in the conference room next to the auditorium after breakfast," she said.

Harry was confused and asked, blinking.

"Don't the games start at night?"

"I know." Professor McGonagall said, "The warrior's relatives have been invited to watch the finals. You can meet them."

After saying that, she walked away, leaving a confused Harry looking at Hermione and Ron, who were also staring at him.

"I told you before, De...Aunt Petunia's family will come to my game?"

"Is your brain rusty?" Ron stared and said, "Think about your two nominal family members coming back to watch your game? If it's Sirius, that makes sense. Of course this is impossible."

Harry twitched his lips. He also felt that this was an impossible thing, but since Professor McGonagall came specifically to find him, it meant that his relatives did come to Hogwarts. After all, what happened to Professor McGonagall? He didn't even look like someone who would tease him about something like this.

After simply finishing breakfast, he stood up from his chair. At this time, he had noticed that both Krum and Fleur had walked into the conference room that Professor McGonagall was talking about.

Cedric, another warrior of Hogwarts, was standing in front of the conference room door. When he saw Harry looking in his direction, he waved, obviously waiting for him.

Harry walked straight up to Cedric without any hesitation.

"We're waiting for you here." Cedric was still so enthusiastic.

They both walked in together.

Krum was chatting with his parents, who also had dark hair, while Fleur was sitting with her mother, and her sister Gabri was beside them.

When Mrs. Delacour and Gabrielle saw Harry, they smiled and waved to him.

Although two years had passed, they all still remembered Harry who stayed with Sherlock for one night at Delacour Manor.

Harry smiled back at them, then passed Cedric and his parents, and saw Mrs. Weasley and her eldest son Bill standing by the fireplace wall with a smile on their face.

"I didn't expect that!" Mrs. Weasley said enthusiastically, and Harry smiled and stepped forward to greet her.

"We wanted to come watch you play, Harry!" She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"How are you?" Bill smiled and shook hands with Harry. "Charlie also wanted to come, but he couldn't leave. He said the scene between you and the Horntails was so exciting, it was incredible."

With a gentle smile on Harry's face, he looked at the mother and son and said softly.

"thank you all."

Mrs. Weasley and Bill were trying to avoid the subject of the Dursleys because they were the ones who were supposed to be here.

The Weasleys took Harry's hand and recalled their past when they were at Hogwarts. Harry still remembered what Ron said in the morning and asked casually.

"Is Percy okay now?"

Bill shook his head.

"It's not very good. After Crouch's accident, it not only had a great mental impact on him, but also frustrated his career in the Ministry of Magic. Because Crouch had previously entrusted him with all the affairs of the International Magical Cooperation Department. For this reason, the Ministry is now focusing on him and has already conducted three cross-examinations on him, and has also canceled his appointment as the referee of the Triwizard Tournament and replaced him with Cornelius Fudge himself. "

Harry's eyes narrowed subconsciously.

"Fudge coming in person?"

Mrs. Weasley patted his head disapprovingly.

"You have to call him Mr. Minister or Mr. Fudge, and at least give him the respect he deserves."

Harry smacked his lips and muttered.


The competition only started in the evening, and it was still exam time during the day. Harry accompanied Mrs. Weasley and Bill to walk around the school all morning, and then returned to the Great Hall with them during lunch.

Ron was of course surprised by their appearance here. Brothers George and Fred and Ginny also sat over. They were all very excited. Although they were in Hogwarts, it gave them a sense of returning to Hogwarts. Burrow feel.

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