Lao Hu was chatting, and when he saw Yu Qi'an staring at the last picture, he also came over: "What is Xiao Yu looking at?"

Yu Qi'an pointed to the last picture: "I'll see if this picture is coherent with the previous one, and whether it was drawn in the same period."

If this is a complete sacrificial system for sending toads to the strange cave, then what is the death drift in this cave for? And why did they go into the cave after the sacrifice?

If it is said that the king went in to build a mausoleum for himself, then what did the people before the king go in for?

Yu Qi'an's question confused several people, and the fat man waved his hand: "It doesn't matter what he is for, let's go in and see."

Yu Qi'an squinted his eyes and carefully analyzed the situation in the entire valley where the tomb of King Xian was located, and there were only two places that were more suspicious, one was the hole that kept absorbing water, and he didn't know where it finally sucked the water.

Finally, the topographical change of the tomb of the king also led to the backflow of water and waterspouts, so it is unclear what is special in the cave.

The other may be the Tai Sui in the tomb of King Xian.

This Tai Sui obviously existed before the dedication of the king, and the king of Xian just used it, and it is likely that the king of Xian discovered the Tai Sui and the place where this super large Tai Sui was raised.

This is the change of feng shui and the place as his own fairy palace.

And these wizards may have also discovered the special terrain here and discovered Tai Sui, and then used this so-called mountain god to confuse the local natives, and used this magic to cultivate the baby of the carcass, or used these dead drifts to feed Tai Sui.

In the end, the king killed them and occupied the place, making it his own.

The latter of these two possibilities is more likely and more logical, as for the water hole, it may really be just a dark river that flows into the Lancang River from somewhere.

But there is still a problem with this guess, that is, the copper box in the body of the Huo's undead insect can only be opened with the dragon and tiger head in the hands of the dead fat man in the husband and wife tree.

The fat man guessed that it might be a sorcerer under the king of Xian, if these dead drifters and leprosy babies were there before the sacrifice of the king, then this box should have been placed by the ancestors.

The contents of the box are the mountain gods believed in by the ancestors, as well as the jade baby and the blue three-legged toad, so doesn't this mean that this wizard may have finally taken refuge in the king? Is he the one who is leading this ritual?

Then when he created this kind of dead drift and worm gall in advance, what did he use to block the mouth of Huo's undead worm?

Many things are buried in history with the death of people.

Shirley Yang is worthy of being the scientific leader in this group of people, and after listening to Yu Qi'an's doubts, he immediately analyzed it rationally: "I think there should be something cherished by this wizard in the tomb of King Xian, and I don't want those natives to get it."

Yu Qi'an asked again: "Then what do you think is the mountain god they worship?" And what's in the cave?

Shirley Yang couldn't answer for a while, but Lao Hu said: "Do you think it will be an old zombie who has lived for thousands of years?"

Shirley Yang shook her head: "Impossible, in the history of the world, zombies have never been worshiped as immortals." The

fat man said impatiently: "If you don't leave, you won't be able to analyze it for three days, let's go in and see what it is!" From

here, there was no more useful information, and the four of them continued on, and although there were some places in front of them where the trees were not connected, they could still jump over them.

The group of toads seemed to have eaten enough, the water surface returned to calm, and several people walked dozens of meters, and from the white light of the flares, it was obvious that the cave in front of them was closed, as if they had entered the waist of the gourd.

Yu Qi'an continued to shoot flares into the lower half of the gourd hole, several people were used to it, and they felt that Yu Qi'an was the first to shoot a flare when he was indecided, and everyone didn't even bother to turn on the flashlight along the way.

A flare down, the lower half of the gourd revealed a rough outline, the whole cave from here down a section of the waterfall formed a waterfall, if you want to go down, you must fix the climbing rope, hit the pitons, fortunately in the lower part of the water there is a raised superimposed rock can settle.

The fat man and Lao Hu fixed the climbing rope there, and Shirley Yang and Yu Qi'an observed at the entrance of the cave, and Shirley Yang asked: "Have you noticed that there are all kinds of insects and toads in the half of the cave we passed just now, but there is really nothing in the lower half."

Yu Qi'an snorted: "Then there may be something in the lower half of the gourd that they are afraid of, or it may not be suitable for them to survive."

Lao Hu came over and greeted: "You can start to go down, I'll come first, the fat man is the second, and Xiaoyu is behind you." The

four of them went down in turn, and Yu Qi'an clearly felt that when Lao Hu stepped on the stacked rocks, it seemed that there was a stream of yin qi spreading like electricity to every corner of the cave.

It seems that this is the one who wears clothes to control this group of unclothed people.

Sure enough, after the four of them went down, a floating corpse first surfaced, and the fat man was just about to take the AK to sweep it, but Shirley Yang hurriedly stopped: "Don't be impulsive, the direction of these floating corpses is not aimed at us, let's observe." The

men waited for a while, and then the second and third bodies came out one by one, and finally covered the entire surface of the water.

Looking at the dense floating corpses, the fat man was also nervous, if the corpse changed at this time, let alone AK, even the bazooka couldn't carry it.

Yu Qi'an raised his hand and fired another flare, and from a distance, he saw a cloud of red mist in the direction where the floating corpses were drifting, and there seemed to be something inside devouring these floating corpses.

Lao Hu complained: "If the mountain god is eating this dead drift, how many corpses should there be enough for him to eat in the past few thousand years?"

As he was talking, the red mist suddenly moved, as if something was about to rush out, and Yu Qi'an knew that it was alarmed by the sound of gunshots or the white light of the flares he emitted.

Sooner or later, there will be a fight, and it doesn't matter who is alarmed.

Yu Qi'an greeted: "The fat RPG is loaded, and the guy inside is coming out!" The

fat man hurriedly loaded the bullet, and Lao Hu was also on guard, at this time the light of the first flare had been extinguished, and he took out a few pieces from the stacked stone rock under him, and threw them around.

The eyes of this Huo's undead insect are about to degenerate, and they mainly rely on their senses such as sound to find prey.

This is a huge weakness for Yu Qi'an, isn't this bullying the blind.

A few stones fell into the water, and sure enough, the insect rushed towards the place where the stone fell into the water, and Yu Qi'an followed the sound of its fluttering and fired another flare, and now the four of them saw the whole picture of the insect clearly.

Lao Hu couldn't help but exclaim: "What the hell is this?" It's too big, bigger than the green snake in the cave when we came, and this thing still has legs! The

fat man drooled: "Do you think that mask is golden?" With a car the size of a car, we're going to get rich!

Shirley Yang frowned: "I think this thing looks like a Huo's immortal worm, it should be controlled by King Xian." "

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