She had experienced it twice before, and Sherlock was already very familiar with the reaction to making the mark on his left arm.

But familiarity does not mean habitual.

On the contrary, the sudden burning sensation in the library made him stunned.

The first two times the imprint reacted, once when he met the Malfoys and his sons at the Bliss Bookstore, and the other when he bumped into Neville at Hogwarts.

But now he is in the forbidden book area, which is generally a place where students are forbidden to enter. There are no people around, only countless forbidden books on the bookshelf.

The burning sensation on the left arm did not stop abruptly this time, but continued uncharacteristically.

Sherlock frowned at the odd reaction.

He took a few steps back, backed out of the forbidden area, and returned to the regular book area where the students were studying, while the burning sensation on his left arm quietly disappeared.

Afterwards, he moved forward again and re-entered the forbidden area, and the burning sensation on the mark also came back. It felt like the mark was reminding him of something in this way.

Sherlock was lost in thought.

He clutched his arms and started walking along the first row of bookshelves in the forbidden area. The closer he got to it, the stronger the burning sensation on the mark, until he reached the sixth row of bookshelves from the bottom, and the burning sensation reached a climax. .

Continuing to go further, that feeling began to weaken.

Aware of this situation, Sherlock felt more and more that his guess was correct. The mark on his arm was trying to tell him something, and the source of the information was on this row of bookshelves.

He stood in front of the forbidden bookshelf in the penultimate row, stretched out his left hand and gently stroked the forbidden books in the first row of the bookshelf.

The burning sensation remains.

He continued to swipe across the second row of forbidden books.

Still no change.

And just when his fingers touched the first book in the third row, a slight tingling sensation like a needle prick suddenly stimulated his left arm!

Then the burning sensation subsided, as if it had never reacted.

But Sherlock's mind was already clear, and what it wanted itself to get was this book.

He gently pulled the thin magical forbidden book from the shelf, and then the light next to it, Sherlock saw the name of the book.

"Soul Stitching"

The title of the book was handwritten in black ink, and judging from the way the letters were written, it was not created for a very long time.

The whole book is very thin. At a glance, there are only about a dozen simple pages of paper. It is said to be a book, but it is more like a notebook.

The texture of the book is somewhat similar to parchment, but it is noticeably thinner.

Sherlock stared at the title of this strange book for a moment, did not open it immediately, but walked to Mrs. Pince and registered the book.

When registering, he watched Mrs. Pince's expression vaguely.

She hadn't changed too obviously from beginning to end, as if Sherlock had just lent an ordinary forbidden book.

From the book's cover, to Mrs. Pince's reaction, the book looks unremarkable.

But Sherlock, who had already walked out of the library with it, knew very well that the thing that could make the mark on his left arm react would definitely not be anything ordinary.

Back in the office, he locked the door from the inside, and then sat down at the desk with the copy of "Soul Stitching", and placed it face up in front of him.

In the magical world, basically adult wizards will give a word of warning to their children.

Don't open magic books, boxes, and bottles of unknown origins!

This sentence is as frequent as parents in normal society reminding their children to pay attention to passing vehicles before crossing the road.

Even Sherlock, a "rookie" who has only been in contact with the magic world for four months, has heard countless times of warnings from adult wizards to young wizards.

Faced with this kind of book of unknown origin, he naturally knew the correct way to treat it.

Pulling out his wand, Sherlock tapped it lightly on the book cover to check if there were any traces of magic in it.

Then he used a universal cracking spell on the book.

After a gust of breeze, nothing changed.

In the last step, he took a step back, and slightly raised his wand one meter away from the desk.

The first page of the book was opened without incident.

In the distance, Sherlock saw the title page, which was blank, not even a trace of ink.

The wand was raised again, and the blank title page was turned over. On the first page, he finally saw the contents of the book.

Even though no accident has happened yet, he still did not move forward, but just stood one meter away and began to read the contents of the book.

[When I escaped from the dead and came back from Norka Town, I realized that my state was wrong. 】

[The long-term torture of piercing the bone, although it did not make me crazy, it still caused damage to the soul. 】

[Of course, I was just skeptical at first, but after a series of self-examinations, I determined my current condition. 】

[My soul is torn apart. 】

[The effect of this kind of tearing cannot usually be seen, but the soul is the key to magic. Because of this tearing, my magic level has been deviated, and the power of using magic spells is not as strong as before. 】

[I know that I have to find a way to solve this problem, my enemies will come to me again, and I must ensure that my strength does not decline. 】

[The first method that came to my mind was potion. As the most common healing method used by wizards, perhaps among the millions of potion formulas, there is an item that heals the soul. 】

[I wrote and asked my teacher, but he told me that there is no magic potion that can affect the soul of a wizard. The performance of potions can only be reflected in the body, and magic is the reflection of the soul. 】

[Well, the teacher at least provided me with a direction, magic is the reflection of the soul, especially those ancient magic. 】

[I have searched through almost all the ancient magic books I can find, and there are indeed countless books for the soul, but there is not a single one that heals the soul. 】

【what! The wisdom of the predecessors is nothing but the same. Since there has been no such magic since ancient times, it is up to me to create it myself. 】

[The healing of the soul is very troublesome, but fortunately, the soul is the same as the body. If it is damaged, it will repair itself, but this time is very long. 】

[Especially in a torn state, the difficulty of repair is even more difficult. 】

[Just as I was in trouble, a Muggle surgery inspired me. 】

[When Muggles have wounds that are too large, they will use needles and sutures to reconnect the wounds to speed up the degree of healing. 】

[It seems rude, but this is actually a rather wonderful idea. 】

[Since the soul and the body are the same and have the same ability to heal themselves, can I also sew up my torn soul to speed up its healing just like Muggles sew wounds to speed up the recovery effect? 】

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