His body stiffened, and he looked back at Ye Wanyu, only to find that the latter's face was slightly red, and his beautiful eyes were staring at him unkindly.

Chen Xu was seen as weak-hearted, paused, then turned slightly sideways, pretended to be innocent and said to the girl, "I, how did I lie to you?" Who

would have thought that a tall man, a man with 10,086 hearts on weekdays, would be seen by his daughter-in-law at this time, and his speech was a little supportive.

Ye Wanyu saw that Chen Xu was still pretending to be stupid, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and gently pinched his waist, "You clearly did it yesterday on purpose..."

She said to the back, thinking of the pitiful appearance of the man in her arms, her face was hot.

This guy, in order to... Rubbing in her arms, he pretended to be pitiful, he didn't know, yesterday she looked so worried.

Chen Xu was pinched by his daughter-in-law, and he was in pain for a while, afraid that Ye Whispering would come again, and quickly sat up from the bed, "Don't take you like this, I was really a little unhappy yesterday, I wanted to lean on it for a while and tell you, you fell asleep first."

Explaining, he quickly reached out and grabbed Ye Qianqianyu's hand, pretending to be disappointed and said, "Okay, okay, if you mind, I won't be like that in the future."

Ye Wanyu originally wanted to teach him a hard lesson, but seeing that Chen Xu seemed to be a little injured, he hurriedly explained out loud, "I didn't say I mind..."

She mainly felt that Chen Xu pretended to be pitiful.

Chen Xu was originally tempted, hearing the girl's words, he looked at the daughter-in-law in front of him, especially the fragrant and soft place that he liked very much, his eyes lit up slightly, and he asked expectantly, "Really don't mind?" Ye Wanyu was originally very well-developed, so that Chen Xu couldn't

put it down.

However, on the first night, the two enjoyed the night unscrupulously.

Since then, it has been a step closer yesterday.

Hearing Ye Wanyu say this at this time, he was inevitably a little excited.

Chen Xu asked so bluntly, Ye Wanyu only felt that his face burned with panic, and he was angry that he lied to her yesterday, and the jade hand punished his face, and said angrily, "You are a lustful bear." "

Scolding with a little bit of shyness is more like flirting.

Chen Xuquan was Ye Whispering acquiescing to his inquiry, and gently pushed the person down to bed.

"That was yesterday the bear didn't get enough of it, and now I want to lean on."

Ye Wanyu saw the man pounce and hurriedly reached out to push.

"No, no, no, you get up, wait for the fish to come and see it!" Chen

Xu grabbed the small hand that was beating randomly on his chest, buckled it back and went to bed, without the slightest intention of stopping, and even whispered to someone, "If you shout louder again, maybe the fish will really come over." "

Of course, with the attribute of this little milk ball that sleeps in bed, it is impossible to come over.

Ye Wanyu was said by Chen Xu, but he stopped being loud from the heart, and scolded in a low voice, "You are a satyr bear!" "

Well, then my satyr bear can't live up to the title that my daughter-in-law gave me." "

..." Ye

Wanyu originally came to teach people a lesson, but she never expected that someone in Chen would intensify her and bully her miserably.


A storm passed.

The business of the Qianlixiang store has returned to its previous stability.

In the next ten days, Mingda did not make any small movements there.

Li Weixin is not a person who drills the horns in terms of making money.

After two rounds with Chen Xu, he also thoroughly realized that he could not seize the nut market of Qianlixiang from Chen Xu in a short time, which would only make him waste energy and money.

He is not a person who will not get by with money, and now he can't kill Thyme for a while and a half, so he will win steadily and have a long-term battle.

Anyway, they have many types of Mingda nuts, and it is not difficult to stabilize the position of the second nut shop in Rongcheng.

After a few days of silence, Li Weixin, who had his own set of business thinking in his head

, also noticed the new project and began to work on it! This project can not only promote the sales of nut shops, but also develop a new way to make money.

In the past few days, Chen Xu has also not been idle, taking Liu Dajin to prepare to expand the store.

He plans to wait for Qianli melon seeds to have 30 branches in Rongcheng, and then use the promotion plan that Liu Dajin thought of before to carry out a wave of activities, which can completely stabilize in Rongcheng, and even hit the next city with a reputation.

Liu Dajin also learned quickly, and even took the initiative to talk about two stores, and his ability to deal with things was much better than before.

Chen Xu was still worried about the matter of cola, and seeing that Liu Dajin could almost be alone, he handed over the expansion of Qianlixiang to him, but the project plan of each store had to be approved by him first, and it was relatively difficult to go wrong.

Liu Dajin was also actively involved, and after following Chen Xu to do business for a month or two, the whole person seemed to be reborn.

This does not mean that he has forgotten his daughter-in-law who has left, but he can now follow his daughter-in-law's last wishes, cheer up, honor his parents, and live with her.

These days, the relationship between Qin Junsheng and Li Mei has also grown by leaps and bounds, and the two seem to have gradually returned to their original love, and even without the previous mustard, they are better than before.

The two got back together, and Zhao Cuifen also went to the Qin family to make trouble twice, but the other party happened to be Zhou Xiulan, who was also not vegetarian, and both times was beaten away by Zhou Xiulan calling relatives and friends, and never made trouble again, the wicked have their own evil grind.

Qin Junsheng was with Li Mei, and naturally did not fall into a good place at home, and was directly driven out of the house by Zhou Xiulan, saying that he would not recognize his son in the future.

Rao is as usual, he also has an iron heart to be with Li Mei, so he simply moved to the courtyard with her, and every day after class, he rode his bicycle to pick Li Mei home.

Although the living conditions are not as good as before, people are much more refreshed.

Today, Chen Xu took advantage of his free time to pinch Li Mei before leaving work, came to the door of the wood carving factory, and "happened" to meet Qin Junsheng, who was coming to pick up Li Mei from work.

Qin Junsheng went through the last time Chen Xu helped Li Mei and him in the store, plus Chen Xu was really good to Li Mei, focusing on cultivating her, and now Qin Junsheng's attitude towards Chen Xu has changed a lot.

At least see that he will politely take the initiative.

The two approached, Qin Junsheng greeted, Chen Xu "smoothly" invited the other party, "Classmate Qin, Li Mei should have a while to leave work, sit in the advanced factory, right?" Qin Junsheng

was not pretentious, and also wanted to take this opportunity to see Li Mei's working environment, and immediately nodded and agreed, "Then disturb."

"You're welcome. The

two walked into the factory gate back and forth, Chen Xu seemed to remember something, and asked Qin Junsheng, "By the way, classmate Qin, your cola tasted good before, I heard that it was produced by your relative's factory, I don't know if you can recruit partners or something?" When Qin

Junsheng heard this, he was obviously a little surprised, turned his head to look at Chen Xu, and asked him, "You want to do this too?"

Yes, I think this cola has a good future, but I don't have a recipe, so I want to go to the Sky Coke base to see if I can cooperate. "

If it was before, Chen Xu said this to Qin Junsheng, Qin Junsheng couldn't have said more to him.

Now the image of Chen Xu has changed slightly, especially Chen Xu has helped him ruthlessly Li Mei, is to break the sky and kindly remind Chen Xu, "It's my relative's factory, but you also know that this cola is not easy to do, I advise you not to take risks."

Chen Xu did not have the slightest intention of giving up, and said with a smile, "Since it is difficult for your relatives to do it now, why don't you help your relatives, and introduce me by the way, let us meet and talk, as for whether the loss is my business."

Qin Junsheng paused and looked sideways at Chen Xu, "You really want to do it?"

He had already advised Chen Xu, this Chen Xu really wanted to be wronged, he didn't care.

His uncle did encounter a problem now, Chen Xu beat him again, snatched his white moonlight, in terms of the weight in his heart, it must be that his uncle was heavier.

Now Chen Xu wanted to jump into his uncle's fire pit, and it was really difficult for him to refuse.


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