The wood carving market in Modu is indeed in short supply, and if Hexing can make products that meet the requirements, it is no problem to help with processing.

However, Chen Xu's words are all about letting him pull strings, what is it about him to make money?

Liu Sanshun is only a workshop management, flexible in arranging work, you say to do business to make money, not to say a little thorough, he can't understand it at all.

He looked at Chen Xu with a embarrassed look and asked, "You mean to let me help pull the strings, how can I make money?" Although

it is a factory run by his eldest nephew, he is not very happy to prostitute him.

Chen Xu got a little closer to the man, and said straight to the point, "Uncle, I won't go around in circles with you, this shrine is priced at a unit price of 310 a piece for the magic capital carving factory, the quality assurance is exactly the same, as long as you catch this line, I will give you a 3 yuan commission for each box." "

The price of this shrine, Chen Xu has also understood, is a sky-high price of 350 a piece in Japan.

The cost is less than 10 yuan higher than the wood carving box, and he can earn a large amount of money by selling 310 to the Modu Carving Factory, and the other party can easily earn 40 yuan difference.

In particular, the island country has a large number of orders, casually ordering tens of thousands of sets, even if it is divided into tens of thousands of sets of uneatable orders to his side, the other party is not lying down hundreds of thousands of millions to earn, why not?

And Liu Sanshun's side is the same, a shrine commission is 3 yuan, 10,000 sets is 30,000 yuan.

Just the commission of this shrine, casually receiving an order, can also become a million yuan household, this is not better than those street stalls to do business?

Liu Sanshun heard Chen Xu propose this cooperation project, and as Chen Xu expected, a pair of eyes immediately lit up!

He knew better than Chen Xu about the things in this factory.

Especially this shrine, there are too many orders in Japan, and there are also plans to send out in the factory, but the customers in Japan have too high requirements for this, and they will return it if they are slightly unqualified, resulting in simply not finding a satisfactory delivery object, if Chen Xu can make it here, it is really the best of both worlds!

The most important thing is that the commission that Chen Xu gave him is really too high!

If he can win 10,000 orders, he will directly draw 30,000 yuan commission!

The orders that leaked a finger seam on the side of the magic capital were more than 10,000 orders!

The benefits of that time....

This was something Liu Sanshun never dared to dream of.

"You kid, you still have a way!"

Liu Sanshun slapped his thigh, his face showed excitement, and he exclaimed.

Liu Dajin saw that the second uncle was moved, and he quickly filled the other party's glass with wine, and said, "But it's not the second uncle, if you cooperate, you will envy what self-employed person in the future, a talent like you is a winner in life!"

Chen Xu nodded cooperatively, "Especially if you can hold an iron rice bowl in the magic capital, you can easily earn tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands a year!" It also earns steadily.

Li Mei also quickly got up and said with an exaggerated expression, "Oh, then congratulations to Uncle Sanshun first!" A

group of four people toasted one after another, and Liu Sanshun's whole person was a little fluttering, losing himself in a loud sound and infinite vision of the future.

However, just after toasting, he remembered something again, and his brows furrowed together.

"It's okay to cooperate, but... Can your factory really produce qualified shrines? That little day, it was really almost perverted. Liu

Sanshun was afraid that it would be too early to be happy, and when the time came, he would not be satisfied with the shrine made by Chen Xu, and he would be happy in vain.

"This is not a problem at all, Second Uncle! Aren't you going back for a few days, I'll go and explain to the master in my factory later, let them hurry up and make the shrine, let you bring samples to the magic capital, and cooperate again if you are satisfied! Chen Xu said confidently.

When Liu Sanshun heard Chen Xu say this, a smile appeared on his face again, and he touched a cup with the three, "Then it's decided!"

"Happy cooperation, Second Uncle!" Chen Xu greeted with a smile.

"Hahaha, happy and happy, our family's luck is really good, I met such a smart partner as you."

He was also lucky, if this could really happen, Chen Xu would be his Liu Sanshun's God of Wealth!

After a dinner, the topic was almost dominated by Chen Xu.

Liu Dajin and Li Mei did not interject anything.

However, Chen Xu did not let the two come over to help, especially Li Mei.

It is to bring it over to exercise and exercise, cultivate it early, and when Ye Qingyu is born, he can safely hand over the things in this factory to the two.

However, today, Li Mei's performance is also unexpectedly good, and she will look at her face and look at the situation and stand up and say two words.

She is really not bad in terms of on-the-spot adaptability.

Liu Sanshun also drank happily today, and after eating, he swayed leisurely to say goodbye to Chen Xu and Li Mei under the help of Liu Dajin.

Chen Xu also greeted Li Mei and gave her a human-powered tricycle to send her away.

The matter of the wood carving factory was finally half solved.

However, when this shrine is done, even if Liu San is allowed to take it to the magic capital, it can only be done in secret, saving the wind from leaking again, and people hiding in the shadows can take advantage of it.

On the way home, Chen Xu also remembered what Liu Dajin had told him about Chen Yindi in the past two days.

He probably calculated that it was already the third day, if Chen Yindi really went to Jiangcheng, he should have arrived this morning, right?

Chen Yindi not only arrived, but also completed the transaction within half a day, paid 4,500 yuan for the goods, bought a truck full of camphor wood, greeted the seller, and went back and forth to Rongcheng overnight.

She couldn't wait, she just wanted to hurry up and drive the goods out, return to the book to make a lot of money, and then mock Chen Xu fiercely.

In particular, the thought of Chen Xu's factory now piling up thousands of pieces of camphor wood without orders, her heart was now painful!

It is estimated that in the near future, Chen Xuna and Xing wood carving should also fall.

As soon as Chen Yindi's front foot left, in a wood factory, the man with the bulging money bag grinned

, and said to the people on the side, "I thought that the people over there in Rongcheng were as good as that big man, and I could see that our wood was full of worm eyes, but I didn't expect this mother-in-law to be so stupid, just check one or two of the goods we prepared and give the money to leave."

When the latter heard this, he smiled meaningfully, "Of course, she didn't have the heart to inspect the goods, and before she heard about it, someone praised our lumber mill fiercely." The

man froze for a moment before reacting, only feeling unbelievable.

"So, this woman has a feud with the big man? The big man knows that our wood is all insects and highly recommends it to her?

The latter nodded, "Definitely!" "

After all, there has only been one customer from Rongcheng in the past few years, that is, the big man and his big silver tooth friend a while ago.

They were still wondering why this woman from Rongcheng came to the town and asked for his family's camphor wood, dare to have a feud with the big man.

When the two thought of this, they were afraid for a while.

Fortunately, fortunately, this big man said that they had worms in the wood, and they did not offend.

Otherwise, maybe they will have to plant a heel too.


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