
Early in the morning, Chen Xu took Ye Whisper, Jiang Qingguo helped hold Xiaoyuer, and the family stepped on the train back to their hometown.

Now Ye Qingyu's stomach is almost five months, and it is already very pregnant.

Since getting on the train, I have been paying attention to my daughter-in-law almost the whole time.

It was also on the train that Chen Xu reacted completely, now he Ye Qianyu's stomach is so big, it is quite a trip to Wenxing Town, if he takes a tractor for a few hours to go to Fujitou Village, it is too dangerous.

After all, there are twins in the belly, and now the medical conditions are not as good as the later life, and there is no room for the slightest mistake.

So this week, she can only let her stay with Liu Aiguo in Wenxing Town, and the Fujitou Village side will not go back first, safety first.

Chen Xu decided to come down and told Ye Qingyu his thoughts as soon as possible.

Ye Qingyu originally wanted to go to Fujitou Village to see Old Master Chen Qingshan, but when it came to the safety of the two children in his belly, he still agreed rationally.

After all, if something happens to the child, the old man must be worried.

Nine-thirty in the morning.

The train arrives at the station on time.

Ye Qingyu obediently let Chen Xu hold him in his arms, and while following him out, he asked him with some concern, "Then if I don't go back to Tengtou Village, will grandpa be unhappy?" After

all, she was already Chen Xu's daughter-in-law, even according to etiquette, she should follow Chen Xu back to the village to visit the elders.

In particular, the other party is still Chen Xu's own grandfather.

When Chen Xu heard this, he smiled and turned his head to tell her, "If you still bump back to the village with me with a big belly, when the old man knows, he will not be happy, maybe he will have to scold me." "

This is still a premise of luck and no problems.

If Ye Wanyu really had some kind of three long and two short with the child in his belly, it would not be a matter of scolding.

Ye Wanyu listened to Chen Xu's words, only then was he completely relieved, the jade hand wrapped around his waist, gently grabbed his clothes, and instructed, "Then you can help me say hello to grandpa then."

"It has to be." Chen Xu replied with a smile.

The two walked in front, and in the back, Xiao Yuer, who was sleeping on Jiang Qingguo's shoulder, had also woken up, looking at the intimate state of his father and mother, and his small mouth unconsciously raised slightly.

Although she doesn't understand things between adults, she just likes to see her parents together~

Jiang Qingguo watched the two interact, and in addition to envy, she also missed her wife at home.

He didn't find out that he missed his wife before, that is, recently, for the first time in more than ten years, he separated from Chen Laidi, only to find that he missed her a lot.

Now it's like an arrow, especially in addition to preparing gift candy for several children, Chen Xu also paid him a salary of one hundred yuan last night, and he couldn't help but want to go back immediately to share the news with his wife.

And in the future, the salary will be 100 yuan a month,

which is half more than what I talked to him before.

This wage, properly hangs what meat factory machinery factory workers.

It turned out that it was the most correct thing for him to choose to follow Chen Xu to do things beside him.

As long as you continue to follow Chen Xu to do a good job, you don't have to worry about the feeding of the 7 children in the family.

When the few returned to town, Liu Aiguo and his wife were busy at the wonton shop.

The second elder saw his grandson-in-law's family returning, don't mention how excited.

Su Qinglian asked Liu Aiguo to greet the remaining customers in the store, immediately hugged Xiaoyuer, and led her granddaughter and grandson-in-law and Jiang Qingguo home.

"Xiaoxu, Xiaojiang, you sit and rest for a while, and I'll go make lunch for you right away."

Before putting the little fish down, Su Qinglian gently kissed two mouthfuls on the milky face of the little milk ball.

I haven't seen it for a long time, and when I see it now, I can't wait to put the little milk ball in my pocket.

Just walked away, as if remembering something, went to the house to carry two bags of candy and put them on the table.

"You can eat these candies and cookies first, don't go hungry."

Xiao Yu'er looked at the snacks on the table, and her eyes simply lit up, "Wow, thank you Grandma!" After

speaking, the white tender little hand grabbed a candy, peeled it, and handed it to Ye Qianyu, "Ma Ma eats first."

Ye Wanyu's heart warmed, reached out and took it, and smiled brightly and movingly, "Thank you."

The corners of Chen Xu's mouth also unconsciously overflowed with a smile, seeing that Su Qinglian was going to get busy, he quickly followed and got up.

"Grandma, I've learned a lot of new dishes recently, I'm here to help.

"It's okay, otherwise I would have made it and whispered that I wouldn't like to eat it so much." "

Her granddaughter's appetite has been fed by her grandson-in-law.

The two left, Jiang Qingguo was embarrassed to get along with Ye Qian alone, afraid of an embarrassing atmosphere, and was about to find a reason to walk away, Ye Qingyu generously found a topic and chatted with him.

After all, this is her home, Jiang Qingguo is a guest, and it is basic etiquette to chat with people.

And when Chen Xu's family returned, the originally cold courtyard instantly became lively.

Liu Aiguo was worried about his granddaughter's family, and he still had the mind to work in the store.

After eleven o'clock at noon, he closed the shop and went home, holding the little fish and not letting go, Rao is the little guy weighed several pounds in Rongcheng, the old man still thinks that his granddaughter has lost a lot of weight.

Eat at noon.

Several young people at the dinner table, especially Xiao Yuer, the bowl was always full of dishes.

The second elder was very enthusiastic, and he poured meat and vegetables into the bowls of several people, without stopping.

After a meal, Chen Xu ate a big meal, and Jiang Qingguo, who was embarrassed to refuse, was even more dizzy.

Considering that he still had to go back today, Chen Xu chatted with the second elder for a while, then took Xiaoyuer with him and prepared to return to Fujitou Village with Jiang Qingguo.

After all, the time is too rushed, and I have to return to Rongcheng tomorrow, so I can't delay for too long.

Although Liu Aiguo and his wife were reluctant, considering that Chen Qingshan had not seen his eldest grandson and granddaughter for a long time, they also agreed reasonably.

Less than two points.

Liu Aiguo had gone to town in a hurry to call Chen Xu a tractor.

Su Qinglian was preparing to let Chen Xu bring something back to Tengtou Village, and Xiao Yuer followed to help.

Chen Xu took advantage of the fact that the family did not have time to pay attention to him and Ye Whispering, pulled the person into her room, and hugged him well.

Now the relationship between the two is hot, even if they are separated for a day, they are reluctant.

But he hasn't gone back for so long, he has time, and he will definitely go back to see the old man's physical condition.

The two hugged for a while, before Chen Xu reluctantly let go of her and said to her, "Wait for me obediently, I'll come back tomorrow."

As he spoke, his gaze fell on the girl's pink lips, and his heart moved slightly.

He had kissed once on a tricycle before, and he hadn't kissed it again.

This time they were going to separate, he really wanted to kiss again, but he didn't know if she wanted it or not, and the last time he suddenly kissed her, she seemed a little angry.

As soon as Ye Qianyu nodded slightly, he noticed the man's blazing gaze.

She raised her eyes to look at him, and at a glance she saw through Chen Xu's current intentions, and her cheeks immediately heated slightly.

Chen Xu looked at his daughter-in-law's beautiful face, his eyes were heavy, and he couldn't help but ask her, "Daughter-in-law, can you kiss it?" Ye Wanyu heard this "daughter-in-law", and

a tingling came from his heart.

Of course, she would not resist getting close to Chen Xu, but she was embarrassed to answer his question directly, so she could only be bold, a pair of hands took the initiative to climb on his shoulders, raised her head to look at him, her beautiful eyes were shy and charming, obviously inviting.

Seeing the person who took the initiative to send it, Chen Xu knew it in his heart, and he no longer restrained, held her back with one hand, leaned over slightly, and lowered his head and kissed her low...

Soft and sweet....


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