Two days before the official opening of "Thyme" melon seeds.

Half past five in the evening.

Chen Xu rode on three wheels, took Jiang Qingguo, loaded three hundred pounds of melon seeds, and the two came to the Shahe Cinema Square together.

At this time, the cinema ticket window and the square were already full of people.

Above the ticket window hang some of the hottest movie posters of the moment.

"People to Middle Age", "Princess Peacock", "The Sea is Calling", "Shaolin Temple".

And the most popular movie at the moment is tantamount to the "Shaolin Temple" starring Jet Li, Rao is the later Chen Xu, and he is also deeply impressed by this film.

This movie can be called a box office miracle in film history.

After its release in the mainland in 82, the box office performance alone set a box office of 160 million.

According to the ticket price of 4 cents per person, the number of moviegoers is as many as 500 million, which is already a box office myth in the history of Chinese cinema in this era where everyone's living standards are generally not high.

Almost 90 percent of the audience standing in this square now take advantage of this movie.

And Chen Xu also happened to take advantage of this east wind to come to this square to drain the melon seeds.

He parked the tricycle in the middle of the square, and the two jumped out of the car.

Chen Xu opened a few sacks of melon seeds and immediately shouted and sold.

"Take a look, take a look, a new variety of spiced melon seeds freshly baked! Delicious, not expensive, economical!" Jiang

Qingguo looked at Chen Xu's appearance of opening his mouth and began to sell, and then opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything.

Originally a sullen personality, this time suddenly let him shout in front of so many people like Chen Xu, he really couldn't scream.

Chen Xu didn't force it, after all, he didn't start doing business at the beginning, and when he just practiced stalls in his last life, he was embarrassed to call.

Exercise more, and over time, it will be natural.

And Chen Xu's shouting soon attracted the attention of many people in the square.

Especially some young girls, who are now at this age, are the time to remain absolutely fresh and curious about everything.

Hearing the "five-spiced melon seeds" in Chen Xu's mouth, he immediately became interested.

A girl who was queuing up with her boyfriend to buy a ticket beckoned to Chen Xu and asked in a loud voice, "Big brother, how do you sell this melon seed?" Chen

Xuguan smiled, pushed the tricycle to the girl, reached out and lifted two large and small enamel jars, and introduced to each other, "A small cup is a dime, and a large cup is two cents." "

This price is also his total.

A small cup is almost 1 tael, and a large cup is more than 2 taels.

The cost of a pound plus spices and salt and the envelope of the package is almost 2 cents, and each catty sold can earn 8 cents after the cost, and the profit is also very considerable.

And when the girl heard the price Chen Xu said, she frowned slightly, "Big brother, your melon seeds are a little expensive, right? We only cost 4 cents for a movie ticket, and you get 1 cent for a cup of melon seeds!" Chen Xu

smiled indifferently, "You get what you pay for, I don't need food stamps for this melon seed, and it's the only five-spice melon seed on the market, this price is very reasonable." When

the girl heard this, she was obviously a little moved, especially the melon seeds on this car, the burst of fragrance, very hooky.

The young guy on the side looked at his girlfriend staring at this melon seed, almost without hesitation, and immediately reached into his pocket to take out the money, "Boss, bring me a big cup!" The

little couple is now in love, the guy will see that his girlfriend is very excited about this melon seed, and he doesn't feel distressed when he spends money.

When Chen Xu heard the man's greeting, he immediately responded, "Okay, this will pretend for you." Saying

that, he took the big enamel jar, scooped up a cup of melon seeds, put it in the envelope, grabbed a small handful and put it in, and said with a smile, "At ten o'clock the morning after tomorrow, our Jianshe Road store officially opened, there is a lottery, the address is on the envelope, if it is delicious, come back to the venue at that time." The

young man saw that Chen Xu deliberately grabbed more melon seeds, the corners of his mouth unconsciously rose, and said with a smile, "Good!

The girl took the melon seeds in his hand, and her face smiled sweetly and brightly, "Thank you." So

many people looked at this side, and her boyfriend did not hesitate to buy her such expensive melon seeds, which greatly satisfied the vanity of a girl at this age.

She smiled and took a melon seed, put it in her mouth, and her eyebrows suddenly brightened, and when she was about to come to the guy, "It's really delicious! It's the first time I've eaten such delicious melon seeds!"

The young man grabbed a handful of melon seeds and ate a few, as if he had discovered a new continent, and couldn't help but sip a few of them, nodding in approval, "Fragrant and salty, and there are several tastes that can't be said but are delicious!

Especially those boys who are more able to look at their girlfriends' faces, seeing their girlfriends looking at the couple with envy, immediately strode towards Chen Xu.

"Boss, bring me two cents.

"Boss, I want four hairs!" "

It really smells good, bring me six cents first." After

a while, Chen Xu was surrounded by young men who actively rushed over, vying to buy melon seeds to offer treasures to his girlfriend.

Chen Xu hurriedly greeted Shangjiang Qingguo and quickly loaded melon seeds for the guests who surrounded him.

I didn't forget to grab a handful more before handing the melon seeds to the customers to publicize the opening of the store the day after tomorrow.

He is also very confident in his melon seeds, but anyone who has eaten it once will definitely want to buy a second time, and this is when the address on the envelope can come in handy.

It was the first time Jiang Qingguo had seen such an exaggerated and lively scene, especially the wave after wave of people rushing to deliver the money to him.

At first, he couldn't let go, greeted a few more guests, and after collecting a few handfuls of money, the whole person gradually let go, and also learned from Chen Xu's appearance, gave others a handful of melon seeds, and worked hard to publicize the news of the opening of the store.

Many people thought that this melon seed was expensive at first, and did not plan to support the opening, but after tasting the taste of this melon seed, don't say wait until the opening, turn around on the spot and go to Chen Xu's stall to buy two or three cups!

With the positive feedback of the guests, Chen Xu's side is becoming more and more lively, and many people in the square who originally lined up to buy movie tickets moved to Chen Xu's side to form a long queue.

Many people who have just come to the square, seeing such a long line, prompted by lively genes, also spontaneously followed the queue to buy.


Xu and Jiang Qingguo were completely busy becoming octopus, collecting money, loading melon seeds, and advertising in one go!


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