Chen Xu was busy in the kitchen for almost an hour, and the fragrance filled the entire kitchen, and a pot of crispy and fragrant spiced melon seeds was also baked.

As soon as the melon seeds came out of the oven, he peeled a few for Ye Whispering to taste.

Ye Wanyu originally didn't like to suck melon seeds very much, a few melon seeds into his mouth, an indescribable fragrance wrapped in melon seeds spread on the tip of the tongue, making people's eyes shine.

A few melon seeds under the belly, Ye Wanyu only felt that the meaning was not finished, and reached out to grab a handful, nodding at him, "Delicious!" She was

still the first time to eat melon seeds with such a fragrant taste, compared to the previous taste monotonously sweet and salty, this sweet and fragrant, making people eat it can't stop.

Chen Xu was overjoyed when he got such positive feedback from his daughter-in-law, and quickly reached out and scooped up a handful and sucked two.

However, when he tasted the taste of this melon seed, he frowned.

Although it has a much better taste than the current melon seeds, it seems to be a little less meaningful than the spiced melon seeds of later generations.

In other matters, Chen Xu may be settled.

But when it comes to studying food, especially those related to making money, he is a perfectionist man.

After eating a few melon seeds, Chen Xu pondered for a moment, greeted Ye softly, then put water in the pot again and continued to work.

Ye whispered the melon seeds in his hand, at first he didn't quite understand, obviously Chen Xu has already hit a lot of melon seeds on the market, why is he still not satisfied?

But seeing the other party's appearance of carefully matching ingredients, she was suddenly cheerful, and she also had her own understanding of Chen Xu's current attitude.

The word "best" means to compare with others, which means to compare with the best.

This is a relative value, so there is "best" in very low-level communities.

Therefore, Chen Xu's goal is not "best", but "perfect".

"Perfect" is not the same as "best", it is absolute, not compared with others, but it has its own reliable value.

Therefore, no matter what others do, nothing in the world can surpass "perfection."

Therefore, Chen Xu takes "perfection" as the creed and goal, which is the so-called craftsmanship.

Ye Wanyu thought of this, and when he looked at Chen Xu, his eyes shone a little more.

And Chen Xu's busy work, from day to night, and a few pots of melon seeds were fried, although Ye Wanyu felt that the taste was good, Chen Xu still felt not satisfied enough.

Even dinner, I ate it to the soul.

Halfway through dinner, he suddenly seemed to remember something, greeted Ye softly, and rushed into the kitchen again.

Half past eight in the evening.

Chen Xu chose to add half a kilogram of salt to the pot during the last stir-frying process of spiced melon seeds.

After ten minutes, the moisture of the small half pot of melon seeds was completely fried, and there was a crisp and loud collision and friction sound.

Seeing that the fire was almost the same, he shoveled the melon seeds into the dustpan, sifted out the salt, and then brought the melon seeds to Ye Wanyu.

"Here, taste it. Ye

Wanyu ate melon seeds for half a day today, and he was going to vomit.

I wanted to refuse, but looking at Chen Xu's hot eyes, I still couldn't bear it after all, reached out and grabbed a few, snorted one, and sent it into my mouth.

The next moment.

The crispy melon seeds spread out in the mouth, and the just right sweet, salty and large incense clips were wrapped in a faint grassy smell, which made people salivate, and they just wanted to continue to sip a soothing insect that was provoked in their stomachs.

Ye Wanyu couldn't say exactly where it was more delicious, but Chen Xu's taste of melon seeds was much more delicious than before!

Rao has already eaten, and he can't help but quickly sip the second and third can't stop at all.

Chen Xu saw that Ye Whisper's feedback seemed to be stronger than before, and he also pinched a few and tasted them.

After eating a few melon seeds, I was stunned for a moment, and finally showed a satisfied smile.

"That's the taste!" was

even more fragrant than the best melon seeds he had ever eaten in later life.

After all, the current spices are not as much moisture as in later generations, and they are not pure enough.

Ye Wanyu grabbed another handful of melon seeds, and the melon seeds were already very skillful, and he also nodded in agreement, and did not have the strength to speak.

This melon seed is so fragrant.


The next day, the masonry master workers contacted by Tang Guoshan were also in place.

Chen Xu did not delay, took Ye Wanyu to the small house on the construction road, and talked to a few workers about the details of the renovation and decoration of the house.

The first floor is covered with a concrete floor, painted with large white walls, and a toilet is separated.

The wall of the balcony on the second floor is directly transformed into floor-to-ceiling windows, and then install a curtain that can be retracted, put the curtains when you feel bright, and pull the curtains if you want sunlight.

The floor is all covered with a layer of solid wood planks, and the wooden boards in the next room should also be replaced with flat new wood, and a few sliding doors should be installed, which is mainly warm.

Although the decoration workers did not understand Chen Xu's design style, as long as the boss gave money to the unit, they only listened to the boss's request.

However, according to Chen Xuqun's request, it is not cheap to decorate, at least one thousand fifteen.

After all, what kind of floor-to-ceiling window glass Chen Xu wants, that is a rare thing, you have to make a lot of relationships, and the glass factory can be customized, without 500 pieces can not come down.

In terms of decorating and arranging new houses, Chen Xu is not distressed about money.

Seeing that the master in charge of the project is a sincere person, and he is also a relative of Tang Guoshan, after believing it, he directly gave the other party an estimated fee of 1,000 and a half, and stuffed two additional cigarettes.

He can't stare at the details here every day, and he is also a layman, and how to send something will be more attentive.

And his cigarette stuffed is also very effective, the teacher quickly opened a strip and scattered a bag for the big guys, the atmosphere of the whole room was much more active, and the enthusiasm of the small workers was instantly raised.

After explaining the decoration, Chen Xucai took Ye Qingyu to the door of the store, ready to visit Liu Dajin's house next door.

Now that the store is rented and the project he operates has an eyebrow, he still has to apply for a business license.

Although the state has begun to support self-employed, the document has not yet been completely finalized, and the local government is also a bit ambiguous in this regard.

If he fills in the application materials and does it himself, it may be a cumbersome and complicated procedure, and he may not be able to pass.

Last time I went to handle the real estate transfer with Liu Dajin, he also heard about it.

Liu Dajin not only has acquaintances on the real estate bureau, but several seven aunts and eight aunts have some small power in the Rongcheng government office.

Walking through Liu Dajin's relationship here, the operation is much simpler.

However, unfortunately, Liu Dajin was not at home today, and Chen Xu knocked on the door for a long time and no one answered.

I couldn't figure out when this person would be able to be home, so I went to the tea shop next door, and asked the shop owner a few words by drinking tea.

The tea shop owner is also a talkative, especially Chen Xu appeared to solve Liu Dajin's urgent needs, and his attitude towards Chen Xu's little couple was even more enthusiastic.

Sat down with the two to take a sip of tea, and also talked about Liu Dajin.

"Boss Liu is an infatuated lover, and for his mother-in-law with advanced cancer, he sent a lot of money to the hospital, and he has been consuming. The

tea boss looked at Chen Xu and his wife, and continued, "No, as soon as you paid for your room yesterday, he hurried to the First Hospital to send the money." "


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