"Huh?" Luo Chenglu heard Chen Xu's words, looked at the chestnut in the basket, at least there were more than 60 catties left, and immediately came to the spirit, looked at Chen Xu again, and asked, "Seven cents a catty, you want it all?"

But at once, dozens of pounds, all these stocks of him, it is indeed cheaper.

Chen Xu was very cheerful, and directly carried the back basket to Luo Chenglu's side, "Yes, uncle, if you are willing to sell it, weigh it, pour it into my back basket, and I will give money immediately."

When the latter heard this, he was excited, quickly took the weighing pole, replaced it with a large scale, got up and said cheerfully, "Sell, definitely sell!" If

you don't sell it, take it back and estimate that it won't be sold out in the next rush market, now the big man wants it, the price is not low, he quickly sold it and didn't have to pick it back.

The two hit it off.

In ten minutes, all the chestnuts in the two earthen baskets were poured into Chen Xu's back basket.

That's a total of 63 pounds of chestnuts.

Chen Xu took out a handful of dimes, counted a stack, and handed it to Luo Chenglu, "Uncle, there are four pieces and four cents here, you count."

The latter looked at the money handed over by Chen Xu, smiled and closed his mouth, reached out and took it, roughly counted, and nodded with a smile, "Yes, the count is right."

After he finished speaking, he lifted the vest with one hand, took out a piece of cloth from the inside of the vest, turned around, avoided everyone's sight, carefully stacked the money with the original money, wrapped the cloth, and put it back in the vest pocket, only then turned around, smiled and said to Chen Xu, "Little brother." If you still want to buy chestnuts in the future, I still have them here, my family's is definitely better than other people's!" Although I don't

know why this big man buys so many chestnuts, for him, as long as he has money to earn.

Chen Xu was about to tell the other party about this, but when he saw the other party mention it, he said casually, "Uncle, do you still have something similar to this taste at home?

When the latter heard this, he was slightly stunned, "Why are you buying so much at once?" Chen

Xu smiled lightly, "Uncle, you said whether there is any, whether it is sold or not."

Although he knew that the other party might be afraid that he would receive so many losses, Chen Xu would not talk to the other party about this and tell his calculations.

The latter saw that Chen Xu was unwilling to say, but did not ask again, nodded, "I have, if you still want, I will also give you 7 cents a pound." "

Since this big man is so confident, if he doesn't sell it, he will buy it from others."

And he is not specialized in selling chestnuts, in addition to rushing to the gathering, he usually has to take care of the family's land.

If he sells so much inventory at once, he can spend more time farming at home and increase his income.

"Okay, uncle, you try to send it to me tomorrow morning, my house will be the first one at the end of the half-side street bridge."

Although Luo Chenglu is not from Tengtou Village, as long as it is a person who often comes to gather to gather, he will know the half of the street next to him, and when the uncle heard Chen Xu say this, he immediately understood, "Okay, that's it." After

the two agreed, they said goodbye to each other and went home separately.

And the merchants on the side, seeing Chen Xu buying so many chestnuts at once, were also puzzled.

Could it be that in the next gathering, he is going to come to Fujitou Street to sell chestnuts?

Just as they thought.

Chen Xu planned to sell chestnuts, but he did not plan to sell them in this village.

Most of the people coming and going in the village are farmers, and it is difficult to earn money in their pockets.

Just after the Tianwen Star Town rushed to the market, not long ago, the original owner only went once, generally this kind of market, people with good conditions in more than a dozen villages around will go to the supply and marketing cooperatives or grain management offices to purchase daily necessities or eat, very lively.

And there are many local residents in the town, as well as a junior high school and an elementary school, so the flow of people is the most suitable to sell fried chestnut snacks.

Especially this chestnut, just eating it raw is sweet and delicious, and it must be soft and sweet when stir-fried.

So Chen Xu plans to buy more than a hundred pounds of chestnuts first, and go to the town the day after tomorrow to test the water, if it is good, you can consider selling it there for a while.

Thoughts fluttering.

Greet the sunset.

Chen Xu carried a chestnut with most of his back basket, passed through the street, walked down the stone stairs, and the sound of children's frolic came into his ears.

He stepped cautiously onto the dangling boardwalk, looking in the direction where the laughter came from.

Not far below the wooden bridge, the river channel several meters wide was blocked by neatly stacked pebbles, and the little boys of seven or eight years old, bare-assed eggs, frolicked in the water, so uncomfortable.

Girls of almost the same age, wearing small vests and short sleeves, dangle their feet in shallow water, playfully lap the waves, and there are bursts of silver bell-like laughter.

Don't wait for the old lady to come over with a "sliver" and invite you to eat fried meat with bamboo shoots

!" "Wu Xiaobo, you are a big batch, hurry up and roll the old lady back to eat!" On the

stone ladder street, there were successive high-decibel shouts of women.

In the pond, a few little guys heard the sound, their faces suddenly changed, and they greeted their friends, picked up the clothes by the river, and ran away in a hurry.

A smile overflowed from the corner of Chen Xu's mouth, quickened his pace, and strode home.

Come to the gate of the yard.

Pushing open the door of the courtyard and walking into the courtyard, a small figure ran out of the house with small short legs, and when he saw his father, a bright smile suddenly bloomed on his face.

"Shun!" the

little guy cried out milkily, seeing a gentle smile on Chen Xu's face, confirming that he was still a gentle father, before spreading his legs and running towards him.

Chen Xu put down the back basket, just squatted down, and instantly the little one fell into his arms.

He easily picked up the little one with one hand, reached out to remove the bangs on her forehead, and said with a smile, "This hair always covers your eyes, and Dad will tie you up later." "

Uh-huh~" The little fish and chicken pecked at the rice and nodded their heads.

The little hand held Chen Xu's shoulder and pointed to the Westinghouse, "Grandpa, grandpa, hot and good food, eat!" Chen Xu held

his daughter in one hand, carried the basket in the other, and strode towards the door of the house, "No wonder I smelled the fragrance from far away, it turned out that Xiaoyu'er cooked with Grandpa Tai." "


Half past six.

Had dinner.

Westinghouse doorway.

Chen Qingshan looked at the half-backed basket chestnut brought back by Chen Xu, and his eyelids jumped

, "You, you want to go to the town to sell chestnuts?" "Yes, the day after tomorrow, go to the town to sell and see, grandpa, you go to the third uncle's house tomorrow to help me ask, if his carriage is alive the day after tomorrow, if not, two dollars, rent it to me for a day."

Chen Xu said, lifted the back basket, and dozens of pounds of chestnuts were easily carried into the house.

"Where you want two pieces, one piece a day and five is about the same. Chen Qingshan muttered, and felt that Chen Xu's chestnut sale was not reliable, and said to him, "This, this chestnut is not very delicious, you buy it for 7 cents a pound, even if you go to the town, at most it will be a dime a pound, and it is estimated that it will be sold for dozens of catties a day, this business, do not lose money?" Chen Xu

poured the chestnut in the back basket into the corner of Westinghouse and said, "Selling a dime a pound does not make money, at least sell 3 cents and 5 pounds." "

The consumption power in the town is definitely higher than in the village, as long as his chestnuts are fried fragrantly, it is reasonable to sell 3 Mao 5 a catty."

"This..." Chen Qingshan just wanted to say something, Chen Xu had already carried the back basket on his back, and said to Chen Qingshan, "Grandpa, don't worry, I know in my heart, I won't do anything that doesn't make money."

Chen Qingshan saw that Chen Xu was so confident, and it was not good to hit him again, seeing him on his back, he looked at the dark sky outside, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Chen Xu carried the back basket to the corner of the wall, picked up the dung pan and hoe, and grinned, "Go to the ditch and pick up some stones." "

If you want to sell fried chestnuts, you must prepare some stones.

Add pebbles when frying chestnuts, and the chestnuts will be heated quickly and transfer heat quickly.

It also provides and maintains the temperature required to make the chestnut texture crisp and tender, so that the moisture of the chestnut is evenly dispersed in the shortest time, and the effect of condensing the umami of the chestnut is achieved.

It can also be said that the small stones added to the sugar-fried chestnuts will make the chestnuts sweeter, more flavorful, and more fragrant!

This is also the experience gained by Chen Xu selling fried chestnuts for several months in the previous life.

On the side, Xiao Yuer, who had already tied three small pigtails crookedly and obediently listened to the adults, heard Chen Xu's words, and quickly stood up, "Qiao, I! Help!" Chen Xu

looked at the little guy who stood up actively, and did not refuse, threw the dung basket into the back basket, carried the hoe, stretched out his hand towards her, and said with a smile, "Okay, dad leads." "


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