Chen Chunlong followed Chen Xu all the way to Vine Tou Street, and when Chen Xu finished unloading the things on the car, before he could lead the horse home, Chen Xu directly called the second uncle back to eat.

Chen Chunlong is in a good mood today, especially when he looks at this nephew, the more he feels good.

Seeing that Chen Xu's invitation was enthusiastic, he agreed, bolted the horse under the plane tree at the entrance of the school, let the acquaintances on the street take a look by the way, and followed Chen Xu home.

The neighbors in this village all knew that the carriage was his.

Except for Chen Xu, no one dared to sell him.


When he returned to Chen Xu's house, Chen Chunlong learned that his nephew was going to invite him to eat rice today!

Chen Chunlong looked at the rice, noodles, twist flowers, soy sauce in glass bottles and other fine grains that Chen Xu picked out from the sack, and his old eyes widened.

"This, I don't know, I thought you were doing New Year goods?" Chen Chunlong said with an exaggerated look at these things that he had only eaten once or twice in his life.

People in this era, especially rural people, can have a good meal.

These fine grains, even if they want to eat, they are difficult to buy without food stamps, today Chen Xu actually bought so much at once! Chen

Xu did not think so, after taking out all the things, he was ready to start busy with dinner, and said at the same time, "When the New Year comes, you must eat more delicious, these are just to improve your life."

Chen Chunlong: "..." Xiao

Yu'er saw that her father was going to start busy, and quickly picked up her little arm and stepped forward, "Chun Chun, Yu'er, help."

Chen Xu grinned, "Yes, wait a while, Dad will teach Yu'er to cook rice."

"Good!" Although I don't know if the rice is good or not, Dad has to teach it, and Xiaoyuer learns.

Chen Chunlong was also embarrassed to wait for food, walked to the stove, and said, "It takes a lot of effort to cook rice, and I will help with it."

Chen Xu didn't see outside, agreed, and the three of them divided their own labor and plunged into the busy cooking dinner.

Rinse the rice and cook on a small stovetop.

Cut shredded potatoes, lean meat, eggplant, tofu, green pepper, green onion, ginger and garlic.

Now that there are conditions, there are many seasonings, and Chen Xu can make dishes more handy.

And the stir-fried dishes must also be fragrant.

After a while, the smell of fragrance wafted from the courtyard of the old-fashioned earthen house.

A gentle breeze hit, wrapped in the scent, wafted into the courtyards of a row of families in Banbian Street.

"My God, whose family ate meat today, so fragrant

!" "It seems to be your Uncle Chen's house, but aren't they still in the field?

"Wow, it's the first time I've smelled such fragrant meat!" Many

children, smelling the smell, quickly went to the house to scoop up half a bowl of noodle rice, make tea, squatted at the door of their yard, and began to eat dinner with this smell.

If it weren't for the direction where the fragrance wafted from near Bully Chen's house, they all hurried to the door to watch to see if they could get a piece of meat.

But if Chen Xu's house is nearby, they don't dare, maybe the tea and rice in the bowl have been snatched away by Chen Bully, and there is no place to cry.

It was dark.

A hearty meal was served.

Sour and spicy shredded potatoes, stir-fried meat with green peppers, minced eggplant, mapo tofu, and a bowl of hot, fragrant white rice.

Since Xiao Yu'er saw this white and large rice out of the pot, her eyes never left the basin containing the rice.

Just after the meal, Chen Guodong and his son each returned home carrying a basket full of potatoes.

Chen Xu also did not be polite with Chen Guodong's family, went out directly, beckoned his grandfather Chen Qingshan to enter the Westinghouse, and the family began to eat.

At the dinner table, except for Chen Xu, the fragrant white rice in the bowl was rare.

Especially the little fish.

After tasting the aroma of rice, she took a big bite of the meat her father gave her while taking a big bite of dry rice.

Rice is eaten with meat, it is simply the most delicious food in the world!"


little guy had bulging cheeks, rice grains stained on the corners of his mouth and nose, and muttered with a satisfied face.

Chen Xu stretched out his hand, rubbed the rice grains on the tip of the little guy's nose, and said with a smile, "If it's delicious, eat more, but pay attention to the hot, otherwise your mouth will be burned, and you can't eat anything delicious."

The little guy quickly exhaled a few hot breaths, for fear that his mouth would be hot, "Good, it can't be hot!" Chen

Qingshan and Chen Chunlong also savored the sweet and delicate rice in their mouths, wrapped in the aroma of meat.


can be said that this meal is the best and most hearty meal they have eaten in most of their lives.

They never expected that the most hearty and delicious meal they had eaten in their lives was actually made for them by Chen Xu earning money! Chen Xu

ate noodle rice and coarse grains in his throat for a few days during this time, and he tossed and turned so much, and now looking at the white rice that he felt most ordinary in his previous life, it was also tempting and fragrant.

While greeting the elderly and children to eat dishes, he also ate meat and dried rice, and ate several large bowls of rice.

It's even more delicious than the meticulous meal prepared by the five-star chef in the previous life.

Compared to Westinghouse, where a person eats a mouth full of oil.

On the East House side, the atmosphere can be described as frozen to the extreme.

In the bowl for three is a potato stewed noodle rice leftover from noon, and on the table is clear water green beans dipped in chili water, plus a stir-fried cabbage.

In the past, these were things that the two fathers and daughters on the Westinghouse side could not eat for a few days.

And now, they can only eat a few more bites of food just by the smell of meat wafting from the Westinghouse.

Zhang Qiang squatted on the threshold of the East House, sniffed the smell of meat on the West House side fiercely, and shaved down a few large mouthfuls of rice.

When he rushed to the gathering, he went to the street to sell the two baskets of August melons, and he also went to the town to weigh some meat, and secretly fried it alone to eat.

Zhang Qiang couldn't help but wonder a little.

Chen Xu, a stupid brute, went to the town to sell chestnuts, and seemed to make a lot of money.

If it weren't for Chen Guodong's busy field in the past two days, there were still many acres of potatoes to dig, seeing that he was very dead and couldn't leave, he would have gone back to the town to inquire.


The next day.

The sky was just shining.

Chen Xu took Xiaoyuer again, set up a carriage, went to Longjing Village to collect chestnuts, and before Wenxing Middle School's morning self-study, came to the side of the wonton shop, greeted the two old people in the store, and set up a stall to fry chestnuts.

The chestnuts are not yet ripe, and the students who bought them from him yesterday have already lined up to buy them.

Many women in the town who are dressed slightly more fashionably also come in pairs to buy fried chestnuts for the night.

Although the boss who sold the chestnuts looked fierce, he couldn't stop the chestnuts he fried from being delicious!

As soon as the hot chestnuts came out of the pot, the sub-tickets, horn tickets and even yuan tickets were handed to Chen Xu.

"Boss, bring me

a pound!" "I also want a pound

!" "Okay, I'll load it for you right away!"

Chen Xu took the money with a smile, and immediately beckoned the little helpers on the side to pack it together, and the father and daughter were very busy.

Even occasionally I can't get busy, and the old lady on the side has to step forward to help.

A few breakfast restaurants on the side, looking at the hot scene in front of Chen Xu's stall, one by one

, their eyes were green with envy and jealousy! Even one or two bosses began to ponder that they would also go to the surrounding villages to buy chestnuts, and then sell fried chestnuts.

After all, this fried chestnut looks too profitable.


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