Chen Yindi heard Chen Qiannan's greeting, her face showed a smile, her eyes scanned the small store, did not see Chen Xu's figure, and asked, "Chen Xu is not in the store today?"

Jiang Qingguo on the side smiled heartily, and immediately replied, "No, go to the magic capital." Hearing

that Chen Xu actually went to the magic capital, Chen Yindi was even more interested, and immediately raised her feet into the store, and did not treat herself as an outsider, found a Eight Immortals table to sit down, poured himself a bowl of tea to quench his thirst, and then asked the two, "What is he doing in the magic capital?" "

Chen Qiannan and Jiang Qingguo don't know the habits of these three cousins.

Hearing her inquire about Chen Xu, the two were silent in tacit understanding.

"Where do we know this, you can ask when he comes back in a few days." Chen Qiannan simply coped with it, and continued to busy greeting the guests.

"Third sister, you sit down first, don't mind when we are busy and greet you." Jiang Qingguo also coped, and was ready to return to Guanyuan Village to transport melon seeds again.

Although he also doesn't like his wife's sister, but it is always his sister-in-law, there is this layer of kinship, even if this person is not welcome, out of etiquette, he still has to greet.

Seeing that the two were obviously unwilling to tell her more about Chen Xu, Chen Yindi responded with a smile, "Who mind, you are busy, don't delay the work of the two of you because of me." The

words were generous, but there was an unconcealable contempt in his eyes, thinking that he was not working for Chen Xu here? Do these two really think of themselves as loyal dogs?

Of course, Chen Yindi didn't plan to leave so quickly, anyway, Chen Xu was not here, and no one would pick her up.

Since resigning from the supply and marketing cooperative, she has pondered a lot of money-making business, but for various reasons, she feels that it is not suitable.

Before coming over today, she heard that Chen Xu's thousands of miles of melon seeds were very popular in Rongcheng, and she wondered if she should also open one.

Anyway, Rongcheng is so big, Chen Xu's family will definitely not be able to eat thousands of miles of melon seeds.

However, what surprised Chen Yindi was that today I came along the street and saw many dried fruit and melon seed shops being renovated.

If she follows along, I am afraid that the competition will be too strong.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little resentful about her cousin.

If it weren't for the fact that Chen Xugan was self-employed and brought a wave of self-employed people to the Rongcheng newspaper, how could this Rongcheng be full of self-employed people who decorated shops now!

Her competition has invisibly become bigger!

But if Chen Xu had a little conscience, he knew that taking her to Rongcheng to do business would not make her look like a headless fly now.

The more Chen Yindi thought about it, the more she felt panic.


A figure suddenly came from the direction of the kitchen, drawing her attention.

Today Liu Dajin is going to visit old man Zheng Tianlun, and he specially cleaned up and sorted it out.

A hair combed to the back of the head, a shaved beard, changed into a pair of suit pants with a shirt and leather jacket, and wore a plum blossom hand watch on his hand, the whole person's temperament is almost the same as yesterday.

Chen Yindi saw the person coming, especially the plum blossom brand watch in the other party's hand, her eyes brightened, and she could see at a glance that this man was a rich man.

At the same time, she also had some doubts, why did this man come to Chen Xu's melon seed shop?

Liu Dajin is new today, but in Chen Qiannan's eyes, he is just a lazy man dressed like a dog.

As soon as she finished greeting a guest, she saw Liu Dajin who was entering the melon seed shop at a glance, and his attitude was neither cold nor hot, and said to him, "Chen Xu has already gone out, what are you doing here?" "

She still remembers that this big slacker said yesterday that she took Xiaoyuer to watch TV."

Liu Dajin originally wanted to come over and rub a breakfast, but when he saw the attitude of this tiger lady, he knew that there was no drama, and replied stiffly, "It's okay, I just want to come and see Xiaoyuer."

Although he misunderstood Chen Qiannan to play Xiaoyuer yesterday, he was somewhat embarrassed, but when he saw Chen Qiannan's unwelcoming attitude towards him, he was also a little uncomfortable.

"Xiao Yuer went out to play with the sister opposite."

Chen Qiannan responded simply and continued to busy.

It was Chen Yindi, who could hear that this man was Chen Xu's friend in three or two sentences, and immediately got up from the stool and said with a smile, "Oh, this big brother, sit down quickly."

Liu Dajin originally thought that this woman was a customer in the store, but when he heard Chen Yindi's sudden greeting, he was a little stunned.

Chen Yindi hurriedly opened her mouth to introduce herself, "Ah, I am Chen Xu's third cousin, come and see him today, you are Chen Xu's friend, right?"

While Chen Yindi spoke, she quietly looked at Liu Dajin from top to bottom, and was 100% sure that Chen Xu's friend was definitely a rich man.

Only Chen Qiannan's stupid person has no eyes, what kind of attitude does it have towards people!

Liu Dajin listened to Chen Yindi's introduction before reacting.

Especially seeing that this person was enthusiastic and easygoing, he was simply different from Chen Qiannan, and immediately greeted with a smile, "Ah, I really haven't seen it, third cousin, you look younger than your sister!"

Chen Qiannan, who was beating melon seeds for the guests, trembled slightly with his hand holding the enamel jar.

Listen, this big slacker is talking about people?

Chen Yindi closed her mouth with a smile and said, "Alas, old la, old la, it will be 30 in May this year!"

Liu Dajin grinned, "Then I have to call you sister, I will only turn 30 in July."

Liu Dajin is also a talkative, plus the particularly "warm and easygoing" Chen Yindi, in just one or two minutes, the two became warm.

However, Liu Dajin was still busy going to Zheng Tianlun, and after a few simple greetings, he was ready to go back to change a pair of shoes and visit Zheng Tianlun's old man's house.

Chen Yindi knew that this man was a local in Rongcheng who sold the house to Chen Xu, especially if he lived next door, and he was a little more enthusiastic and followed people into the kitchen.

"Then did you have breakfast, do you want me to cook some noodles for you?"

Liu Dajin only felt that Chen Xu's three cousins were really good, and said with a smile, "No need, I'll go out and eat something casually later."

He knew that Chen Xu had a good relationship with his family relatives, and now he was not guarded against Chen Xu's third cousin.

In particular, the person is still enthusiastic, and his temperament is not much better than his fourth cousin.

Chen Yindi originally wanted to inquire about Chen Xu's recent situation today, Chen Qiannan and Jiang Qingguo did not get along much, this time they were close to Liu Dajin, and said casually, "Oh, look at you, all of you are so busy, I don't know what Chen Xu this kid has been doing recently, so busy that I can't see anyone, I finally came to Rongcheng, he will go to the magic capital." Liu

Dajin saw Chen Yindi's regretful face, and comforted with a smile, "Sister, Chen Xu is really busy, not only to go to the magic capital to trade the house, but also to be busy-"

As soon as Liu Dajin was halfway through speaking, a murderous gaze looked towards him from the direction of the kitchen door, making him subconsciously close his mouth, and at the same time a strange touch of strangeness arose in his heart.

It seems that this Chen Qiannan doesn't want him to tell the third sister about Chen Xu?

Liu Dajin's mind also turned quickly, realizing that he might have offended Chen Qiannan by saying something he shouldn't have said, and he didn't want to continue to stay, so he hurriedly said to Chen Yindi, "Sister, don't say it, I have to go, I'll talk again when I have time." After

that, he quickly slipped away, leaving Chen Yindi with a shocked and confused face.

She even wondered if something was wrong with her ears.

Chen Xu actually bought a house in the magic capital?


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