Chen Xu and Liu Dajin inquired with Zhang Xiguo, only to know that this Zheng Tianlun's teacher Fu's wife had a stroke, and now he can't take care of himself, in order to be able to take care of her, since the second half of last year, Zheng Tianlun has greatly reduced the work in hand, occasionally taking some odd jobs at home, doing door panels and the like to make a living.

If you let the other party come to work in this factory, I am afraid it is difficult to move, after all, the working hours in the factory will not be short.

And Liu Dajin, who has just lost his wife, can understand the old man's mood very well, and in the current situation, the old man must be close to his wife's body.

Chen Xu also recalled that he remembered that the teacher's wife suddenly fell ill one day after the stroke, and he couldn't make up the medical expenses, and his wife died.

The old man was also depressed later, and when he was older, he followed him a few months later.

The year Zheng Tianlun left was the beginning of '83, and now it's early 1982, with one year to go.

On the way back between the two, Chen Xu pondered for a while before he said to Liu Dajin on the side, "I think it is still necessary to ask this teacher to come to the factory to help, the salary can be higher, improve his living and economic conditions, and at the same time, it can also solve the needs of our side who need teachers to sit in the formation." "

At least don't let this teacher and father kill the other party when his wife's life is threatening, because there is no money for treatment."

Liu Dajin also had this intention, he could feel the old man's desire for the other half to get better.

But now in this era, everything costs money, such as his wife, if there is no money, I am afraid that he will live three years less.

It's just that he didn't expect that after the operation, he would relapse in less than two years, and this time he could not be saved.

Thinking of this, Liu Dajin's mood was inevitably a little uncomfortable.

However, since Chen Xu wanted the old man to come to the factory to help, he would give the other party a higher salary, so that the other party could afford a nurse with a salary of 20 yuan a month, help him take care of his wife and children, and he could also save some savings.

When Liu Dajin thought of this, he opened his mouth to Chen Xu and asked, "Then how much salary do you think is appropriate?"

Chen Xu held Xiao Yu'er in one hand, thought about it, and said, "150 a month." "

His salary is already one of the highest in Rongcheng, but in this teacher, it is worth it."

Liu Dajin originally thought that Chen Xu would give a maximum of eighty or ninety, but when he heard this one hundred and fifty-month salary, he was a little surprised.

He didn't say much, and immediately agreed with a smile, "Done!" Then tomorrow, you can rest assured to go to the magic capital, and the affairs of this old man will be left to me."

Chen Xu knows wood carving well, whether it is out of his value assessment of the teacher or out of goodwill to help, he supports it.

Chen Xu originally wanted to visit the old artist in person, but Zhang Xiguo said that he hardly saw guests this night, and he had no time in the next few days, so he could only leave the matter to Liu Dajin.

Although Liu Dajin is a rich second generation, but people have no shelves, and their personalities are easy to get along with, let him solve this matter, success or failure Chen Xu does not dare to guarantee, but the old man will definitely not hate this person.

Since the two want to cooperate, some things should be let go and let him do it.

"Okay, then tomorrow I will go to the magic capital first, come back and wait for your good news." Chen Xu replied with a smile.

The two hit it off and discussed it all the way home.

Back on the construction road, the two went to Liu Dajin's house together, Chen Xu wrote a cooperation agreement, and also signed the partnership contract with Liu Dajin.

The two partnered to open a wood carving factory, Chen Xu contributed 16,000, accounting for 80% of the shares, and Liu Dajin contributed 4,000, accounting for 20% of the shares, and the two jointly operated and opened a wood carving factory.

This money is used for renting factory buildings, decorating, buying wood, and later paying wages to workers, and other projects to start and account working capital.

After the agreement was signed, Xiaoyuer wanted to watch TV at Liu Dajin's house, while Chen Xu went home to the melon seed shop to prepare dinner.

But when he came to the kitchen of the melon seed shop, there was already a pot of things stewed on the stove, and it emitted a burst of fragrance.

He walked in, opened it and looked at it, it turned out to be a pot of chicken stewed mushrooms.

Chen Xu knew it in his heart, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, walked to the melon seed shop, looked at Chen Qiannan, who had just finished beating melon seeds, and asked with a smile, "Fourth sister, have you stewed chicken?"

Chen Qiannan heard the sound, reacted, quickly threw away the enamel cup in his hand, walked quickly to Chen Xu, looked in the direction of the back door of the kitchen, and then reminded him loudly, "Oh, be quiet, this is stew for whispering and fish to replenish the body, don't give that big silver tooth to eat." "

Chen Qiannan, no matter how good Chen Xu plays with Liu Dajin, this chicken is stewed by her cousin-in-law and niece, but she is not willing to eat it for that big lazy man.

Chen Xu smiled and asked her, "Why, sister, do you have an opinion about Dajin?"

Chen Qiannan is not a person who likes to chew the root of people's tongues, but he did not hide his dislike of Liu Dajin, and said, "It's not easy to see him, but it's me, and it's your business that you have a good relationship."

Chen Qiannan said, seeing that there were more customers in the façade, he didn't have time to say to Chen Xuduo, "Okay, okay, I'll help first, the chicken soup still has about half an hour to cook, don't move." "

As soon as you say hello, you hurry to greet the guests.

At this time, there was a big sister at the door of the melon seed shop who wanted Jiang Qingguo to send half a cup of melon seeds, and Chen Qiannan also listened to it, and as soon as he passed, he greeted with a smile.

"Sister, we are all part-time workers, melon seeds can not be sent to us can not be the master, you are also our store's old customers, often come, there will be preferential activities in the future, I will definitely notify you as soon as possible ha."

While speaking, he had already helped Jiang Qingguo pack the melon seeds and handed them to his eldest sister with a smile.

The latter did not take advantage, but there was no way to refute Chen Qiannan's words, and he could only smile and admit, "Okay, okay, you must tell me as soon as there is an event."

"No problem!"

"Oh, uncle, here it is again, how many pounds are weighed today, is it still five-spice?" After greeting a guest, Chen Qiannan greeted the next guest quickly.

Compared with the first few days of arrival, the proficiency is not too warm.

Chen Xu clasped his arms and looked at his four sisters with interest.

She was learning faster than he thought.

Especially after coming to this Rongcheng, the ability to adapt is very strong, and I began to learn to dress up, and in just half a month, I look a lot more beautiful than in Fujitou Village, and the people are also motivated and cheerful, continue to develop like this, a proper strong woman in the future.

Isn't this much better than following Zhang Qiang's beast?

However, Chen Xu was also a little puzzled, why is Liu Dajin so good, his four sisters seem to be unaccustomed to looking at each other?

Not only Chen Xu felt so, but even Liu Dajin himself was at a loss.

Tonight's dinner, no exceptions.

Liu Dajin came over to rub the rice again.

A table of people sat down, Liu Dajin looked at a table of hearty meals, especially the plate of fragrant chicken stewed mushroom soup, inhaled two mouthfuls of aroma, just moved the chopsticks, got up and prepared to fight to taste.

However, before he could reach over, a pair of somewhat rough hands picked up the soup spoon in the basin, brought a large bowl, scooped a large bowl full of chicken and soup, and put it in front of Ye Qingyu under Liu Dajin's slightly confused sight.

"Whisper, you have a body now, this is more supplemental, drink more."

After Chen Qiannan finished speaking, he took another big sea bowl, filled a full bowl, and put it in front of Xiaoyuer, "You are also a fish, you are growing your body, eat more." "

Two large bowls at once, a pot of chicken stewed mushrooms is directly reduced by two-thirds, what chicken legs and chicken wings slightly better meat has been scooped clean.

Liu Dajin: "..."

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