After ten o'clock in the morning, the melon seed shop is still busy and lively.

It happened that a man applied for the job, and Chen Xu didn't have the effort to interview slowly, and directly let people start to greet guests as an interview process.

The interview was also surprisingly good.

This man was a lazy man, greeted for less than half an hour, looked at the almost endless procession, and immediately left tired with a cigarette.

Originally, I thought that this salary was quite high, and selling melon seeds would not be too tiring, but this customer flow was really numb!

The man just walked on his front foot, and a woman in her thirties came, Chen Xu simply asked a few words, and continued to let people greet guests.

This is a hard-working person, greeting guests is also very generous, Chen Xu is quite satisfied, and immediately let people stay.

For most of the day, Chen Xu was busy and recruited three good employees, two women and one man.

It was past five o'clock in the afternoon.

Chen Xu arranged for the new employees to take turns to eat, and finally got free, ready to take Xiaoyuer to the street to eat something.

However, just after walking out of the door, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl wearing a patched cloth dress came to the door of the melon seed shop.

Her black hair is braided into two cannabis braids, and she looks beautiful but proud of her capital.

Seeing Chen Xu, he recognized the person at a glance, hurriedly bowed to him and greeted, and said softly, "Hello boss, I'm here to work, are you still recruiting people in your store?" Chen Xu

stopped, heard the other party's greeting, looked at the person, his gaze stayed on her white and tender hand for a moment, and then he replied, "There is still one left." The

girl hurriedly stepped forward, "Boss, my name is Li Mei I am very capable, selling things, cleaning up, sparing the ground, mopping the floor

, I can, can I try?" Chen Xu showed a light smile on his face, holding Xiaoyuer in one hand, stretched out his finger in the direction of the counter, and said, "Yes, then you first follow the greeting guests to try, if you can cope with it, hire it immediately."

The latter immediately nodded gratefully, "Thank you boss!

After that, he quickly lifted his feet into the melon seed shop, followed Jiang Qingguo Zhao and another employee to greet him, and then got busy.

Chen Xu stood in place, looked at it for a while, and did not rush over to greet him, but took Xiaoyuer and went to the nearby state-run noodle restaurant.

The two walked away, Xiao Yu'er lay on Chen Xu's shoulder, and said, "Cao Ceng, Yu'er doesn't like that big sister."

Chen Xu raised his hand and touched the little guy's head, "I don't like it either, but now the store is busy, let the big sister help, and if it's not busy, give the big sister wages and let her go." When

the little guy heard his father say that he didn't like the big sister, he was inexplicably relieved and answered gently, "That's good."

Chen Xu didn't have to let this girl help him, but this girl looked a little strange, and he wasn't sure what the other party's purpose was, whether he was instructed by someone or spontaneously wanted to come closer.

No matter what the other party's motives are, but if he directly refuses today, Ming'er doesn't know what tricks he will make, which makes people unpreventable.

He wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in this girl's gourd.

Chen Xu's father and daughter left on the front foot, Li Mei's eyes stayed briefly in the direction he left, and then continued to follow Jiang Qingguo, greeting customers, generous and natural sales attitude, coupled with a beautiful and moving appearance, it immediately attracted the likes of many male guests, and rushed to her melon seed.



At the gate of the courtyard, Lu Meiyun looked at the content on the telegram from Rongcheng in her hand, and she was a little unstable.

"The Bureau of Industry and Commerce not only failed to stump Chen Xu, but also made it self-defeating, the director of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce personally went to the venue on the opening day, and the thousands of miles of melon seeds were spread in Rongcheng and became a hit..."

"How is it possible, isn't this just an ordinary mountain villager?"

Lu Meiyun only felt unbelievable and muttered.

After she asked people to send the family registration book to the two, she was not worried that the two would suddenly come to Kyoto, so she arranged for someone to stare at Chen Xu and Ye Whispering, and told her the dynamics of the two.

But what she never expected was that this Chen Xu turned out to be richer than she thought, and directly bought a house in Rongcheng.

Knowing that Chen Xu planned to open a melon seed shop, Lu Meiyun did not want him to continue to develop, so he moved a little, thinking that with the movement of his fingers, he could stump this little citizen, so that he could not stay in Rongcheng, so he could only go back to the township and be trapped in that square inch.

But Lu Meiyun never expected that this Chen Xu was even more difficult to deal with than she thought, and it was not as easy to scare as ordinary small citizens.

Directly went to the Bureau of Industry and Commerce to pursue responsibility, not only did he apply for the business license, but the director also personally went to the door to give him a show?

Thinking of this, Lu Meiyun quickly put the telegram into the small bag, did not go home, but strode around and left.

She must now let people investigate Chen Xu's background as soon as possible and check his details.

Originally thought that Ye Qingyu was blinded and married a worthless second-married man, He Cheng thought that this man bought a house and opened a shop, just at the beginning of the New Year, it was in Rongcheng.

Although she is only the owner of a melon seed shop now, Lu Meiyun's sixth sense tells her that this man is probably not as simple as it seems.

She couldn't accept that she had found an excellent man for Ye Wanyu by mistake.

But as long as she finds out early, everything will still be in time.

Rao is that no matter how good he Chen Xu is, he is just a commoner in that little Rong City, and she doesn't have too many means to deal with and suppress him.

For the malice on the Kyoto side, Chen Xu did not know at the moment.

At six o'clock in the evening, the father and daughter came back from dinner, and Li Mei, who came over to apply for the job, had completely started.

Chen Xu had no reason to refuse such a positive and excellent employee, so he pushed the boat along the water and let her stay.

"Boss, thank you, I, I will definitely work hard!" In

the shop, Li Mei bowed to Chen Xu with tears, and when she raised her head to look at him, on her beautiful face, a pair of hooked eyes were slightly red, which looked like I was pitiful.

However, Chen Xu did not have the slightest wave in his heart, and said with a light smile, "There is nothing to be thankful for, I need workers, you give me work, I give you a salary, it's as simple as that." Li

Mei saw that Chen Xu didn't eat her set, her face was slightly embarrassed, but she still pulled the corners of her mouth and smiled slightly, "Good boss."

Chen Xu simply said two words to Li Mei, and did not give the other party a chance to get along with him more, urging her to hurry up to eat and come back to work.

The latter also agreed positively, and went out to eat with another new eldest sister in the store.

Li Mei left, and Chen Xu pulled Jiang Qingguo aside, let him stare at Li Mei more, and tell him in time if there was any abnormal behavior.

Jiang Qingguo had a very good impression of this diligent girl, and he was surprised to hear Chen Xu say that he was staring at people.

"Why, isn't this girl very good?" Chen

Xu sat on the stool, leaned slightly, and asked Jiang Qingguo, "Brother-in-law, what do you think this girl looks like?" Jiang Qingguo

looked dazed, "Ah?

He carefully recalled and pondered for a moment before saying, "It seems to be quite white." "

When this girl came to help, he was focused on collecting money, counting money, selling melon seeds and finding change, and really didn't pay attention to this girl's appearance.

It may be that a man is easy to be attracted to beautiful girls and pay attention.

But Jiang Qingguo is an exception, he is now only thinking about how to learn more from Chen Xu and increase his salary, and the family is waiting for his salary to go back to improve his life.


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