Chen Xu knew that Zhang Qiang was going to come and sell chestnuts with the trend, but he didn't expect that the other party would so blatantly reduce the price to rob him of business.

However, his business also needs them to have the strength to snatch it.

The heat and skill of this fried chestnut is not something that can be mastered by a few glances.

In particular, the raw materials of his chestnut, Luo Chenglu brothers have been processed in advance, so even if they are not fried, it will be very sweet.


few women who wanted to take advantage of the fire and robbery did not expect that Chen Xu would refuse so decisively, and some could not, and turned around one after another and went to Zhang Qiang's side to buy chestnuts.

The owner of the fritters shop saw the customers coming over and shouted harder.

Many people listened to the price of two cents and a pound, and they were really moved, and they also went to the door of the fritters shop one after another.

All of a sudden, there were more than half of the guests on Chen Xu's side.

Of course, there are also many loyal customers who choose to continue to buy on Chen Xu's side, especially the students of Wenxing Middle School.

After getting along in the past few days, they are almost familiar with Chen Xu.

Now it can be seen that someone deliberately robbed Chen Xu's business, although there was not much pocket money in his pocket, he also actively paid for it one by one.

Chen Xu greeted with a smile, and almost every student would be equipped with a few more chestnuts.

Xiao Yu'er was even more screaming like a brother and a sister on the side, and many girls' hearts were melted.

At the same time, the second elder of the wonton shop did not sit dryly, boiled tea, took medicine, poured some tea, and Su Qinglian greeted the students.

"But everyone who buys fried chestnuts from our Xiao Chen's side, our wonton shop provides free tea, and it is more fragrant to eat, so come and sit down." As soon as

the students took the hot chestnut, they heard the second elder's greeting, and one after another went to the wonton shop to drink tea and eat chestnuts.

Chen Xu looked at the second elder who helped greet him, his heart moved slightly, and while continuing to greet the guests, he also decided that this year's New Year, he must choose some gifts and supplements for the second elder to give them.

Chen Xu's side was peaceful.

On Zhang Qiang's side, many customers bought chestnuts, peeled them off and threw them into their mouths, and the look on their faces had collapsed.

Although this chestnut is big, it has almost no sweetness and is not sticky!

But after eating the chestnuts of Chen Xu's family for so many days.

Their mouths have long been raised.

Eating a bite of chestnut will unconsciously compare with Chen Xu's fried, whether this chestnut is taste or sweetness, it is simply incomparable!

The fat woman who took the lead before ate one and was no longer interested, and was embarrassed to go to Chen Xu to buy it again, so she could only black face and complain to the owner of the fritters shop, "You chestnut, it's hard to eat to death!"

After speaking, he held the chestnut in his hand and left hummingly.

The other people regretted it very much!

They bought Zhang Qiang's chestnuts cheaply, and now they are embarrassed to go to Chen Xu's stall immediately, and they can only leave one by one with black faces.

Many guests who came to line up at the back saw the reaction of several people, and quickly broke away from the queue and turned around to buy Chen Xu's house.

"Boss, give me a pound, I'd better buy your family's, your fried aroma is relatively fragrant."

"I also want a pound, I still think Boss Chen's house is delicious." In

less than half an hour, Chen Xu's stall returned to its previous liveliness.

Zhang Qiang had just sold more than a dozen chestnuts, and before he had time to be happy, the guests at the door ran away a lot in an instant!

The two looked at the scene of Chen Xu's explosion again, and jumped to their feet in a hurry.

After some discussion, he quickly shouted and lowered the price by another 5 cents.


Although the quality and taste of Chen Xu's fried chestnut retained many customers, Zhang Qiang still pulled away many customers at a low price.

Chen Xu's business today has also been affected.

It wasn't until five o'clock in the afternoon that the stall was sold for 120 pounds.

Zhang Qiang earned a few bucks here, and he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

The 60 pounds of chestnuts brought with me were also sold out early.

After closing the stall, I quickly pedaled my bike home to prepare the chestnut.

Before leaving, in the absolute confidence that Chen Xu could not hit his distance, he glanced at Chen Xu quite defiantly, and then stepped on the pedal and left as if fleeing.


It was past seven o'clock in the evening.

When Chen Xu returned home with Xiao Yuer.

Zhang Qiang, who had returned home a long time ago, was following Chen Qian's father and daughter to paddle chestnuts in the yard.

Chen Qingshan sat on the doorstep smoking a dry cigarette.

Seeing Chen Xu come back, he said hello.

Chen Guodong also had a smile on his face today, hearing Chen Qingshan greeting Chen Xu, he threw the chestnut in his hand into the basket, and said with a smile, "Zhang Qiang is good today, he sold more than sixty pounds of chestnuts, and if the technology is improved in the future, he can sell more."

Chen Qiannan glanced at Chen Xu's father and daughter, deliberately raised the volume, and said with a smile, "In the future, Zhang Qiang, you will only fry chestnuts and sell them, sell more, buy chestnuts and scratches, and hand them over to me and my father!"

Zhang Qiang also smiled and closed his mouth, "That's for sure, it is estimated that selling a hundred catties tomorrow will not be a problem."

Chen Xu looked at the three people who sang a harmony, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He walked to the door of the Westinghouse, put down the things in his hand and the little fish, only then took out a few yuan tickets from his pocket, walked to Chen Qingshan's side, and said, "Master, I will give you this five yuan, and yesterday you folded fifty or sixty triangular bags for me as your labor expenses."

Chen Qingshan was holding the dry cigarette in his mouth, listening to the words of his eldest grandson, he was suddenly stunned.

Fifty triangular bags, just give 5 large pieces directly?!

Without waiting for him to react, Chen Xu stuffed the money into his arms and took Xiaoyuer into the Westinghouse.

The corners of Chen Qingshan's mouth twitched slightly, reached out and picked up the money in his arms, and only reacted for a moment and turned around.

At this time, Chen Guodong and Chen Qiannan, who were scratching chestnuts, had stopped moving in their hands.

Chen Qiannan raised his head and looked at Zhang Qiang, his face was obviously dissatisfied, "Ye folded a few triangular bags for Chen Xu, he gave 5 yuan! My father and I worked hard to give you chestnuts and collect chestnuts, and you only give 8 Mao per person a day?" Although

Chen Guodong did not open his mouth, he was not a taste in his heart!

When Zhang Qiang heard Chen Qiannan's words, he was also unhappy in an instant, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he retorted, "If it weren't for my bicycle, my relative's shop, I would have fried, would you be able to earn 8 cents a day doing farm work?

Chen Qiannan said angrily, threw down the scissors and got up to leave.

Chen Guodong was originally just a little unhappy in his heart, hearing Zhang Qiang's words, how could he still do it!

As soon as his daughter's front foot left, he also got up with a black face and raised his foot into the house.

Zhang Qiang: "????"

Chen Qingshan looked at this scene and squeezed the 5 yuan in his hand, he couldn't laugh or cry.

This ancestor of the Chen family has shown great spirits.

His eldest grandson is not only not stupid, but also a personal essence.

This hand "sowing discord", even his old man who has lived for decades is ashamed of himself.


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