Chen Xu didn't expect that Liu Dajin's connections would not even be able to get a business license.

I also think this thing is a bit abnormal.

He pulled Liu Dajin aside and asked tentatively, "Can't do it? What places do I not meet the standards?" Liu Dajin

glanced at Chen Xu rather sadly, "It's no longer a standard thing, you better think about whether you have offended anyone recently." "

Although he has many connections, they are only some relatives with a little power, and the highest one in the Bureau of Industry and Commerce is his cousin, a deputy section chief.

Originally, this matter did not need to be handled by his cousin, a clerk's cousin could do it.

But the section chief's side spoke, did not say it explicitly, but the meaning was obvious, that is, he was stuck there and did not let Chen Xu pass, and it was clear that he did not want Chen Xu to be good.

The cousin in charge of helping was about to scold him to death, and how could he have a good life after offending the section chief.

He really regretted taking Chen Xu's money to help him run errands now.

Chen Xu, on the other hand, was confused at this time.

In this Rongcheng, he did business with all the rules and regulations, and he did not offend anyone.

Now that the store has also been bought, the decoration has begun, and the melon seeds have also been entered, how can this business license be done.


Liu Dajin can't explain it clearly, he will go to the Bureau of Industry and Commerce tomorrow to ask.

See where you are unqualified or if you really offend someone.

Even if he offends someone, the other party has no reason to embarrass him in this regard.

Liu Dajin was still busy going to the hospital to accompany his daughter-in-law and children, and after briefly saying a few words to Chen Xu, he rode on the happiness 250 and left with a cigarette.

Liu Dajin left, Chen Xu did not delay any longer, took the two to the nearest state-run restaurant, solved dinner, and filled his stomach first.




Chen Xu came to the office of the Administration for Industry and Commerce and asked the specific reason why his business license had not been given.

The clerk originally did not intend to give Chen Xu a good face, but when he saw the other party's sharp gaze and unpleasant look, his tone was still uncontrollably softer.

"This comrade, our side is all according to the process, your shop is unqualified in many aspects, since you are dismissed, you will go back and improve and improve, there is no point in messing around here."

Chen Xu was almost amused by this clerk, and he knocked on the information on the table, "The list of my main production tools, the types of production products, and the layout of the process have been fully written."

Isn't the profession of your clerk to assist our comrades in handling the formalities, so that we can actively respond to the call of the state, become an excellent self-employed person, and make contributions to the country.

Blindly saying that he is unqualified, and not saying where he is unqualified, it is clear that he is embarrassing him.

He was like a headless fly, and it was useless to go back and change it indiscriminately.

The movement on this side also quickly attracted the attention of several window clerks around and the masses waiting in line.

Especially the masses in the office hall, hearing Chen Xu's words, they felt excited in their hearts, and they also felt a fierce breath.

Although the reform and opening up and the state began to promote the development of self-employed individuals, the current self-employed are not in the eyes of these clerks holding iron rice bowls.

Or in the eyes of the employees of major electronics factories, textile factories and other workers, it is a group of people who do not do their job, are lazy and idle, and only want to get out of the way.

Even many parents teach their children, but they can only show their heads when they open and close their mouths, just because they don't know how to be motivated, go to the roadside to practice stalls and shout at people, and lose their lives!

When they come to this industrial and commercial bureau, they can only look at the color of their faces.

At this time, someone said this, and the crowd was all happy.

It's just a pity that this big man is making such a fuss, and his business license, I'm afraid it can't be done, right?

The main thing is that what people say is reasonable, and the information really can't fault the slightest.

But his business license, as mentioned above, will not be given.

But he can't say explicitly that so many people are watching it now, if it is too obvious, this matter will not benefit him and the section chief.

Helplessly, the clerk had to smile and said to Chen Xu, "This comrade, don't get excited, I have already understood your application and appeal, I will submit it, review it to you as soon as possible, you will go back patiently and so on." "

If you can't refuse directly, then drag it out and see what the leader means."

Chen Xu nodded lightly, "Okay, I'll wait for your reply." "

If there is no answer from this side within a week, he is not afraid to stab the tax office about it."

Do not let them apply for a certificate to pay taxes to the tax bureau, and naturally someone from the tax bureau will come to greet them.

As for the relationship between grandfather Chen Qingshan, when it was not a last resort, he didn't want the old man to worry about his own affairs.

Although I don't know who is deliberately embarrassing him, he will not be bullied.

Chen Xu greeted the clerk and strode away.

The clerk still had the mind to receive others, so he quickly left with the information in his hand and went to the leader for instructions.

And Chen Xu's trouble, the effect is also surprisingly good.

Less than a day.

The news that a self-employed person was given a business license to speak out for the self-employed spread in the circle of self-employed people in Rongcheng.

In the section chief's office.

The man with a big back and a cadre uniform, although his face was the same as usual, the hand holding the teacup was a little shaky.

This matter can no longer be allowed to be passed on like this, in case it reaches the ears of the director, there will be more trouble.

He couldn't figure out how that Kyoto man could be so upset with a small citizen.

Unexpectedly, this little citizen turned out to be an iron plate.

Change to other self-employed, even if you are not satisfied in your heart, you dare not squeak, this one is good, and directly go to the office to "find trouble".

The man pondered for a long time, and finally chose to take advantage of the public opinion before the newspaper, and quickly sent someone to the door in person to follow up with Chen Xu about the business license.

Of course, he also found a step for himself and picked out a small problem for Chen Xu to improve again.

Chen Xu's original purpose was to apply for a business license, and he didn't plan to do things too hard, and when the people from the Bureau of Industry and Commerce came, he followed the steps, and the business license finally went through the normal process.

It is estimated that it will come down in seven or eight days.

Originally, I wanted to copy a short way to walk the relationship, and get the certificate in one day, but I didn't expect to toss it in person.

At the same time, he also wondered how to provoke the people inside.

But he didn't dwell too much on this matter.

Maybe when he was selling something, he moved someone else's cheese, and it just so happened that someone in it wanted to move his fingers to embarrass him.

It's just that you have to be a little wary of everything in the future.

In the past few days waiting for the house to be renovated, Chen Xu was not idle, and built two stoves in the kitchen of Guanyuan Village, added two large pots, and took Jiang Qingguo to soak in the kitchen every day to fry melon seeds.

From day to night, day after day.

Although Jiang Qingguo is bored, he is very serious about learning things, stir-fried melon seeds are also, ingredients, fire technology, although the comprehension is not fast, but he is willing to spend his time pondering.

Chen Xu can't fry melon seeds every day, he still has a lot of things to do in the future, Jiang Qingguo has the mind to learn, except for the ratio of the five major ingredients, there is nothing else to hide, and the skills and processes of fried melon seeds are all taught to the other party.

This business, especially food, unless you trust someone 100%, the recipe is still good in your own hands.


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